Outside Mrs Mangel's
Madge is upset about Harold. But she doesn't think Harold will listen to reason and she doesn't blame him. Jane suggests she waits inside, but Madge says she doesn't deserve it - she's lost Harold's respect forever.
Inside Mrs Mangel's
The phone rings and it's Rob. He tells her that Harold shouldn't drive the car any distance - it isn't safe. Mrs Mangel starts to freak - she read it in his tealeaves. And now she can hear a siren.
Rob is beside himself with worry about Harold but trying not to say anything. Just then, they hear the sirens too. Charlene demands to know how bad the brakes were on Harold's car.
ROB: If he keeps the speed down, he'll be alright.
CHARLENE: And if he doesn't?!
Rob says if Harold hits the brakes hard, there's no way they'll hold.
Mrs Mangel's
Jane shows Madge in. Mrs Mangel immediately starts ranting about Harold and tells them she's seem him in the tealeaves with crossed arms(!)
MRS MANGEL: Oh, I wish I'd never dabbled in the supernatural!
Jane tries to calm Mrs Mangel down, and goes to phone the hospital, just in case. Mrs Mangel insists that Harold must be dead(!) because of the tealeaves. Madge smashes the cup.
Mrs Mangel accuses Madge of being jealous of Eileen. Madge says tearfully that despite everything, she and Harold still have feelings for each other.
JANE: Mr Bishop has been admitted to hospital. There *was* an accident.
Madge, Mrs Mangel and Jane run in. They see Beverly and ask her frantically how Harold is. Just then, Harold is wheeled past with his arms crossed and his eyes closed.
MADGE: Oh Harold! I'm so sorry! I'm so dreadfully sorry!
HAROLD:(opening his eyes) Would you all pleased just leave me alone.
Later at the Hospital
Madge, Mrs Mangel and Jane are in the waiting room. Jane goes off to ring Paul - he's in charge of the car yard at the moment.
Apparently Harold has hurt both his arms. Mrs Mangel insists that the tea leaves' prediction was correct.
MRS MANGEL: I now recognise the fearful power of my second sight. Powers which I will never use again. Believe me, Mrs Ramsay, the twiglight zone is a very scary place.
Beverly comes back and tells them that Harold has dislocated both shoulders and broken his left arm. But other than that he will be fine - they're going to keep him in overnight and discharge him in the morning.
Beverly explains that Harold will need a great deal of nursing.
MRS MANGEL: It's our Christian duty. We'll give him all our attention, won't we, Mrs Ramsay?
MADGE: Yes, we certainly will, Mrs Mangel.
BEVERLEY: I told Harold that. For some reason he just...groaned.
The Office
Jane is telling Gail about Harold having a car accident. Gail is shocked. Jane tells Gail it looks quite serious. Gail comments how Harold is usually so careful. Jane says it was probably a mechanical failure. She tells Gail Rob phoned Mrs Mangel to warn Harold not to drive the car.
Gail wants to go to the workshop to find out the full story. She asks Jane not to tell Paul just yet. She wants to talk to her father first, and then they'll fill in Paul. Jane agrees.
Car Workshop
Charlene and Rob are working at the workshop. They haven't heard anything about Harold yet, so they're hoping things will be OK. But Charlene thinks that something has happened to Harold.
Gail shows up, asking her father what he's done to Harold's car. She tells Rob Harold is in hospital, he was badly injured and he could have been killed. Rob looks slightly guilty.
Mrs Mangel's
Mrs Mangel are drawing up plans for the nuring of Harold - they'll swap their shifts at work so one of them is always available, for example.
Eileen comes round - she's heard the news about Harold and looks shattered. She says she'll never forgive herself and goes on about Harold having his legs amputated(!) Eileen looks very relieved. Madge isn't very pleased to see Eileen - she thinks Eileen is responsible for the accident and so does Mrs Mangel. They tell Eileen off for spreading gossip - if she hadn't Harold would never have felt the need to leave Erinsborough!
Mrs Mangel tells Eileen that she'll have to help with the nursing. Eileen says she can't - she's needed at the Coffee Shop. Mrs Mangel and Madge aren't having any of this - they say they're split the work three ways. Madge says they'll have to brush up on doing blanket baths. Eileen and Mrs Mangel look very squeamish(!)
The Office
Jane has told Paul that Harold was injured, without mentioning the car. Paul notices Jane looks edgy. Jane tries to cover, saying she feels self-conscious about the posters hanging around the complex. Paul tells Jane someone called him to ask whether the 'Lassiters' girl could host the Foster Parents benifit. Jane is reluctant. But Paul manages to talk her into it, saying it's for a good cause, she'd be doing it for the kids.
Gail walks in. She tells Paul about Harold putting his car in for servicing, but that he took his car before it was finished. She says Rob is worried the brakes might have failed.
