Susan can't get a job because of Sam.
Ruth's money has been embezzled by her accountant in London - she can't pay her hotel bill and Paul has impounded her luggage!
Outside Lassiters
Jim isn't impressed with Paul. He says they can discuss it in his office, but if she doesn't pay she'll have to stay somewhere else tonight. Jim says Ruth's only crime is telling them the truth about what happened in London. Paul says they can't be sure that she will get any money back. Jim rants at Paul for never giving anyone the benefit of the doubt but Paul says he's running a business.
Dan and Tom come up and invite Jim to join them for a drink.
Jim tells Paul that he'll pay the bill.
PAUL: Dad. It's business, it's nothing personal.
JIM: (shouts) That's a cop-out Paul and I'm sick of hearing you use it!
The Pub
Tom and Dan are having a drink while Madge serves. Jim comes in and apologises to Ruth about Paul's behaviour. Clive is also behind the bar and serves Dan and Tom while they bicker. Dan says he might head back up north - things aren't the same in Erinsborough these days. Madge tells him to give it a chance, and Tom tells her not to encourage Dan!
Paul comes in and buys Jim a beer to say sorry. Ruth is surprised to hear that Jim is going to pay her bill - she insists it's only a loan. Jim also tells Ruth that she must come and stay with them while she's waiting for her money to be recovered.
Susan is fed up of everything going wrong for her. She's also sick of people's double-standards - they never ask why Sam's father isn't supporting them! EVery job interview she's had has been with a man and they don't understand about motherhood. Clive tries to tell her that something will turn up but Susan isn't convinced. She's very crochetty.
Tensions are still running high between Tom and Dan. Madge is annoyed that they aren't doing any housework.
Lucy tells Helen that Scott is eating out with Mike and the others tonight. Paul comes in scowling about Jim's decision to let Ruth stay.
Jim and Ruth come in and Jim introduces Ruth to everyone. Helen is surprised to see Ruth's suitcases and Jim explains that Ruth is staying for a while. Helen is a bit takenaback but tells Ruth that she's welcome.
Susan has calmed down a bit now and apologises for taking things out on Clive. Clive says he should hire himself out for verbal abuse! Susan says Clive is great with Sam - she thinks Clive is a bit clucky and she likes it - most men would run a mile from a baby. Susan thanks Clive for being so good to them - she's really happy living with Clive.
Ramsay Street, the following morning
Tom is loading up his van. Helen is just off to work and Dan tells her that women are too independent these days. He suggests that they go out tonight(!) but Helen makes her excuses. He talks her round though and Helen calls him a sly old rogue!
Tom tells Dan that it's embarrassing to watch him chatting women in his dressing-gown - after all he is married!
Dan comes in whistling and tells Madge that he should have broken loose years ago. Madge wants to know what's going on, but just then Tom comes in and says that Dan has asked Helen out to dinner. Madge is appalled and says he's married.
DAN: Your mother and I are finished. I can go out with anyone I please!
Madge is speechless. She tells Tom that he must talk Dan out of his date with Helen - Edna is arriving this morning!
The Office
Helen says that Ruth is helping around the house a lot but Paul is cynical. Zoe comes in for a quick word - she needs to go back to Tony's office and therefore she can't stay on with Paul past today. Helen says Paul that they'd better find a secretary straight away. Paul says he won't be bullied into taking Susan on! He suggests advertising again but Helen explains it will take two weeks via an advert. Paul suggests a temp and Helen points out that a temp costs more than a salaried employee. Paul finally relents and says that Susan can have the job but Helen has to be responsible for hiring and firing her if the baby plays up(!). Helen agrees to this deal.
Ruth is worried about the future - the children are coming over soon and she has to find somewhere for them to live. She says she'll have to get a job - but she's never worked, she's always been a housewife. She thanks Jim profusely for his kindness.
Clive has managed to get Sam off to sleep. The phone rings and it's Helen. He whispers down the phone so he doesn't wake Sam up! He calls Susan to the phone, waking Sam up.
Susan is delighted to hear that she's got the job at the Daniel's Corporation - she'll come in straightaway. She hugs Clive in celebration.
Madge tells Dan that it must have been wonderful to be married for 50 years. Tom says he can't remember anything happy from his childhood(!) Edna arrives at that moment, much to Dan's shock. Edna is also shocked to see him. She tells Madge that either Dan must leave straightaway or she will.