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Neighbours Episode 0218 from 1986 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0217 - 0219>>
Episode title: 0218
Australian airdate: 26/03/86
UK airdate: 04/09/87
UK Gold: 01/09/93
Writer: Penny Fraser
Director: Julian McSwiney
Guests: Andrea: Regina Gaigalas
Laura: Carole Skinner
Bradley: Bradley Kilpatrick
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/David
Paul is angry with Zoe because she asked Jim to go to the engagement party before him.
Ramsay Street
Bradly is playing ball when Danny and Scott come out of No.24. Laura comes along and decides to play ball with him as he's looking a bit lonely. Danny asks Scott what he and Penny are wearing to the party - Danny is bringing Cathy Morgan. Scott has never heard of her. Danny says she's unforgettable!
Laura and Bradley finish playing ball and sit down for a rest. They talk about the party and Bradley says he's not dressing up - he himself will be a great lover of the future(!) Bradley doesn't want to dress up, but Laura talks him into it.
Zoe tells Daphne that she doesn't get Paul for snapping. Daphne says that Zoe is hurting Paul's ego - he's not getting on very well with Jim at the moment and Paul is trying to prove he's a better man. Mike says that he doesn't want to go to the party - he hasn't got a date.
Just then, Nikki comes in and asks Mike to come to the party as her date. He is chuffed and Nikki explains that she changed her mind about going with Danny.
Max comes in with some beer for the party and starts barking orders at everyone. Madge tells him to go and sort out the back yard. She warns him not to turn the house upside down until she's ready. She shouts at Max that he's a terrible host and if he doesn't like the way she does things, she's going on strike!
Andrew tells Zoe that she didn't know she was eating in again, but Zoe points out that she pays housekeeping too! Bradley tells Andrew and Des that Bradley is going to the party with Laura. Des warns him to be on his best behaviour. Andrea says he's always on his best behaviour and she doesn't understand why people don't like him! She hints about Bradley having a settled family environment. She wants to know if Des has thought about making their relationship more permanent.
DES: Well, I feel guilty about the way you've had to struggle and bring Bradley up by yourself. And obviously I accept moral responsibility for looking after you, but...well, that's the best I can offer.
Daphne is laying the table when Shane comes in to escape from Max. Clive offers him a beer, but Shane wants a private word with Daphne. He hopes they'll have a place of their own soon. They kiss and then Shane gets Daphne's engagement ring out of his pocket and puts it on her finger.
SHANE: When I think how close I came to losing you...but from now on, noone can take you away from me, Daphne.
Paul is showing Jim plans for some land - Rosemary is thinking about going into hotels and the land would make a good resort. Jim tells Paul that he's heard about what happened with Zoe. Paul wishes that Jim would let him lead his own life, but Jim says he's just showing an interest. Anyway, he and Zoe are just friends.
Lucy comes out of her room looking sad and tells them that Criag has got mumps. She begs Jim to be Robin Hood, and then Paul. Paul agrees - but he'll only wear the hat!
In the kitchen, Helen, Madge and Laura come in through the back door and Laura tells them that she's going with Bradley. Helen doesn't think it's a good idea and Madge tells her that Bradley is a devil child(!) Madge also tells them that she's gone on strike because Max said that her place is in the kitchen. Helen doesn't think it's a good idea to leave Max on his own with the organisation, but Madge just smiles and says that's just what she's going to do!
Chaos reigns in the Ramsay house. Scott, Danny and Shane try to help him as best they can, but Danny says their only hope is Madge coming back! Just then, Madge arrives back and Max greets her gladly. She tells him she'll come back, but there are two conditions - he moves the chairs where he tells her, then makes himself scarce until the party. Also, that he won't argue about the costume she's chosen for him.
MAX: That's not fair!
MADGE: Fair or not, they are my conditions.
Max is silent, but finally relents and asks to see the costume. He grimaces at the Napolean hat. Madge says she thought a bossy emperor was quite appropriate for Max(!)
Zoe and Daphne are fitting a costume to Mike. Mike is feeling down that he doesn't have as much money as Danny so he can't show Nikki a good time. Just then, Clive comes home with a hired costume for Mike, and he's chuffed!
Max has cheered up and is wearing his Napolean costume. He wants to know what Shane and Daphne's costumes are.
DANNY: Well...I think they've decided to go as Adam and Eve.
MAX: They what?! That Daphne's behind this! Once a stripper, always a stripper!
He storms off to confront them.
Shane and Clive are having a quiet beer when Mike storms in. He drags Shane outside.
Outside No.22
Max tells Shane that he has a problem with Daphne and Shane is not impressed. But they're not actually going as Adam and Eve - they're going as Tarzan and Jane. The wind is taken out of Max's sails and he says he'll kill Danny! But it's too late - Shane is not happy.
SHANE: You don't really want me to marry Daphne, do you? Tell me the truth, Dad - you can't forget that Daphne was a stripper.
MAX:(quietly) No, I can't. I mean, how am I supposed to feel, introducing her to me mates, knowing that they've probably seen her starkers!
SHANE: Well you'd better get used to it, Dad. I'm not giving Daphne up for anyone. And you say or do anything to hurt her, it'll be the last you see of me.
MAX: You're putting that girl before this family?!
SHANE: Before an old bigot like you, yes. And don't say I didn't warn you, Dad.
Later at No.24
The party is in full swing and everyone is dressed up. Well, everyone except Des! Clive and Paul vie for the attentions of the same girl.
Danny introduces Cathy Morgan to everyone and Nikki cringes that Laura is being so loud. But everyone seems to really like Laura.
Bradley and Lucy are hanging out and Bradley reckons that he can drive a car. Lucy doesn't believe him, but Bradley says he'll show her!
Des tells Daphne that she looks really nice in her costume.
DAPHNE: Thanks, Des.
DES: Sorry I haven't talked to you all night.
DAPHNE: Thought you were trying to avoid me.
DES: Not you. Just all the people around you.
DAPHNE: I'm glad you came.
Well, we promised we'd keep up appearances in front of them. Daph. I just want to wish you all the best. Good friends are so hard to come by, and I don't want to let this slip through our fingers.
Daphne kisses him on the cheek.
DES: Hey, I can't stay, I have to go.
DAPHNE: Well, if that's what you want.
DES: Good luck.
It's clear that they still have deep feelings for each other.
In the background, Shane is not pleased to see this exchange, but Paul tells him to just marry Daphne before she has second thoughts!
Meanwhile, Jim calls everyone together for a toast and says that Max is going to make a speech. Shane begs him not to as he's rather drunk.
MAX: Listen, if these two pepole are going to be happy together, we'd better call a spade a spade and clear the air. Now, most of youse know, that I didn't want Daphne moving to this street cos she's a stripper, right.
SHANE:(angrily) Dad...
MAX: Street was named after my grandfather, so I felt it was my duty to keep its reputation. Then Daphne moved in...
His words are slurred now and everyone looks rather uncomfortable.
HELEN:(dressed as Queen Victoria) We are not amused!
LAURA: Would it help if I faint?
Max is talking about Des now and then start getting tearful about the lack of happy marriages in Ramsay Street(!)
MAX: Shane meeting Daphne has proved to me, that you can't judge a book by its cover. I mean, she's not ashamed of what she does for a living, so we ought to feel free to talk about it, I mean, she's a lovely girl. (sincerely) The best. And only the best is good enough for my son.
Everyone sighs in relief.
Daphne comes forward and gives Max a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
SHANE: And, I've decided that there's no point in long engagements. Daphne and I are going to get married as soon as we can, aren't we.
Everyone cheers, but Daphne's face is horror-struck.
<<0217 - 0219>>
Scott Robinson, Danny Ramsay, Bradley Townsend in Neighbours Episode 0218
Scott Robinson, Danny Ramsay, Bradley Townsend

