Edna comes in crying saying that her marriage certificate is invalid - Dan has had her living in sin for fifty years!
Edna continues to cry that she's so ashamed. Apparently back in the day Dan made her have a quick and cheap wedding and it turns out that the minister was an imposter. All the marriages he officiated at are now void. Madge goes pale as she realises that she, Max and Tom are illegitimate!
MADGE: You two will have to get married immediately!
Dan and Edna row and vow that they're not going to get married. Madge is speechless!
The Pub
Madge is telling Clive about Dan and Edna's marriage situation saying that she's so ashamed, but Clive says illegitimacy is no big deal these days.
The School
Charlene is telling Scott about Dan and Edna's marriage situation - Scott says he thinks that marriage is still important. Charlene goes over to Sue to give her a piece of her mind about the poison pen letters. Sue is defiant and calls Charlene a lout. Sue says the stuff she wrote is probably all true anyway! Jane suddenly sees red and punches Sue. It must have been a very good punch, because Sue falls to the ground, unconscious!
A teacher rushes over to tend to Sue, but he didn't see who did the punching.
Outside the Headmaster's Office
Jane is worried that she's going to get expelled, so Charlene offers to say it was her! Scott suggests that he, Charlene, Mike and Jane close ranks - they can't expel them all.
The Pub
Clive is still trying to reassure Madge about the illegitimacy issue. He suggests that Dan and Edna need something to ignite their "first burning passion"!
Susan comes in to say hello briefly. When she's gone, Madge says she thinks Susan is setting her cap at Paul!
Headmaster's Office
Mr Muir is interrogating Scott, Charlene, Mike, Jane and Sue. Sue says that all four of them attacked her, but Charlene says it was only one person who punched Sue. They won't say who it was though. Mr Muir says he'll contact all of their parents.
The Pub
Madge receives a telephone call from Mr Muir.
CLIVE: Where are you going?
MADGE: I'm going to murder Charlene!
Clive says he'll talk to her later with some ideas about Dan and Edna.
Dan and Edna have calmed down a bit and are talking about the marriage situation. Edna says she can't hold her head up in public anymore. Dan gets fed up and says the sooner they finish, the better. He storms out, leaving Shane to comfort Edna. Edna tells Shane that she and Dan were so much in love and reminisces about the past. But she says it's all gone now. Shane suggests that Edna tries to win Dan back, but she doesn't think he loves her anymore.
The Pub
Dan is asking Clive why he'd want to take Edna out, given the age difference! Clive says that Edna is a special lady. Dan starts reminiscing about the past, but says it's all gone now.
Madge, Jim and Helen have turned up to talk to Mr Muir. Scott, Mike, Charlene and Scott wait outside.
Jane says that she wants to confess, but Charlene says it doesn't matter now - Mr Muir is convinced it was a gang-bashing.
Headmaster's Office
Mr White the teacher has convinced Mr Muir not to expel them due to their previous good characters. Instead, they'll have a detention every night for month and clean up the school. Jim says he still can't accept Sue's version of events, but Mr Muir says that the matter is closed as far as he is concerned.
The Pub
Shane comes in to try to convince Dan to propose to Edna!
Madge comes in and tells Clive, Dan and Shane about the "gang-bashing". They can't believe it though.
Dan storms off saying he's not going to marry Edna whatever they say.
When Dan has gone, Clive says he's had an idea about Edna and Dan.
Dan and Edna are each getting their own lunches. They start reminsicing about a dance they went to when they were young. Dan says she looked very pretty that night and they had so much fun dancing. He says it's a pity things have changed since then. Edna says maybe things haven't changed - perhaps they just think things have. But Dan says that whatever they had, they've lost along the way.
The School
Jane is worried what Mrs Mangel is going to say, but Mike says it's all over now.
The Office
Helen is confused about the business at the school - she can't really see the guys gang-bashing Sue.
Just then the phone rings and it's Mr Parker, Sue's father. He tells Helen that he's very angry and he's going to sue everyone concerned with his daughter's assault.