At Mrs Mangels
Jane is telling Glen about her experiences in New York. He warns her that it isn't a career for life but insists he isn't trying to talk her out of going. Mrs Mangel and Harold return home and are surprised to see Glen there. He shakes hands and makes a hasty retreat leaving them to express their concern. They are worried about his age. Harold - "We all know that a man like that who goes after an innocent young thing like you is only after one thing don't we." Jane, all wide eyed - "No, what do you mean?" Harold is flummoxed and says he just thinks she should be careful.
At (Paul and) Gail's
Glen arrives to see Gail who is still a bit upset, but hiding it. She invites him in.
Beverly has checked Helen and tells Jim and Lucy she will be okay if she has complete rest. She thinks it's a good idea if they don't tell her about Paul and Gail yet. Lucy tries to play matchmaker and invites her to stay for dinner but Beverly has to get home to Stephen.
At the Ramsays
Scott is risking losing his fingers by cuddling up to Charlene as she chops veggies with a very sharp knife. She is still upset at the way Gail spoke to them earlier. Scott reminds her she was just as upset when they split up. Charlene doesn't listen and says she thinks they should try talking to Paul again. Scott sensibly takes the knife off her before telling her the last thing Paul and Gail need is a do-gooder butting into their lives. Charlene reacts by chasing him into the living room with a wooden spoon and giving him a good beating.
At (Paul and) Gails
Gail tells Glen that she and Paul have separated and he replies that he is glad (!) - they were in danger of becoming boring and he's glad they can have a good old fashioned tiff, it's obvious they're crazy about each other. Gail tells him she wishes people would stop saying that - the marriage has been a farce from day one. They are interrupted by Paul at the door, he's come to pick up some of his things. He sees Glen and isn't best pleased. He walks out, saying "I didn't realise you were 'entertaining'" to Gail.
At Mrs Mangel's
Mrs Mangel gives Jane a list of things she should eat and avoid eating in New York! She is very worried about her going. Harold recounts a tale of some old lady from his past who shouted "Keep yourselves nice!" every time her daughters went out. Jane says that's what she'll do in New York, keep herself nice. Mike comes to join the party, he's brought Jane a boomerang brooch that he made himself. He's hoping she'll come back like a boomerang does. He offers to go with her to the airport the next day, then asks if she wants to come and see Scott and Charlene with him? She refuses, obviously still uncomfortable.
At the Ramsays
Scott and Charlene are discussing their future over their romantic dinner for two. Scott says he's going to look for a part time job until his exam results come through and he's confident that he's done well. Charlene moves in to give him a kiss only to be disturbed by Mike at the door. Oblivious to the mood lighting and soft music on the radio Mike eagerly accepts a plate of casserole (what else?) and joins them at the table. He tells them he asked Jane to come over too but she was a bit funny about it. Scott suggests that they go round there later because it's her last night but Charlene isn't keen and says they'll see her in the morning.
At the office
Jim has come to "have a talk" with Paul. He tells him they are going to say nothing to Helen about him and Gail, but he wants to know the real story behind their separation. He thinks Glen might be involved. He tells Paul to go and fight for Gail. Paul retaliates that Jim didn't go and fight for Beverly, plus there's a lot that he doesn't understand. Jim - "I realised that you were stubborn. I didn't realise that you were stupid though." (Thanks dad!)
At Mrs Mangel's
Jane is wearing the most awful pink dressing gown I've ever seen. In comes Mrs Mangel with a matching red one. They sit down and Jane asks her nan if she's sure she'll be alright without her. Mrs Mangel assures her she's only worried for her, and she doesn't think Mike wants her to go either. Jane says she knows Scott and Charlene will be glad. Nell tells her that Charlene's been very unfair to her (obviously forgetting that Jane tried to steal her husband...). Jane says she doesn't blame her, but she wishes things could be the way they used to be. Mrs Mangel cries and says she wishes she wasn't going.
Next morning, on the street
Beverly drives up the street and resists the urge to run over Lucy and Jim who are in the middle of it. They've just been saying goodbye to Jane. Jim goes off to get his car and Lucy apologises to Beverly for interfering yesterday. She tactfully says if Beverly really is happy with Stephen then it's her business (obviously implying she isn't happy). Beverly - "Oh dear, there's the car. What a pity we can't carry on chatting like this. Goodbye Lucy."
At Mrs Mangel's
Harold makes Jane promise to find a nice church in New York. She asks him to look after her nan while she's away. Harold is looking awkward at this emotional good bye but is luckily saved by the doorbell. It's Mike, Scott and Charlene (holding on tightly to her husband's hand!) come to say goodbye. Scott tells her Henry's lent them Bertha to go to the airport and Mike asks if she wants to ride pillion on his big motorbike. Nell is shocked but Jane won't be stopped.
At the office
Gail is hard at work when Paul arrives. He apologises for barging in on her and "Biggles" the night before. She tells him he didn't barge in on anything, and even if he did it's none of his concern.
GAIL: Paul, this isn't going to affect our working relationship is it?
PAIL: Why should it? We're both adults, there's no emotions involved (not much!), as far as I'm concerned we're just ending a business agreement.
On the way to the airport
Mike and Jane are leading the way down a quiet, dirt road. Mrs Mangel is still protesting about her being on a motorbike. As they turn the corner they see the bike lying on it's side and Mike waving his arms around in the middle of the road. The bike has skidded on some loose gravel and Jane looks to be hurt. They all run to her and pull the helmet off her head (rule number one, don't remove the crash helmet...). She reassures them that she's fine as some dodgy, soppy music plays. Charlene strokes her arm and declares that she's her best friend and always will be. She apologises for being so rotten to her and begs her not to go to America. Mrs Mangel joins in and tearfully asks her to stay as Scott and Mike look on, faces full of concern. Jane says she was only going because she thought it was the best thing to do. Luckily the scene ends here because any more corny lines and I'd have had to chuck up over my keyboard.