Nikki Dennison, Daphne Lawrence in Neighbours Episode 0218
Nikki Dennison, Daphne Lawrence

Madge Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0218
Madge Mitchell

Andrea Townsend, Zoe Davis in Neighbours Episode 0218
Andrea Townsend, Zoe Davis

Des Clarke, Bradley Townsend in Neighbours Episode 0218
Des Clarke, Bradley Townsend

Shane Ramsay, Daphne Lawrence in Neighbours Episode 0218
Shane Ramsay, Daphne Lawrence

Jim Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0218
Jim Robinson, Paul Robinson

Lucy Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0218
Lucy Robinson, Paul Robinson

Madge Mitchell, Laura Dennison, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0218
Madge Mitchell, Laura Dennison, Helen Daniels

Mike Young, Zoe Davis in Neighbours Episode 0218
Mike Young, Zoe Davis

Max Ramsay, Shane Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0218
Max Ramsay, Shane Ramsay

Zoe Davis, Des Clarke, Clive Gibbons, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0218
Zoe Davis, Des Clarke, Clive Gibbons, Paul Robinson

Lucy Robinson, Bradley Townsend in Neighbours Episode 0218
Lucy Robinson, Bradley Townsend

Daphne Lawrence in Neighbours Episode 0218
Daphne Lawrence

Daphne Lawrence, Des Clarke, Shane Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0218
Daphne Lawrence, Des Clarke, Shane Ramsay

Jim Robinson, Zoe Davis in Neighbours Episode 0218
Jim Robinson, Zoe Davis

Laura Dennison, Clive Gibbons, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0218
Laura Dennison, Clive Gibbons, Helen Daniels

Helen Daniels, Jim Robinson, Madge Mitchell, Max Ramsay, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0218
Helen Daniels, Jim Robinson, Madge Mitchell, Max Ramsay, Scott Robinson

Shane Ramsay, Daphne Lawrence, Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 0218
Shane Ramsay, Daphne Lawrence, Mike Young

Madge Mitchell, Nikki Dennison, Max Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0218
Madge Mitchell, Nikki Dennison, Max Ramsay

Shane Ramsay, Daphne Lawrence, Max Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0218
Shane Ramsay, Daphne Lawrence, Max Ramsay

Daphne Lawrence, Mike Young, Shane Ramsay, Max Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0218
Daphne Lawrence, Mike Young, Shane Ramsay, Max Ramsay

Daphne Lawrence in Neighbours Episode 0218
Daphne Lawrence

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