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Neighbours Episode 0502 from 1987 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0501 - 0503>>
Episode title: 0502
Australian airdate: 2/6/1987
UK airdate: 10/10/1988
UK Gold: 10/4/1994
Writer: Maureen Ann Moran
Director: Chris Sheil
Guests: Harold Bishop: Ian Smith
Rob Lewis: Ernie Bourne
Gail Lewis: Fiona Corke
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Graham
Jane has been on the phone to the police but they don't think they can help - apparently they've already had about ten other complaints. Liquid Beauty had got hold of a load of faulty polish and relabelled it.
Henry thinks the damaged caused is about $2000 already. Charlene says that since she got them into it, it's up to her to get them out of them. But the guys say that they'll all help. Scott offers to help her talk to Madge about the situation. Charlene is depressed - now it'll be ages until she and Scott can move in together.
Daphne is reading out pre-natal exercises and Des is doing them(!) Des gets so relaxed that he falls asleep!
Henry comes round to retrieve the Liquid Beauty - he admits that it's faulty and gives Daphne her money back.
Helen and Madge come in with some shopping. Madge is not impressed about the Liquid Beauty stuff.
Charlene and Scott come in and Madge immediately goes on a rant. They say they just wanted to get some extra income, but Madge says now Charlene can't pay for new clothes to replace the ones that she lost in the fire.
The Office
Gail shows Paul the ring and they start to sort out their story for after the wedding. Gail suggests that Paul moves in with her in Ramsay Street. She says Paul could swap his place at Lassiters with Rob. Paul's not sure about living so close to his family but Gail says Jim will be too busy working on No.13 to bother them(!)
The Garage
Rob is about to sack Charlene, but she says if he does that, she won't be able to pay for the damages. Rob agrees as long as she talks to the owner when they turn up.
Garden of the Robinsons
Jim is moping over his trophies when Helen comes up to talk to him about the dinner party for Paul and Gail. It seems everyone in Ramsay Street has some link to Paul(!) Jim suggests a barbecue lunch so they can invite everyone.
Paul and Gail are having dinner with Rob. They ask him to move out when they get married. Rob is quite happy to move to Lassiter's. He leaves Paul and Gail alone to talk.
Scott and Lucy are messing around in the kitchen while preparing the food for the barbecue. Helen comes in with Des and Daphne - they've brought some stuff for the barbecue. They chat about Liquid Beauty and warn Des and Daphne that Jim is in a bad mood.
Charlene, Jane and Harold are getting ready to go to Paul and Gail's engagement party, but Mrs Mangel hasn't been invited. She insists that she doesn't want to go anyway. Harold put his present for Paul and Gail down on the table and unfortunately it gets stuck to the Liquid Beauty(!)
Paul and Gail arrive at the engagement party and are surprised to see so many people there - they thought it was going to be a small gathering. Everyone is very excited about the engagement and congratulate them. Scott brings in some drinks.
In the kitchen, Charlene and Scott have a pow-wow - the recall of the Liquid Beauty is going quite well. They have a bit of a pash.
Madge is re-wrapping Harold's present - in tinfoil! Harold tells Madge to take off her ring before they go - it's in bad taste to show off a piece of glass(!)
Madge and Harold arrive and give Gail the present. Mrs Mangel gatecrashes to talk to Madge. She shows Madge the quote for the repairs to her furniture and says that she's holding Madge personally responsible for making Charlene pay up. Madge is furious.
Garden of the Robinsons
Madge, Harold, Jim are telling Scott and Charlene off for hiding their investment in Liquid Beauty from their parents. Helen tries to defend them, saying that they were taken for a ride and didn't mean it to happen. But Jim says he doesn't think Charlene will ever learn - it's one mishap after another with her. Madge takes offence at this. Jim continues that Scott should split up with Charlene but he refuses. He says he was breaking his neck to get money because it was the only way they could get what they wanted.
SCOTT: We are going to live together. And noone is going to stop us.
<<0501 - 0503>>
Scott Robinson, Charlene Mitchell, Henry Mitchell, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 0502
Scott Robinson, Charlene Mitchell, Henry Mitchell, Jane Harris

Charlene Mitchell, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0502
Charlene Mitchell, Scott Robinson

Henry Mitchell, Daphne Clarke, Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0502
Henry Mitchell, Daphne Clarke, Des Clarke

Madge Mitchell, Charlene Mitchell, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0502
Madge Mitchell, Charlene Mitchell, Scott Robinson

Gail Lewis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0502
Gail Lewis, Paul Robinson

Rob Lewis, Scott Robinson, Charlene Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0502
Rob Lewis, Scott Robinson, Charlene Mitchell

Helen Daniels, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0502
Helen Daniels, Jim Robinson

Rob Lewis, Paul Robinson, Gail Lewis in Neighbours Episode 0502
Rob Lewis, Paul Robinson, Gail Lewis

Lucy Robinson, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0502
Lucy Robinson, Scott Robinson

Daphne Clarke, Des Clarke, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0502
Daphne Clarke, Des Clarke, Helen Daniels

Harold Bishop, Charlene Mitchell, Jane Harris, Nell Mangel in Neighbours Episode 0502
Harold Bishop, Charlene Mitchell, Jane Harris, Nell Mangel

Gail Lewis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0502
Gail Lewis, Paul Robinson

Des Clarke, Daphne Clarke, Gail Lewis, Paul Robinson, Helen Daniels, Henry Mitchell, Lucy Robinson, Jane Harris, Rob Lewis, Charlene Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0502
Des Clarke, Daphne Clarke, Gail Lewis, Paul Robinson, Helen Daniels, Henry Mitchell, Lucy Robinson, Jane Harris, Rob Lewis, Charlene Mitchell

Charlene Mitchell, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0502
Charlene Mitchell, Scott Robinson

Harold Bishop, Madge Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0502
Harold Bishop, Madge Mitchell

Gail Lewis, Rob Lewis in Neighbours Episode 0502
Gail Lewis, Rob Lewis

Charlene Mitchell, Scott Robinson, Helen Daniels, Nell Mangel in Neighbours Episode 0502
Charlene Mitchell, Scott Robinson, Helen Daniels, Nell Mangel

Jim Robinson, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0502
Jim Robinson, Helen Daniels

Harold Bishop, Madge Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0502
Harold Bishop, Madge Mitchell

Scott Robinson, Charlene Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0502
Scott Robinson, Charlene Mitchell

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