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Neighbours Episode 0138 from 1985 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0137 - 0139>>
Episode title: 0138
Australian airdate: 25/09/85
UK airdate: 12/05/87
UK Gold: 12/05/93
Writer: Ginny Lowndes
Director: Andrew Friedman
Guests: Eileen Clarke: Myra De Groot
George Young: Alan Cassell
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
- Helen and Douglas are enjoying each other's company.
- Daphne tells Terry that she's not interested in Shane any more.
- Scott gets top marks in the essay competition.
- Jim reads Scott's essay.
- Paul and Terry make up after a row.
Jim hasn't finished the essay yet because the first paragraph said that Bess had succeeded despite being "handicapped by a small child" (Jim). Helen is very surprised and tells Jim to get over it. Jim is bitter that his mother never read him a bedtime story. Helen wonders if that's why he married Anne - because she was a homebody. Jim says it's not like that - he just wishes he knew who his mother was. Helen urges him to read Scott's essay.
Danny is struggling to load the washing machine. Max dictates a shopping list to him - bread, milk, butter, cheese, cornflakes, muesli, toothpaste, detergent. Max is really trying to make a go of things in the house, it seems. He tells Danny to get some money out of the fridge (that's where he keeps it in case of burgulars!)
Jim has finally read the essay and tells Helen that Scott is a very good writer. He says he's learned more about Scott from the essay than anything. He says maybe he's been using Scott to get back at Bess. Also, he's impressed how much Bess has achieved in her lifetime. He admires and respects her - but he says you're supposed to love your mother and it seems that Jim doesn't very much.
Ramsay Street
Danny has stolen a shopping trolley to bring all of the shopping list home! Danny tells Scott he wants to make an effort with the housework, because Max has given up a new life to look after him.
Max tells Danny off for putting too much detergent in the laundry. Max is eager to hear what he got for his French essay(!). Danny says that Max only got 15 out of 100 for the essay.
Jim is in a better mood this afternoon. When Scott comes in he goes straight to his bedroom though.
Scott's bedroom
Jim tells Scott that his essay was wonderful, and Scott is wonderful too. He also tells Scott he's bought him a present - it's a typewriter! Scott is very pleased.
Max comes round in a temper about the clothes washing. Scott says that Danny was only trying to help and points out that Danny has a lot of work on in school. Scott tells him that Danny is trying to make Max happy as best he can, and Max should support him.
Danny is talking to Des and Daphne about Max - he's a bit upset. Just then Eileen comes round.
DES:(to Daphne) Didn't you lock the door?
Eileen bustles round bossing them about. She gives Danny a hard time about Maria leaving and Daphne tells her off.
Eileen asks Des and Daphne to come out with her and George tonight. Their faces say it all!
Max is scrubbing a burnt saucepan when Jim comes round. Max has come round a bit in his anger at Danny, and it seems Scott has really put him in his place - he seems a bit sheepish. But he doesn't show this to Jim and says that Scott doesn't get enough discipline at home! Jim doesn't take to kindly to this and heads off.
When Jim has gone, and Danny has come in, Max tells Danny that Scott had a yell at him earlier. Max says that he knows there's a lot on Danny's plate because he and Shane are working. But he does want Danny to concentrate on his schoolwork and he want things to work between him and Danny too. Max says that after tea he'll write a letter in French to Danny's teacher.
MAX: She won't fail me again in a hurry!
Des is trying to get out of going out with Eileen and George.
Des answers the door to George and speaks to him quietly.
DES: Now remember what I told you. Be the man in mum's life, not the mouse!
GEORGE: Oh dear.
George greets them all and Eileen explains that she's invited Des and Daphne. George puts his foot down and tells her that he's booked a table for two.
EILEEN: Now wait a minute. Are you telling me that I can't invite my family to dinner with us?
GEORGE: (pause) Yes I am.
DES: Good one, George.
Eileen says that George can't talk to her like that so he decides to leave. He's clearly rather nervous though!
Des follows George to the door and apologises for things going wrong.
EILEEN: George needs to find out that I am a woman to be reckoned with.
The Bank, the following morning
Des is apologising to George again - he really thought the masterful approach would work. George isn't sure what to do now. He wants to be a man to be reckoned with in Eileen's eyes. Des suggests buying Eileen roses and telling her how beautiful she is - and then he should kiss her!
Max has written the letter for Danny's French teacher. Scott is there and apologises to Max for the way he spoke to him yesterday.
George is on his own at a table.
The Bank
Des is amazed to see Eileen in the bank. She says that she wants to keep George waiting for a while. Des tells her not to be stupid. He thinks it's rude of Eileen to stand George up, and anyway, at her age, blokes don't grow on trees! Eileen insists she will keep George waiting for another ten minutes.
George leaves the restaurant. A skater-boarder causes a car to swerve over to the pavement where George is walking. He falls to the ground and lies prone.
<<0137 - 0139>>
Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0138
Jim Robinson

Jim Robinson, Helen Daniels, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0138
Jim Robinson, Helen Daniels, Scott Robinson

Max Ramsay, Scott Robinson, Danny Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0138
Max Ramsay, Scott Robinson, Danny Ramsay

Danny Ramsay, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0138
Danny Ramsay, Scott Robinson

Jim Robinson, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0138
Jim Robinson, Helen Daniels

Scott Robinson, Danny Ramsay, Max Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0138
Scott Robinson, Danny Ramsay, Max Ramsay

Jim Robinson, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0138
Jim Robinson, Helen Daniels

Scott Robinson, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0138
Scott Robinson, Jim Robinson

Daphne Lawrence, Eileen Clarke, Des Clarke, Danny Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0138
Daphne Lawrence, Eileen Clarke, Des Clarke, Danny Ramsay

Max Ramsay, Jim Robinson, Danny Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0138
Max Ramsay, Jim Robinson, Danny Ramsay

Des Clarke, George Young in Neighbours Episode 0138
Des Clarke, George Young

Max Ramsay, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0138
Max Ramsay, Scott Robinson

George Young in Neighbours Episode 0138
George Young

Des Clarke, Eileen Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0138
Des Clarke, Eileen Clarke

 in Neighbours Episode 0138

George Young in Neighbours Episode 0138
George Young

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