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Neighbours Episode 0227 from 1986 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0226 - 0228>>
Episode title: 0227
Australian airdate: 08/04/86
UK airdate: 17/09/87
UK Gold: 14/09/93
Writer: John Upton
Director: Andrew Friedman
Guests: Andrea – Regina Gaigalas
Bradley – Bradley Kilpatrick
Laura – Carole Skinner
Summary/Images by: Carly/David
- Jim and Zoe kissing in the rain
Ext: Lassiter's
Zoe happily snuggles into Jim's chest while he tells her that he needs someone exciting like her in his life. Zoe admits her parents were the exact opposite - that's why she's so spontaneous. They agree to go and get a coffee to get out of the rain.
Number 28
Bradley is watching some ye olden days black and white movie on TV when Andrea shuts it off, wanting a chat. She's changed her mind about his camping trip with Des - Andrea doesn't think Bradley can be trusted to keep his trap shut about their lies. Des comes in from packing the car, but glumly walks back out again to unpack when Andrea delivers the news.
Number 26
Laura wants to know that Nikki's safely enrolled and happy with the decision about her new school, and sends her off to chat with Scott. Laura thanks Helen again for all she's done and wishes she could stay longer but she has to get back to her job.
Nikki and Scott talk shop about Erinsborough High while Paul reads the paper. Danny wanders in and tries to join the conversation but Scott reckons he's out of touch with today's yoof. The topic of Jim and Zoe rears its ugly head and Paul bitterly interjects that his dad is going through a second childhood. Danny leaves (pretending he's busy) and Scott chides Paul over his snarky attitude. But Paul reckons that Scott's beyond naïve if he thinks that their dad and Zoe are "just friends".
Number 24
Danny walks in and delivers the Jim/Zoe goss to Max and Shane. Max pretends he's not interested in idle gossip but still wants to know all the finer details!
Getting all the info he can, Max soon meanders away to watch the wrestling. Danny whines a bit about Nikki and Scott not playing nice with him, then asks Shane if he's sorted things out with Des yet. Shane's all '... there's nothing to sort out'.
Bradley's Room
Des tells Bradley that he's thought of a way they could still go camping. Bradley pretends that he's not interested but can't help himself and follows Des into the lounge room.
Des has set up camp in the middle of the floor, complete with fake grass and plants. Aww. Andrea laughs at them lying in the tent together and compliments Des on his fab idea - but Bradley still looks glum.
Number 24
Shane and Max are engrossed in some blueprints for work and pretty much ignore Danny when he offers to help, calling it "man's work". Looks like someone's not a girl, not yet a woman... err, well, the male version of that Britney song anyhow.
Number 28
Andrea scoffs the rest of the toasted marshmallows with the boys before turning in for the night. Des asks Bradley what school was like back in WA and Bradley says it was good, but they didn't teach him about the most important subject - girls. Flustered, Des starts up a whole big deep and meaningful chat until he realizes that Bradley's just confused about Lucy. Talk soon turns to love, and you can see Des getting wistful about Daphne.
DES: See Bradley, often times it's not anybody's fault when two people can't work things out together. Sometimes you try as hard as you can but... it just doesn't seem to work out.
BRADLEY: Why are girls different?
DES: Well, there's... biology to start with.
BRADLEY: What's biology?
DES: (stumped) Biology, um, that's how people's bodies are made and... (he checks his watch) Ooh dear, it's that sort of time. We better go to sleep, Bradley.
Bradley smirks.
Number 26
Nikki finishes up a game of chess with Paul before Laura sends her off to bed. But Laura soon decides to join her, and teases Helen about staying up to wait for Jim. Scott and Paul content themselves with more chess while Helen looks at her watch and gives an exasperated glance towards the door.
Number 28
Des has done a better job than he thought with his bedtime bush tale - Bradley is now too scared to sleep! He asks Des if he got scared when he was little, and Des says he did all the time but assures him that nothing ever happened. Satisfied with this, Bradley says "Night Dad", which pleases Des no end.
Number 24 - Next Morning
Paul arrives looking for Shane and Max unwittingly succeeds in winding him up by continually asking how Jim and Zoe's date went last night.
MAX: She's a very nice piece of merchandise. Very nice piece of merchandise indeed, young Zoe. What do you reckon?
PAUL: (annoyed) I reckon that men of a certain age shouldn't carry on like teenagers.
Paul tells Shane that he's swung by to see the rate card for the hire car - Lassiter's may have some business for him. While Shane's off searching, Danny puts on his broken record of "I'm not a kid" and tells Paul he's being too overly sensitive about Jim and Zoe.
Number 26
Max is saying goodbye to Laura and tells her she's a "neat person" (hee!). He wishes she could stay, and so does Laura, but duty calls. She invites him to stay with her some time, which makes him perk up a bit.
Jim tells Laura he'll wait for her in the car while she says her farewells to the family. Danny tries to be Mr. Sensitive with Nikki and tells her she'll be okay, but Nikki fobs him off for some alone time. Perhaps so she can go and buy another kicky jumpsuit like the one she's already wearing. It's very special.
Nikki asks her mum if she can come to the airport with her, but Laura doesn't like airport goodbyes and gives her daughter a hug before leaving. Goodbye Laura you bold, brassy, plastic-earring wearing lass! You were a good egg.
Number 28
Andrea quietly asks Bradley if he knows what to do. Bradley nods and pretends to be asleep when Des walks back inside. Starting the show, Bradley thrashes about like he's having a nightmare and calls out for "daddy". Andrea 'comforts' him and lies to Des that Bradley had nightmares like this all the time before they found him. Des is understandably concerned.
Number 26
Not taking the hint earlier, Danny walks in to ask Nikki's advice on a tie.
DANNY: You've usually got good fashion sense.
Seriously? Dude, she's wearing a JUMPSUIT made out of patterned SQUARES. I know this is 80s land and all, but yeesh.
Anyway, fashion guru Nikki picks the navy blue one just as Scott bustles in and tells Nikki to hurry up. They're late for their catch-up with some of Scott's school mates. Nikki asks Danny if he wants to tag along, but Scott answers for him, saying that he wouldn't fit in. They leave and Danny sadly switches from his young angle to his old angle by asking Paul if he wants to hang out. Surprised, Paul wonders why Danny didn't go "with the kids" and Danny's all, 'RARRGH! I'm not a kid anymore!'
He storms out leaving Paul confused.
<<0226 - 0228>>
Jim Robinson, Zoe Davis in Neighbours Episode 0227
Jim Robinson, Zoe Davis

