Madge tells Charlene that her family comes first.
Lucy tells Jim that she isn't feeling very well and can't go to school. Scott thinks Lucy is faking but Jim believes her and leaves Ruth in charge.
When Jim has gone to work, Lucy puts the TV on much to Scott's irriation. He stalks off to the kitchen to study.
Madge is more angry with Ray for not stopping Warren from drinking behind his back. Madge and Charlene are talking reasonably about Charlene's drunkenness and Charlene has definitely learned her lesson.
Ray comes in since he's heard that Madge is back. Madge tells Ray that it's all Warren's fault for leading Charlene astray. She says that Ray promised she'd keep an eye on Charlene, so it's all Ray's fault. Ray says that Charlene is lying. Madge says it's time they got a few facts straight.
The Office
Paul comes in looking awful. Susan apologises for going off at him the other night but Paul says to forget it. He's got to make arrangements for Terri's funeral. Susan asks Paul not to shut her out, but Paul just wants to be left alone.
Madge and Ray are having a huge difference of opinion over drinking. He says that Madge doesn't give Charlene any freedom and he's not surprised that Fred shot through! Madge throws him out.
Charlene comforts Madge as she tries not to cry. She says she won't take that sort of behaviour from Ray - she had enough of it from Fred. She starts to cry properly and says that Ray was right, she has let Charlene down, and Henry too. Charlene insists that it isn't true.
Charlene has made Madge a strong cup of tea. She says she doesn't want to see Ray again. Charlene tries to talk her into calling Ray to sort things out, but Madge doesn't want to. She says it's all for the best and wants Charlene to stay away from both Ray and Warren from now on.
Outside the Hospital
Ray is picking Warren up. He tells him what's happened with Madge and still thinks that everything is Charlene's fault. Warren admits that he had a lot of drinks - the divorce and the exams have been getting to him. Ray thinks that a couple of drinks can help Warren to get through(!) but Warren doesn't agree. Warren doesn't think he can stop drinking without help - things have got out of hand. Ray says he'll help him. Warren says if Ray gives up drinking too, he thinks he can manage. Ray agrees - he's been drinking a lot since the divorce too.
Lucy is lying on the sofa. Ruth is going out to pay for her ticket to go back to England. Lucy asks if Jim knows yet and Ruth admits that he doesn't. Lucy says that Jim likes her a lot, but Ruth says that liking isn't enough.
Ruth asks Scott to get lunch for everyone from the Coffee Shop, then she heads off.
Warren comes round to see Charlene. His arm is in a sling. Madge has gone to explain to Paul why she's come back early from the course. Warren decides to wait until she comes back so he can apologise to her.
The Office
Paul is not at all pleased that Madge has come back from Adelaide early. She explains the circumstances and that her family comes first. Paul is unmoved and says he can't put in a half-trained housekeeper. She asks Paul when she can go back to her old job at the Waterhole. Paul isn't keen even to offer her this job - he's not sure she is reliable in any capacity.
Lucy is telling Scott that she really wants Ruth to stay in Australia. Scott tells Lucy to go to the Coffee Shop to get the lunch since he is studying so hard. Lucy says that she might run away using the lunch money!
The Office
Susan tells Paul that he shouldn't have taken things out on Madge. Paul can't understand why women fuss over their kids so much. Susan asks Paul to give her a chance - he should talk to her, but he won't. Susan says that she thought Paul cared about her. Paul says Terri's death has put things into perspective - he's just not very good at relationships. He doesn't want to take the risk anymore and tells Susan to forget about their relationship.
Warren and Charlene are chatting at the counter. Charlene tells Warren that Scott has dumped her. Warren asks Charlene out but she says she doesn't want to go out with anyone else for a while.
Madge comes in and is not at all pleased to see Warren there. She tells him to leave. Warren apologises to Madge, but she thinks it would be better if he left and didn't come back. She doesn't want him disturbing Charlene. Warren wishes Charlene luck in the exams and heads off.
Charlene isn't pleased with this turn of events, but Madge blurts out that she thinks she's lost her job.
Somewhere near a lake
Lucy is walking along picking petals of a flower. She hears a cat in a drain and goes to investigate. The drain is large and Lucy leans in to rescue the cat but slips, falls into the drain and hits her head. She lies there prone.