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Neighbours Episode 0702 from 1988 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0701 - 0703>>
Episode title: 0702
Australian airdate: 12/04/88
UK airdate: 19/07/89
UK Gold: 11/07/95
Guests: Tony Romeo - Nick Carrafa
Summary/Images by: Donna (glittergal)/Graham
Des explains to Madge that the guy was Summers and Des is sure Mike wouldn't lie. Madge tells Des to go to the police station and relay what Mike told him last night. As Des leaves Jane arrives and Madge has to tell her about Mike.
The Office
Paul is in a strop because Gail completed the anagram puzzle he was doing in the paper. Jane calls Paul and tells him that she will be late; she says Mike's in trouble and tells him she'll explain later. Meanwhile a huge bouquet of flowers arrives for Jane.
Tony is still going on about Jane and tells Charlene not to use the phone as he is expecting a call from Jane. Charlene tells him Jane is only interested in Mike. Tony tells her that will change when Jane gets his note and flowers.
Madge collects Des' mail and is glad she checked it before Des did as there is a letter from the funeral directors. A local company is offering a service where people plan their own funerals to save their loved ones from the pain. Jane thinks it's a terrible idea but Madge says it's practical and she and Harold have already started thinking about it.
Des arrives home and says Mike is still at the station. He's going to be charged with GBH and is awaiting bail.
Mike arrives home after Des pays the bail money. Des asks Mike if he hit Summers. Mike says he didn't and Des accepts what he says. Madge tells Mike that Jane has gone to work but informs him that she was terribly upset.
Tony is in a bad mood because Jane hasn't called him yet. Charlene asks why Jane should believe what was in his note considering just a few months ago it were Sally he was in love with. Tony gets angry and says that won't be the case.
The Office
Mike and Jane embrace and he tells her that this morning at the station all he wanted was for her to be there. He says he realises that means he loves her.
Paul gives Mike the name of his lawyer and he and Mike depart.
Gail brings out the bouquet and Jane thanks her for taking them of her desk. Gail Says Mike has enough to worry about without adding Tony to the mix. Jane shows Gail the letter in which Tony says he loves Jane.
Paul is talking Charlene through the repairs his car needs. Tony asks Paul if Jane was at work. Paul tells him she was and that he got his flowers. Tony is annoyed that Paul knew the flowers were from him.
The Office
Tony arrives and lays into Jane. He calls her a tease and a flirt. He says she knew how he felt about her and yet continued to take part in the dance competition. Gail arrives and tells Tony to leave.
Tony tells Charlene he feels like and idiot. He says Jane looked scared of him and that has upset him. He says he may leave Erinsborough and Charlene says he can't because she'd miss her. Tony realises she'd only miss her apprenticeship.
The Office
Gail is on the phone to Paul telling him what happened with Jane and Tony. He asks if she should come back to the office but she assures him they are fine. Jane tells Gail Tony was partly right when he called her a tease. She says she should never have agreed to be his dance partner when she knew how he felt about him. She admits she liked the attention and was flattered that Tony liked her. Jane says she feels guilty that whilst all this was going on she neglected Mike when he needed her most. Jane starts to cry and Gail hugs her.
Madge is looking after Jamie and has finished filling in the form for her funeral arrangements! She tells Jamie this form ensures that Harold won't be left coping with stress if she were to suddenly drop dead!
Des arrives back home and sees Madge's form. He tells Madge not to worry as he's already seen it. Eileen took one of the forms into hospital with her and spent days deciding what wood to have her coffin made in! Des thanks Madge for looking after Jamie and assures him that between she, Helen and Sally they will cope with caring for Jamie.
Ramsay Street
Regan is waiting for Mike. Some bloke from the pub beat up Summers and they decided to let Mike take the credit. Regan tries to coax him into hitting him but Mike holds himself back.
Clarkes Front yard
Des takes Jamie outside and witnesses Regan pushing Mike. Regan tells Des he saw everything that happened with Mike and Summers. Des tells Regan to leave before he starts dishing out some justice of his own. He introduces Regan to Jamie and tells him that thanks to him he'll grow up without a mother.
<<0701 - 0703>>
Madge Ramsay, Jane Harris, Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0702
Madge Ramsay, Jane Harris, Des Clarke

Gail Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0702
Gail Robinson, Paul Robinson

Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 0702
Jane Harris

Charlene Robinson, Tony Romeo in Neighbours Episode 0702
Charlene Robinson, Tony Romeo

Madge Ramsay, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 0702
Madge Ramsay, Jane Harris

Madge Ramsay, Mike Young, Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0702
Madge Ramsay, Mike Young, Des Clarke

Jamie Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0702
Jamie Clarke

Tony Romeo, Charlene Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0702
Tony Romeo, Charlene Robinson

Jane Harris, Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 0702
Jane Harris, Mike Young

Charlene Robinson, Paul Robinson, Tony Romeo in Neighbours Episode 0702
Charlene Robinson, Paul Robinson, Tony Romeo

Jane Harris, Tony Romeo in Neighbours Episode 0702
Jane Harris, Tony Romeo

Tony Romeo, Charlene Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0702
Tony Romeo, Charlene Robinson

Jane Harris, Gail Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0702
Jane Harris, Gail Robinson

Madge Ramsay, Des Clarke, Jamie Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0702
Madge Ramsay, Des Clarke, Jamie Clarke

Ted Regan, Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 0702
Ted Regan, Mike Young

Ted Regan, Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 0702
Ted Regan, Mike Young

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