Andrea Townsend in Neighbours Episode 0227
Andrea Townsend

Des Clarke, Bradley Townsend in Neighbours Episode 0227
Des Clarke, Bradley Townsend

Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0227
Helen Daniels

Laura Dennison in Neighbours Episode 0227
Laura Dennison

Paul Robinson, Nikki Dennison in Neighbours Episode 0227
Paul Robinson, Nikki Dennison

Danny Ramsay, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0227
Danny Ramsay, Scott Robinson

Max Ramsay, Shane Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0227
Max Ramsay, Shane Ramsay

Des Clarke, Bradley Townsend, Andrea Townsend in Neighbours Episode 0227
Des Clarke, Bradley Townsend, Andrea Townsend

Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0227
Des Clarke

Bradley Townsend in Neighbours Episode 0227
Bradley Townsend

Shane Ramsay, Danny Ramsay, Paul Robinson, Max Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0227
Shane Ramsay, Danny Ramsay, Paul Robinson, Max Ramsay

Shane Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0227
Shane Ramsay

Danny Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0227
Danny Ramsay

Laura Dennison in Neighbours Episode 0227
Laura Dennison

Max Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0227
Max Ramsay

Max Ramsay, Jim Robinson, Laura Dennison in Neighbours Episode 0227
Max Ramsay, Jim Robinson, Laura Dennison

Laura Dennison, Nikki Dennison in Neighbours Episode 0227
Laura Dennison, Nikki Dennison

Nikki Dennison in Neighbours Episode 0227
Nikki Dennison

Des Clarke, Andrea Townsend in Neighbours Episode 0227
Des Clarke, Andrea Townsend

Bradley Townsend in Neighbours Episode 0227
Bradley Townsend

Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0227
Des Clarke

Danny Ramsay, Scott Robinson, Nikki Dennison in Neighbours Episode 0227
Danny Ramsay, Scott Robinson, Nikki Dennison

Danny Ramsay, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0227
Danny Ramsay, Paul Robinson

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0227
Paul Robinson

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