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Neighbours Episode 0281 from 1986 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0280 - 0282>>
Episode title: 0281
Australian airdate: 23/06/86
UK airdate: 02/12/87
UK Gold: 29/11/93
Writer: Ray Harding
Director: Paul Moloney
Guests: Andrea: Regina Gaigalas
Bradley: Bradley Kilpatrick
Jack: Alan Hopgood
Jean Richards: Margot Knight
Mrs York: Esme Melville
Summary/Images by: Sue Parker
At the Robinsons:
Helen is surprised at Mrs York only giving $1.00 to the collection but suggests there must be a good reason for it. Scott thinks he knows what it is - she's going loopy.
On the street:
Lucy and Bradley are delivering papers and discussing how they'll never see each other if he has to move to Perth. They ride past Mrs York who's struggling to turn on her outside water tap. Bradley manages to turn it on and says he'll run straight round to get Mr Ramsay to fix it properly, despite Mrs York's protests that it's okay.
At the Ramsays:
Madge is flabbergasted to hear that Jean's agreed to go out with Tom. He suggests that she goes to Lassiters tonight, parks her broomstick outside and has a look inside if she doesn't believe him. Bradley comes in and tells Tom about Mrs York's bathroom and he very grudgingly agrees to go and fix it - if Madge will iron him a couple of shirts for his date.
At Mrs York's:
Mrs York is very reluctant to let Tom in, telling him she's cleaned it all up herself. He insists on having a look and she finally lets him in. He is shocked to see an empty living room and she tells him she was burgled.
At the Ramsays:
Tom rushes home to get ready for his date and says the problem at Mrs York's could have waited until tomorrow. Danny asks if she still has some valuable painting hanging in the living room and Tom says she has nothing at all because of the burglary. Madge thinks it's strange that they haven't heard anything about it. She drags Danny off to the garage to sort through some of her old furniture so Mrs York doesn't have to sit in an empty house.
At the Clarkes:
Bradley is still unhappy at Des's news and doesn't want to eat. Andrea comes home and thinks she has some news to cheer him up. Jack breaks the happy news about the wedding and Bradley looks ready to slit his wrists. He asks what he'll have to call Jack now and Jack tells him whatever he likes. Bradley replies "How about Grandpa?" Jacks tells him he thinks Jack will do just fine. Bradley looks sadly at Des and asks if he can still call him Dad and Des looks pleased as punch.
At the Ramsays:
Madge is giving Danny strict instructions on how to keep an eye on the dinner while she goes out to see Mrs York. She leaves and Danny struggles to even put on an apron. Tom comes in with a huge dirty mark on his shirt from trying to start his van and asks Danny if he could perhaps iron him a new shirt? He won't so Tom has to cover his shirt with a jacket. Danny burns water.
At Mrs York's:
Madge nosies around while Mrs York makes tea. They talk about Mr York and how much Mrs York misses him. Mrs York apologises for having nothing in, Madge caught her unprepared. Madge offers her her leftover furniture but Mrs York won't accept them (don't blame her, I've seen Madge's sofas!).
At the Clarkes:
It's toasts all round, including to Bradley and Lucy.
At Mrs York's:
Mrs York slips up and tells Madge how bad she feels letting everything go. Madge catches on straight away that she's had to sell her belongings and Mrs York admits she's got no money but can't give up her big house because her husband had loved it so much. Madge scolds her for spending all her life helping others but not accepting charity from anyone else. Mrs York is upset and begs her not to tell anyone.
At Lassiters:
Tom orders Jean's dinner for her and she is impressed at his knowledge of food. As he calls for the waiter she spies his dirty shirt but tactfully keeps it to herself.
At the Robinsons:
Scott, Lucy and Nikki are studying at the kitchen table. Madge comes in to see Helen and goes through to the living room. She tells her about Mrs York, disguising her as "this woman I know". Helen thinks she could be entitled to meals on wheels but Madge assures her she's too proud. They go off to look at pamphlets and Nikki, who's overheard, guesses that they're talking about Mrs York. She feels terrible now for thinking Mrs York was mean and wants to make amends. Lucy chews thoughtfully on her pen.
At the Clarkes:
Andrea and Des talk about getting married at their age. Des wonders if she's having second thoughts and she insists she's not, although she's worried people will think she's marrying for money. She tells him she'll miss living there though.
At the Ramsays:
Jean and Tom return home laughing and whisper about what a good night they've had. Tom invites her in for coffee but she has to go. She quickly tells him it's only because she's got an early start in the morning, and she hopes he'll ask her again soon. She pecks him on the cheek and he goes inside grinning like a Cheshire cat. "You beauty!"
<<0280 - 0282>>
Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0281
Helen Daniels

Lucy Robinson, Bradley Townsend, Mrs. York in Neighbours Episode 0281
Lucy Robinson, Bradley Townsend, Mrs. York

Bradley Townsend, Madge Mitchell, Tom Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0281
Bradley Townsend, Madge Mitchell, Tom Ramsay

Mrs. York in Neighbours Episode 0281
Mrs. York

Tom Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0281
Tom Ramsay

Madge Mitchell, Tom Ramsay, Danny Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0281
Madge Mitchell, Tom Ramsay, Danny Ramsay

Des Clarke, Jack Lassiter, Andrea Townsend, Bradley Townsend in Neighbours Episode 0281
Des Clarke, Jack Lassiter, Andrea Townsend, Bradley Townsend

Andrea Townsend, Bradley Townsend in Neighbours Episode 0281
Andrea Townsend, Bradley Townsend

Danny Ramsay, Tom Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0281
Danny Ramsay, Tom Ramsay

Tom Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0281
Tom Ramsay

Madge Mitchell, Mrs. York in Neighbours Episode 0281
Madge Mitchell, Mrs. York

Bradley Townsend, Andrea Townsend, Jack Lassiter, Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0281
Bradley Townsend, Andrea Townsend, Jack Lassiter, Des Clarke

Bradley Townsend, Andrea Townsend in Neighbours Episode 0281
Bradley Townsend, Andrea Townsend

Mrs. York in Neighbours Episode 0281
Mrs. York

Madge Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0281
Madge Mitchell

Tom Ramsay, Jean Richards in Neighbours Episode 0281
Tom Ramsay, Jean Richards

Nikki Dennison, Scott Robinson, Lucy Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0281
Nikki Dennison, Scott Robinson, Lucy Robinson

Madge Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0281
Madge Mitchell

Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0281
Helen Daniels

Nikki Dennison in Neighbours Episode 0281
Nikki Dennison

Andrea Townsend, Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0281
Andrea Townsend, Des Clarke

Jean Richards, Tom Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0281
Jean Richards, Tom Ramsay

Tom Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0281
Tom Ramsay

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