Writer: David Phillips
Director: Richard Sarell
Guests: Andrea: Regina Gaigalas
Jack: Alan Hopgood
Debra Fleming: Charm Lee
Lewis Fleming: Clive Hearne
Music: Exterior - Land for sale
Helen explains to Debra and Lewis they are reacting crazily! Debra accuses her of replacing Shane to carry out the little espionage. Helen explains she knew nothing until seeing Paul and he knows of nothing said in the car.
Tom, Mike, Scott, Shane and Madge head off home having finished moving Daphne into her new shop premises. Madge goes off to see Jack before going home, while Tom decides to take over from Shane as Mike's diving coach. Shane can't believe how inconsiderate his uncle is being, while Scott tells Mike he'll regret having Tom as a coach if Max's reputation is anything to go by.
Exterior - land for sale
Debra spitefully tells Paul and Helen she refuses to talk to them any further as no business will be done with the Daniels Corporation and Helen is fired as a chauffeur.
Coffee Shop
Daphne tells Des she doesn't want his ' white knight' act anymore as she is independent and only wants to be friends. Clive returns oblivious to Des's sudden downcast mood.
The Waterhole
Jack tells Madge her cooking is fantastic and is delighted when he accepts to join her for a Sunday roast one day. Madge leaves the pub as Andrea arrives to ask about the job as barmaid there. Impressed by Andrea's forthright attitude tells her she can start straight away!
Exterior - Swimming Pool
Tom complains to Mike about his diving while Shane has nothing but praise for him.
Coffee Shop
Clive tells Des to be more aggressive with Daphne but Des warns him to 'butt out!'. Daphne asks them to get back to work as she still has plenty to do.
Madge arrives home to find no message from Max still on what he's up to. But Shane is still feeling rejected over Tom taking over Mike's coaching. He explains to his aunt he feels as incompetent now as before when with Max. Madge tells him Mike only thinks of him as an idol.
The Waterhole
Jack is impressed with Andrea as she explains how she struggled to bring up Bradley. She tells him she feels foolish now for ever falling in love with Gavin McKinley.
Paul tells Helen her business will survive without the Flemings' money. Paul leaves as Madge arrives. Lewis Fleming then arrives and Helen agrees to see him.
Lewis apologises to her, explaining he spoke to Jack who verified Helen's honesty. Lewis asks Helen out to dinner.
Exterior - Swimming Pool
Tom tells Scott, Mike is a good diver but Tom refuses to praise Mike to his face, only urging Mike to do better.
The Waterhole
Andrea serves Paul and Debra drink. Paul tells her she can only be after the land as a reason to buy him a drink. Andrea charms Paul and asks him out to dinner.
Coffee Shop
Daphne, Clive, and Des decide to finish working for the day and Des urged on by Clive asks Daphne out to dinner. Daphne agrees telling him they and Clive deserve a good meal.
In her hotel room, Debra pours a drink out for her and Paul to toast the completion of the land deal. Shane arrives to see her and gets upset accusing Paul of seeing 'his girl'. Debra fearing the deal could fall through, orders Shane out telling him he doesn't own her! Shane storms out and Debra turns her charms back onto Paul.
The Waterhole
Shane asks Jack for a beer. Seeing him looking upset Jack asks whom he is drinking so quickly to.
Shane tells him it is a toast to himself, the biggest no-hoper in the world.