Andrea tells Des no one is giving Bradley a chance - Des suggests it is Bradley's own fault, as he cannot believe Scott and Danny would bully anyone. Andrea reacts badly telling Des it is time he started to act like a father! Des agrees to talk to his neighbours.
Coffee Shop
Scott tells Daphne and Clive that Jim has told him he doesn't care what he does now - Clive tells him he can simply retake the exam and to see a teacher rather than keep feeling sorry for himself.
No.26 Garden
Des tells Jim he over reacted with Bradley but Jim shoes him the entire rose heads are gone. Des tells him with Scott's actions too it seems all Robinson men are bullies. Jim tells Des the best thing he can do is get rid of the Townsend's from the street.
Andrea tells Bradley he has to start behaving himself more or Des will ask them to move out - She comments to her son that she's gone to a lot of trouble to get them where they are so don't ruin it.
Coffee Shop
Scott is still sitting in the Coffee Shop and Daphne makes a comment that he still hasn't taken Clive's advice yet to see a teacher. Clive tells her he'll talk to him again but Scott is unreceptive and tells him he'll never be a journalist at this rate. Clive resigns himself from trying to help any further.
Des arrives back to tell Andrea about his run in with Jim - Bradley enters the room with Des's shoes just polished. Andrea tells him Bradley will try harder to be good and she is proud of him for standing up against Jim.
Paul arrives back home and starts to set the table as Helen is out looking for clients with Shane. Jim tells him about his disagreement with Des - Paul seems to defend Andrea and comments about whether Des and her are in a relationship - Jim upset by Paul's lack of empathy tells his son he doesn't care.
Coffee Shop
Daphne and Clive prepare to lock up the shop at the end of the day and find Scott asleep - but they realise after finding an empty vodka bottle he is drunk. Daphne decides to phone Paul rather than Jim and arrange Scott to sleep it off at No.22. Clive tells Daphne ''when is he going to get his act together.''
Paul arrives to see how Scott is and finds him asleep on the sofa. Clive tells Paul to let Scott sleep it off and he'll have another chat to him. Paul agrees and tells them he'll lie to Jim about Scott's whereabouts. Clive explains he needs Scott to realise things aren't as serious as they seem.
Bradley complains about sleeping in the same room as Des due to his snoring. Des begins to read to calm him to sleep. Bored, Bradley begins reading an adult magazine - Des is furious and orders him to sleep!
Paul tells Jim that Scott will be late home as he's a playing cards with Clive. Jim asks him if he believes he asks too much of his kids - Paul tells him no but it may be best to let Clive talk to Scott. Jim agrees.
Des awakens from his sleep to find Bradley sleepwalking and staring at him. Des watches as he goes back to his bed and Des tries to get back to sleep.
Scott makes his way into the kitchen for breakfast and Jim comments he looks tired assuming it was playing cards until late that is the cause. Jim suggests he ask Clive to give him private tutoring and Scott is enthusiastic at the idea.
Des awakens and going into the lounge is lead to the breakfast table by Andrea to see a full breakfast laid out for them.
No.22 - Exterior
Clive tells Scott to drink lots of water for his hangover and tells him what he did could have caused big problems for Daphne if the police found out he'd been drinking on unlicensed premises. Clive tells him he can get help once he starts helping himself and that if he promises not to slack off he will tutor him privately. Clive warns him this is his last chance and the choices are all his...