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Neighbours Episode 0135 from 1985 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0134 - 0136>>
Episode title: 0135
Australian airdate: 20/09/85
UK airdate: 07/05/87
UK Gold: 07/05/93
Writer: Sally Webb
Director: Brendan Maher
Guests: Bess Robinson: June Salter
Chuck Dwight: Scott Newman
Dan Ford: David Arnett
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
- Terry is upset that Paul has to go and work on the airline so soon after their wedding.
- Helen is angry with Jim for giving Dougles the impression that she was too busy with the family to do an exhibition.
- Jim's mother turns up.
Jim calls to Julie and Scott to see their Nana, but the rest of the family are out. Julie has a quick tidy up(!) Apparently they haven't seen Nana Robinson in about five years.
Terry is telling Daphne she doesn't like staying on her own. Daphne and Shane are going to the movies as they are trying to remain friends. Daphne and Terry agree not to let Shane come between them anymore.
Daphne offers to go out with Terry tonight instead. She agrees, after she's been to the Robinsons for dinner.
Nana Robinson is introduced to Terry as "Bess Robinson". Julie is surprised to hear that Terry is going out with Daphne after dinner. Terry invites Julie along, but Julie says she'd rather stay home and look after her family. She also warns Terry that Daphne doesn't have a very good reputation(!)
Shane has come to tell Daphne that he can't pick her up until later, but she says she wanted to postpone anyway. Shane is a bit annoyed that Daphne didn't phone him. Daphne insists that they're just friends so it shouldn't be a big deal.
Bess is thrilled to hear that Terry is a plumber - in her day, no girl could have a job like that. Bess says she had to fight prejudice every inch of the work. She insists that Terry must continue working now that she's married. Jim says that Bess has always done whatever she wanted to.
Daphne comes in to pick Terry up and Jim introduces her to Bess. They head off for their night out while Julie glowers at them.
Some Americans with awful accents ask Shane to take them to a club.
Smugglers' Bar
Terry and Daphne are having a drink. They chat about Bess.
Bess is telling tall stories to Scott. Julie isn't impressed, but Scott has been following Bess' career as a journalist for years. Scott wants to interview her with photos and everything. They head off to Scott's room, much to Julie's displeasure.
Smuggler's Bar
Shane has dropped the Americans off at the bar.
Julie says that it a pity Bess didn't make it to the wedding. Jim says it's just as well - he's never known how to behave around Bess. He feels stuffy and conservative around her. He says his Aunt Daisy brought him up more than Bess. Julie thinks that Bess was irresponsible having a career over looking after her family. Jim says he does resent it a bit, but it did make him determined to give his kids a stable upbringing. Julie tells Jim that he's given them all a wonderful life. Jim says Scott is quite like Bess - he's always known that.
Smuggler's Bar
The Americans spy Terry and Daphne.
Scott tells Bess that he's thinking of going into photo-journalism. Bess suggests coming along with her to see a museum tomorrow. But Jim will have to let Scott have a day off school.
Bess asks Scott what Daphne does for a living.
Smuggler's Bar
The Americans are trying to get Daphne and Terry to show them around town. Daphne tells them to get lost.
Julie says that Terry shouldn't have gone out with Daphne. Bess tells her to stop worrying.
When Julie has gone to bed, Bess tells Jim that it's good to be there. She says she'll be out of his hair in a day or two though. Jim is a bit hurt. Bess tells him that he's done a very good job with Scott. She asks if she can take Scott to the museum tomorrow. Jim reluctantly agrees.
Smuggler's Bar
The Americans are bothering Daphne and Terry again, but just then Shane turns up. One of them nearly starts a fight with Shane. Daphne is not pleased that their night has been ruined by the Americans.
Robinsons, the following morning
Scott and Bess are back from the museum. Bess looks a bit knackered, so Scott makes her a cup of tea.
Shane has turned up. Apparently the Americans complained to Shane's boss, but the boss told them to act their age! Shane's boss was pleased with the way Shane handled things.
Scott has brought Bess her tea but she appears to be asleep.
SCOTT: Bess, are you OK?
<<0134 - 0136>>
Bess Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0135
Bess Robinson

Daphne Lawrence, Terry Inglis in Neighbours Episode 0135
Daphne Lawrence, Terry Inglis

Scott Robinson, Bess Robinson, Terry Inglis, Julie Robinson, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0135
Scott Robinson, Bess Robinson, Terry Inglis, Julie Robinson, Jim Robinson

Bess Robinson, Terry Inglis in Neighbours Episode 0135
Bess Robinson, Terry Inglis

Julie Robinson, Terry Inglis, Daphne Lawrence, Jim Robinson, Bess Robinson, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0135
Julie Robinson, Terry Inglis, Daphne Lawrence, Jim Robinson, Bess Robinson, Scott Robinson

Shane Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0135
Shane Ramsay

Terry Inglis, Daphne Lawrence in Neighbours Episode 0135
Terry Inglis, Daphne Lawrence

Bess Robinson, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0135
Bess Robinson, Scott Robinson

Shane Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0135
Shane Ramsay

Julie Robinson, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0135
Julie Robinson, Jim Robinson

Bess Robinson, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0135
Bess Robinson, Scott Robinson

Terry Inglis, Daphne Lawrence in Neighbours Episode 0135
Terry Inglis, Daphne Lawrence

Bess Robinson, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0135
Bess Robinson, Jim Robinson

Terry Inglis, Daphne Lawrence, Shane Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0135
Terry Inglis, Daphne Lawrence, Shane Ramsay

Terry Inglis, Daphne Lawrence, Shane Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0135
Terry Inglis, Daphne Lawrence, Shane Ramsay

Scott Robinson, Bess Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0135
Scott Robinson, Bess Robinson

Bess Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0135
Bess Robinson

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