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Neighbours Episode 0721 from 1988 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0720 - 0722>>
Episode title: 0721
Australian airdate: 06/05/88
UK airdate: 14/08/89
UK Gold: 04/08/95
Guests: Sally Wells - Rowena Mohr
Malcolm Clarke - Noel Trevarthen
Melanie Pearson – Lucinda Cowden
Summary/Images by: Donna (glittergal)/Graham
Des is stunned and thanks his Dad for the offer. Mike and Sally think it's a great idea and Sally wants to go to Europe with Des. Des thanks them all but says he can't drop everything and go overseas, besides what about Jamie. Sally says they could get a ticket for Jamie but Des is still unconvinced, he can't go.
The next morning and Mike is still trying to convince Des to go to Europe. Des is worried about Eileen, Jamie and his job. He tells Mike he trusts him to look after Jamie and Eileen but right now they need Des. Des says it won't do any good to go away as when he comes back nothing will have changed, Daphne won't be there waiting for him.
Helen is working on Madge's wedding cake when Jim arrives, having just dropped Lucy off at Arlingwood. Jim is upset because it's become knowledge that he has no job and that his wife is supporting him. Helen tells Jim he should stop being so 'high and mighty' and thank Paul for trying to help. Helen tells Jim about Mrs Mangel's interference in the wedding.
The Office
Clipboard in hand Mrs Mangel is sorting out the wedding arrangements. She wants Mike to give her a list of every photograph he is planning to take. Mike leaves as Paul arrives. He watches as Mrs Mangel cancels half the champagne order and swaps it for soft drinks!
The Coffee Shop
Whilst Harold is in the kitchen Mrs Mangel arrives and tells Mike everyone should be grateful that she has stepped into help with the wedding; otherwise the whole thing would be a shambles. Harold tells Mrs Mangel about Malcolm's quiz show win. He tells Mrs Mangel that Des has the chance to go to Europe and she says she will reassure Des and tell him that she will take care of Eileen!
Helen is feeding Jamie whilst Mrs Mangel runs through her wedding preferences. Mrs Mangel wants the food spread to be vegetarian. Helen says they can't do that, as Madge isn't a vegetarian. However Mrs Mangel says they can't expect Harold to eat meat at the wedding and Helen backs down. Mrs Mangel leaves Helen with an assessment sheet! A little incentive for everyone to see who is doing the best work. Helen is irate and calls Paul at the office, she tells him to find some extra work for Mrs Mangel so she can't interfere with the wedding.
The Office
Jim arrives and is making small talk about the wedding. He apologises to Paul about his reaction to the job interview he set up. Paul says there will be a job for him soon and it will be nothing to do with anything he's set up.
The Coffee Shop
Des arrives to find Mike, Sally, Malcolm and Melanie planning the Europe trip. He tells them he hasn't changed his mind and they say it's fine - Sally and Malcolm are going together. Des suggests they take Eileen in his place.
The Office
Paul has overloaded Mrs Mangel with work. She says with all this work she won't have time to organise Madge and Harold's wedding. Paul says he's sorry but the work can't wait. Mrs Mangel realises the plan has been cooked up and tells him that she will tell Harold about the secret wedding plans. Paul says if she reveals the secret to Harold, it will be a black mark against her name, as the business needs loyal employees.
Helen has brought Jamie back and Des tells her about Malcolm's spare ticket. He says if Malcolm doesn't take Eileen after everything he put her through then he doesn't want to know him.
Mrs Mangel
Malcolm arrives and wants Mrs Mangel's help to convince Eileen to go to Europe with him. Mrs Mangel is reluctant but Malcolm says it may be the only chance Eileen has to go overseas and pleas for her help.
Des, Mike and Sally are having dinner. Malcolm hasn't arrived and Des is sure it's because he's decided not to give the ticket to Eileen. Sally voices her own reservations about travelling with Eileen but says she'll do it if Eileen agrees. Malcolm arrives and says Mrs Mangel talked Eileen into taking the ticket; she will go to Europe with Sally. Malcolm tells Des he did it for him, as he doesn't want to lose him.
<<0720 - 0722>>
Des Clarke, Mike Young, Sally Wells in Neighbours Episode 0721
Des Clarke, Mike Young, Sally Wells

Malcolm Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0721
Malcolm Clarke

Des Clarke, Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 0721
Des Clarke, Mike Young

Jim Robinson, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0721
Jim Robinson, Helen Daniels

Nell Mangel, Paul Robinson, Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 0721
Nell Mangel, Paul Robinson, Mike Young

Nell Mangel, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 0721
Nell Mangel, Harold Bishop

Helen Daniels, Jamie Clarke, Nell Mangel in Neighbours Episode 0721
Helen Daniels, Jamie Clarke, Nell Mangel

Paul Robinson, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0721
Paul Robinson, Jim Robinson

Malcolm Clarke, Sally Wells, Des Clarke, Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 0721
Malcolm Clarke, Sally Wells, Des Clarke, Melanie Pearson

Paul Robinson, Nell Mangel in Neighbours Episode 0721
Paul Robinson, Nell Mangel

Des Clarke, Jamie Clarke, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0721
Des Clarke, Jamie Clarke, Helen Daniels

Nell Mangel, Malcolm Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0721
Nell Mangel, Malcolm Clarke

Des Clarke, Sally Wells in Neighbours Episode 0721
Des Clarke, Sally Wells

Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 0721
Mike Young

Des Clarke, Malcolm Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0721
Des Clarke, Malcolm Clarke

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