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Neighbours Episode 0696 from 1988 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0695 - 0697>>
Episode title: 0696
Australian airdate: 04/04/88
UK airdate: 11/07/89
UK Gold: 03/07/95
Guests: Lou Carpenter – Tom Oliver
Summary/Images by: Donna (glittergal)/Graham
Lou doesn't seem too threatened by Harold's karate moves. But Harold is in full Jackie Chan mode and continues to throw some shapes. Lou mocks Harold and walks out of the pub leaving Harold to confess to Madge that his karate moves are all an act.
Outside the Waterhole
Harold and Madge go outside to find Lou rolling up his sleeves ready for a fight. Madge tries to pull the pair of them apart but when Lou continues to mock Harold he knocks him to the floor! Gail and Mrs Mangel arrive and are shocked by what they have seen. Madge tells Harold to go away, whilst Gail leads Lou into the pub.
Lou is playing the brave soldier whilst Madge and Gail fuss over him. Gail is confused about what has happened and Lou says he has no idea why Harold knocked him out!
Beverly arrives home to find Helen cooking dinner. She's grateful for the help, as she's been at the hospital all day. Todd is planning a night out with Emma fuelling Katie's jealousy. Todd tells her he deserves some time on his own as he is always looking after Katie.
Mrs Mangels
Harold is in pain and Mrs Mangel is giving no sympathy. She refuses to look at Harold's hands as they are now the hands of a 'common hooligan'! However she eventually gives in and blames everything on Madge. Harold explains that the fight happened because he was reminded of all the terrible years he spent being bullied by Lou at school.
The Office
Madge storms into the office in a panic apologising for what happened with Harold and Lou. Paul has no idea what has happened so Madge explains. Paul finds it hard to comprehend that Harold knocked Lou out but when he gets his head around it he's not a happy man. Madge insists it's not her fault
Madge: If I know Lou and if I know Gail, by now she's probably got him eating out of her hands.
Gail is tending to Lou and doing a good job of easing his pain. Madge arrives and reprimands Lou for acting like a fool. She insists that she wants nothing to do with him or Harold. Gail takes the opportunity to talk business with Lou and tells him she has an idea, which will bring the Daniels Corporation and Carpenters Cars together.
Katie is throwing a tantrum and tells Beverly that Todd has changed. Beverly promises her that the following day they can take her out for the day. Helen makes a comment about raising children and Beverly takes it personally, she thinks (rightly so) that Jim has been discussing her need for a baby with Helen. Helen tells her she meant nothing by the comment and tells her she will not be taking sides with she or Jim. They have to sort the baby issue out for themselves.
The Office
Gail brings Lou back to the office and Paul apologises to him for what Harold did. Lou holds no hard feelings and is keen to talk business. Lou tells Paul he has a great asset in Gail.
Madge is telling Charlene what happened at the pub. Charlene thinks it's romantic having both Harold and Lou fight over her. Whilst going through the washing Madge finds $50 in Charlene's overalls and is shocked when Charlene tells her it came from Lou.
The Office
Lou leaves the office and Gail demands Paul accepts defeat; she has won the bet. He tells her it's not over yet as Lou hasn't signed any contacts. Paul admits it looks good but seeing as he did half the work he thinks they should call things a draw. Gail agrees and they shake on it.
Charlene tells Madge she only had lunch with Lou because she likes him. She didn't expect to be cross-examined and wasn't trying to interfere. Madge is keen to drop the subject but Charlene says Harold is in the wrong for keeping Madge dangling, he even knows that himself. Madge asks what she means and Charlene shows her the 'Dear Georgette' letter. Madge is shocked and wonders what Harold would think if he read it. Charlene says he has read it - he's Georgette.
Katie has finished reading a book to Beverly. She asks Todd to listen to her but he says he's too busy. Beverly takes Tood to one side and explains that he's the only friend Katie has and asks him to be a bit more sensitive of Katie's feelings.
Ramsays Driveway
Harold and Lou arrive armed with flowers - Lou's bouquet is considerably bigger.
Madge declares she no longer wants to see Harold or Lou. Charlene says in that case she should keep her eyes shut as they are both arguing on the driveway.
Ramsay Driveway
Harold and Lou continue to goad each other when Madge and Charlene appear on the balcony. Madge takes her washing bucket and tips the contents all over Harold and Lou. Scott arrives in time to see the commotion and finds it very amusing. Harold feels Madge has made her point but Lou doesn't so Madge tells him next time she'll throw the bucket as well!
<<0695 - 0697>>
Madge Ramsay, Lou Carpenter, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 0696
Madge Ramsay, Lou Carpenter, Harold Bishop

Lou Carpenter, Madge Ramsay, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 0696
Lou Carpenter, Madge Ramsay, Harold Bishop

Lou Carpenter, Nell Mangel in Neighbours Episode 0696
Lou Carpenter, Nell Mangel

Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 0696
Harold Bishop

Lou Carpenter, Gail Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0696
Lou Carpenter, Gail Robinson

Jim Robinson, Todd Landers, Katie Landers in Neighbours Episode 0696
Jim Robinson, Todd Landers, Katie Landers

Helen Daniels, Beverly Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0696
Helen Daniels, Beverly Robinson

Harold Bishop, Nell Mangel in Neighbours Episode 0696
Harold Bishop, Nell Mangel

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0696
Paul Robinson

Madge Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0696
Madge Ramsay

Lou Carpenter, Gail Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0696
Lou Carpenter, Gail Robinson

Katie Landers, Beverly Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0696
Katie Landers, Beverly Robinson

Jim Robinson, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0696
Jim Robinson, Helen Daniels

Gail Robinson, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 0696
Gail Robinson, Lou Carpenter

Madge Ramsay, Charlene Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0696
Madge Ramsay, Charlene Robinson

Paul Robinson, Gail Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0696
Paul Robinson, Gail Robinson

Charlene Robinson, Madge Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0696
Charlene Robinson, Madge Ramsay

Katie Landers, Todd Landers, Beverly Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0696
Katie Landers, Todd Landers, Beverly Robinson

Lou Carpenter, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 0696
Lou Carpenter, Harold Bishop

Charlene Robinson, Madge Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0696
Charlene Robinson, Madge Ramsay

Madge Ramsay, Charlene Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0696
Madge Ramsay, Charlene Robinson

Lou Carpenter, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 0696
Lou Carpenter, Harold Bishop

Madge Ramsay, Charlene Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0696
Madge Ramsay, Charlene Robinson

Lou Carpenter, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 0696
Lou Carpenter, Harold Bishop

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