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Neighbours Episode 0682 from 1988 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0681 - 0683>>
Episode title: 0682
Australian airdate: 15/03/88
UK airdate: 21/06/89
UK Gold: 13/06/95
Guests: Eileen Clarke - Myra De Groot
Sally Wells - Rowena Mohr
Tony Romeo - Nick Carrafa
Summary/Images by: Donna (glittergal)/Graham
Paul arrives and asks if there is any news on Daphne. Beverly tells him she has slipped into a coma. Paul says he should go over there, as 'poor old Clarkey' will be devastated. Katie asks who Clarkey is and Lucy tells her it's Des's nickname. Jim tells Paul he should leave Des alone for a little while and Beverly agree saying he has Gail to think about. Paul says that's why he wants to go over; he knows how he'd feel if it was Gail who was in the coma.
Des tells Eileen this is just Daphne's body telling her she needs to shut down for a while. After her father's illness and the funeral she just needs some time out. Des tells Eileen he will tell Daphne over and over how much she and Jaime love her and want her home. He says he will be there when she opens her eyes.
Ramsay Street
Des is trying to start his car but it won't work. Todd and Katie are playing cricket when the ball lands near Des. Katie runs to get it and tells Des 'It will be alright Clarkey'. His shocked reaction prompts her to apologise but Des tell her she couldn't have said anything nicer.
Des comes back and tells Eileen the car has broken down again. He tells Eileen it doesn't matter now, as he knows Daphne will be ok. Eileen assumes Daphne has come out of her coma but Des tells her what Katie said to him. He says it was a sign; it was Daphne would have said to him.
Outside Lassiters
Tony apologises to Jane and tells her he wants to make up to her. He gives her a box of chocolates and she tells him he has to understand she is going out with Mike. They agree to be friends and he tells her he only started chatting her up in the first place to make Sally jealous. Jane apologises for tipping Chinese over him.
Harold has been watching Jane and Tony as Helen approaches. Her tells Helen he is missing Madge and has had no contact with her since she went to see her parents. He gives Helen his acceptance to Frank Darcy's exhibition. Helen tells him Frank won't be at the exhibition and Harold says that's a pity.
Hospital Grounds
Paul is leading Gail to the car and tells her Jane is taking charge of the office so he can be at home with her. As he opens the door for her she hesitates and tells him she can't get in the car. He's says it's only natural she will be frightened but says the longer she puts it off the harder it will get. He promises he'll drive slowly and will take the side streets. Gail gets into the car but is visibly scared. As she sits down the crash is replayed in her mind.
Tony's in a bad mood and Charlene asks why. She tells him that people who live together can't help but get on each other nerves and assures him Sally didn't mean what she said. He tells Charlene he really likes Jane but she tells him she is happy with Mike and that's the end of it.
Paul & Gail's
Paul is making Gail comfortable on the sofa. She is frustrated because she can't remember the number plate of the car. She tells him she has realised how much they take for granted and how it could have been her in the coma. Paul tells her they have a lot to be grateful for but Gail asks how she'll ever face Des. Paul tells her it's not selfish to be glad the situation isn't reversed. She tells him to remind her lucky she is the next time she complains about something.
Helen's Flat
Lucy visits Helen. She tells her she's been accepted into Arlington College. Lucy says she's not as happy as she thought she would be, as she doesn't want to leave home. She brings Helen her mail and one of the letters is from Frank. Helen is delighted to read he is coming to the exhibition - however she is not happy to hear he is arriving in a few hours.
Lucy tells Jim her news and he tells her he is proud, but sad that she is leaving home. Katie says it's awful news as she and Lucy are friends. Todd congratulates Lucy and says she must be pretty brainy to get into the school! Lucy tells Jim Frank Darcy is on his way and they agree they can't wait to meet him.
Paul & Gail's
Beverly tells Gail the harder she tries to remember the number plate the less likely she is to recall it. Paul tells Gail he is more worried about her welfare then he is about the other car. Beverly suggests hypnosis but Paul says no; he believes a persons sub-conscious should not be disturbed. Gail says she'll think about it.
Paul: I'm not going to have some stranger probing around in my wife's brain
Mrs Mangels
Harold makes more non-subtle hints to Jane about her relationship with Tony. He says he saw she and Tony together and wonders what Mike would have to say. Jane tells him it was totally innocent. Charlene visits and asks Jane what's wrong. Jane tells her about the Tony situation and Charlene tells her not to worry about it - it's Tony's problem.
Helen's Flat
Jim arrives and Helen and makes excuses as to why he's there! Helen soon realises that he's there to see Frank. The phone rings and it's the police - Frank is being held in custody.
<<0681 - 0683>>
Beverly Robinson, Paul Robinson, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0682
Beverly Robinson, Paul Robinson, Jim Robinson

Des Clarke, Eileen Clarke, Jamie Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0682
Des Clarke, Eileen Clarke, Jamie Clarke

Des Clarke, Katie Landers in Neighbours Episode 0682
Des Clarke, Katie Landers

Des Clarke, Eileen Clarke, Jamie Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0682
Des Clarke, Eileen Clarke, Jamie Clarke

Tony Romeo, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 0682
Tony Romeo, Jane Harris

Harold Bishop, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0682
Harold Bishop, Helen Daniels

Gail Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0682
Gail Robinson, Paul Robinson

Gail Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0682
Gail Robinson

Tony Romeo, Charlene Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0682
Tony Romeo, Charlene Robinson

Gail Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0682
Gail Robinson, Paul Robinson

Helen Daniels, Lucy Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0682
Helen Daniels, Lucy Robinson

Jim Robinson, Lucy Robinson, Katie Landers, Todd Landers in Neighbours Episode 0682
Jim Robinson, Lucy Robinson, Katie Landers, Todd Landers

Gail Robinson, Paul Robinson, Beverly Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0682
Gail Robinson, Paul Robinson, Beverly Robinson

Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 0682
Harold Bishop

Jane Harris, Charlene Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0682
Jane Harris, Charlene Robinson

Helen Daniels, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0682
Helen Daniels, Jim Robinson

Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0682
Helen Daniels

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