Paul wants Jane to give him the full story. And he tells Gail, he will collect all the facts, but if Rob is at fault, there will be hell to pay.
Scott is having terrible trouble with his maths - he's got a real mental block with it. Charlene suggests that Scott asks Mike to help him. Scott says the only way to get there is to sweat it out.
Paul comes to talk to Charlene. He wants to know what happened. He wants some facts before he talks to Rob. He's afraid Harold might hold the workshop responsible, and it's Jim's business that's on the line. He wants the truth from Charlene.
Paul and Gail's
Rob turns up asking whether Paul is home. Gail says Paul is at the hospital talking to Harold.
ROB: Damn I wanted to give him the facts before that pompous twit poisons his mind against me
GAIL: You'll get a fair hearing from Paul
ROB: Oh I know all about that. But he's already sharpening the nails. Listen, you haven't got a cold beer have you?
GAIL: Absolutely not!!
ROB: Why?
GAIL: Dad, Jim is already in the States fighting a law suit. The last thing he needs is another one here
ROB: And if your old man goes under the knife, that's too bad?
GAIL: Will you stop whinging!!
Rob tells Gail Harold was told not to take the car, he was told it wasn't finished. Gail asks where Rob was during all this. If he has an apprentice he should be there to supervise. He can't shoot through when he feels like it. Rob gets stroppy, saying he didn't realise he was punching a time clock. Gail tells him he doesn't own the business anymore, and to stop acting like a sulky kid!! This really gets Rob's back up, and he walks out. Gail sits there, exasperated.
Paul is still talking to Charlene. Charlene tells Paul that Rob has actually been much better since Paul had a talk to Rob. But also that an old mate of Rob's dropped by that day. Paul still thinks Rob should have been there to supervise. And he'll talk to Rob next.
Charlene is upset that she's had to dob Rob in.
Paul and Gail's
Paul and Gail are cooking dinner or supper or tea or whatever. Paul asks why she didn't keep Rob there. Gail says she intended to but they got into an argument, and Rob got stroppy and ran off. Paul thinks she should have left it to him. Gail sort of agrees.
Gail asks whether the workshop was negligent. Paul doesn't think so, but it's thanks to Charlene's warning, not because of Rob's work on Harold's car. Gail wants to know then why Paul is so angry with Rob. Paul says Rob was at the pub when all this happened. Paul is not happy about Rob drinking with his mates when he should be running the business. Gail counters that Rob gets the work done (does he?), and he is still adjusting. Paul is fed up with Rob's adjusting. Gail wants to know what he's going to do. Paul says he is not going to put up with Rob slacking off. He either shapes up or ships out. This is Rob's last chance.
Charlene's bedroom
Madge comes to have a chat to Charlene (Scott is still studying). Madge says that she's worried about Harold - he's lucky to be alive. Charlene says she blames herself, but Madge says there is no need. Charlene asks Madge if she still loves Harold. Madge says that she does. Charlene says if anything ever happened to Scott, she doesn't think she could hack it. But at least this way Harold has to stay in Erinsborough and maybe Madge can get in his good books again. Madge doesn't think it'll be that simple.
Mrs Mangel's
Mrs Mangel, Eileen and Madge are waiting for Harold to arrive home. Eventually he comes with Beverly, wearing a sling on his right arm and a prop on his left arm. They fuss over him.
Harold asks Beverly to tell Mrs Mangel to get his things and call him a cab. But everyone insists this is impossible.
HAROLD:(to Beverly) Are you sure you couldn't get me into a nursing home?!
Beverly says there aren't any spaces available.
BEVERLEY: Besides, nursing homes are full of people with no-one to look after them. At least you've got good friends.
HAROLD: You call these people friends?! Look at me!
Beverly says that they're all adults and this arrangement can work out fine.
BEVERLEY: Be gentle with him, ladies!
Beverly tells Harold that hell have to get on with it - he's helpless without them!
The Outer Office
ane is telling Paul and Gail about Harold, both arms in plaster, trying to fend off the ladies of Ramsay Street. They have a laugh.
Rob enters, Paul apparently asked to see him. They walk into the office. Gail walks after them, but Paul tells her to leave it to him....uh oh! Paul goes for the jugular, telling Rob he's been slacking off, and he's not putting up with it. Rob doesn't like being called a bludger. They both get angry. Rob resents being told off by Paul, seeing that Jim is his boss. But Paul says he's in charge now, with Jim in the States. Paul says he will be checking everything Rob does. Rob tells Paul to stick his job, he's out. He storms off, walking through reception.
He tells Gail she is probably in cahoots with her husband, he hopes she's happy, because thanks to Paul he is finished in the workshop. Rob walks out. Gail can't believe Paul just sacked her father!
GAIL: Let's see if he can talk his way out of this one.