- Daphne tells Terry to go to the police.
- Mrs Gibbs, the owner of the art gallery, tells Helen that Douglas Blake came in to cancel her exhibition.
Outside the Art Gallery
Helen is very shocked and asks if she can use the art gallery's phone. While she does so, the art gallery director tells Daphne that she's very surprised - they are a good gallery and she and her partner consider Helen a very good artist. Douglas Blake didn't give them any reason for the cancellation. Daphne starts to become suspicious about Douglas.
Helen was unable to get through to Douglas, but she left a message with his sister.
A road
Scott and Danny are walking home from school. A bloke comes over on a bike and asks Scott to put up a poster at the Coffee Shop for him. It's for a talent quiz. Danny thinks he and Scott should enter!
Douglas hasn't rung all day, but Helen says that there must be a reasonable explanation. Daphne is less convinced, but just then, Douglas arrives. He tells Helen that Mrs Gibbs's partner at the gallery wasn't too keen on her work so he wanted to find somewhere else where Helen's work was appreciated. Daphne still looks a bit suspicious but doesn't say anything.
When Daphne has gone, Douglas tells Helen he's sorry for handling things badly. Helen says it's fine - having an exhibition was just a silly fantasy anyway. She's not sure if she wants to make money out of painting anymore - it's just a hobby and a way to enjoy herself.
Daphne is telling Terry about Helen's exhibition cancellation. She's still suspicious of Douglas's story. Terry is very worried about Charles - she has a plan and needs Daphne's help. It's a bit risky. She wants to put the cassette in the hands of a solicitor in case anything happens to her.
Danny and Scott have decided to form a band. Danny isn't a very good singer but he's convinced he's a star in the making(!)
Daphne is ringing Charles to invite him round to her place tomorrow night, but he suggests they meet for cocktails at 6.30 on Friday night. Terry is having a party that night, but Daphne will pretend that she hasn't been invited because she and Terry have had a fight.
Helen has invited Douglas around for dinner tomorrow night.
LUCY: Will I have to call him "Grandpa"? ...when you get married.
Helen rolls her eyes.
Terry comes in. She invites them all (Jim, Helen, Scott and Lucy) to her party on Friday night. Terry tells Helen pointedly in front of Scott that she's fallen out with Daphne. Terry mentions that Daphne is suspicious of Douglas and Helen is not pleased.
Sarah comes in from her date.
SARAH: I wish I was dead!
Daphne is rather alarmed and drags the story of the evening out of Sarah. She says that the film was pornography. Daphne is very shocked that Sarah's date took her to see pornography, but in the course of conversation it seems that it was only a few scantily-clad teenagers(!) Also Colin tried to kiss her, so she screamed and walked out(!) Suddenly Sarah starts blaming everything on Daphne for making her do her hair about makeup and then stalks off to bed(!)
(The following morning)
Danny comes in and sees Sarah there. She says she's moved in with Des.
DANNY: You and Des? What a scandal! And about time too(!)
Sarah explains that she's Des's cousin. Danny asks if they're kissing cousins(!) Sarah is most offended, but enlists Danny's help in locating her glasses. Then she throws him out of the house!
Daphne is visiting Helen again. She tells her that Mrs Gibbs made a point of telling her that *both* she and her partner Naomi were disappointed in the cancellation of Helen's exhibition. Helen brushes this off and tells Daphne that she's just gossiping.
The Lake
Lucy is feeding the ducks when a lady comes up to her. They discuss Terry's birthday party. Lucy tells her that Daphne and Terry are as close as sisters, but they're fighting at the moment.
Douglas is just leaving after a mini-dinner party with the Robinsons. Helen goes to see Douglas to the door.
SCOTT: Dad, if they had a child...would he be my uncle?
JIM:(laughing) I don't think you have to worry about that ever happening, son!
At the door, Jim asks Helen if he can see her tomorrow. They agree to meet up in the morning.
Danny is asking Daphne to help him and Scott out with costumes for the talent quiz. Sarah comes out of her room so Danny decides to go home(!) Daphne tells Sarah that she's bursting out of a birthday cake tonight(!)
Charles's flat
Charles's lady friend is also the lady who talked to Lucy in the park. Charles thinks that Daphne and Terry are up to something.
CHARLES: I'll play their silly little game. Yes, that's what I'll do.