- Maria tells Max that she wants to go to Hong Kong with Richard.
Max's bedsit
Max is flabbergasted at this news. He says he was going to tell Maria something but it's too late now. He asks about Danny and Maria explains that Danny is refusing to go.
MAX: Oh no you don't. I'm not copping it! You're not shoving him on to me while you go overseas with your new bloke!
Max is very agitated so Maria decides to go. Danny is waiting outside and starts to cry that Max doesn't want him. Maria tries to comfort him.
Later at Max's bedsit
Shane comes in to find Max sitting in the dark with a beer. Max looks very depressed and Shane has heard from Maria what happened. Max says he'll be fine - he's getting used to single life. Shane knows that Max was hoping for a reconciliation - Terry told him. Max is mad and says that Terry had no right to tell Shane. He quickly calms down though and Shane tells Max not to give up yet - maybe Maria won't go after all. Max doesn't think there's much chance of that though.
Max doesn't want Danny to live with them - it's partly that he's not Max's real son, but also that they never got on well when they were living together full-time. Shane says that they have to make the most of what's left of their family.
Shane comes round to see Danny, but Maria says he's in bed - he's very hurt. Shane tells Maria that Max wanted to get back with her. Maria says she never gave him any encouragement. Now she's with Richard, but she won't go to Hong Kong if she can't sort out living arrangements for Danny.
Danny comes out in his dressing-gown and he and Shane have a chat in the living room. Shane wants Danny to go and see Max in the morning - it won't hurt to talk to him about things.
Des's the following morning
In the garden, Terry and Daphne are having a cup of tea in a china cup and saucer with a china teapot! Terry chats about Max's marriage difficulties, but Daphne thinks she should concentrate on her own wedding. Daphne thinks Terry is still hung up on Shane, but before she can say anything, Shane comes up. He sits down with Daphne for a cup of tea. She's obviously still upset over the whole Liz business. Daphne says she really admires Maria for being so good with Danny. Shane thinks Maria is crazy for considering staying behind. Daphne thinks Shane has changed since she first met him - he was a much more sensitive guy back then.
The Robinsons are starting to get the rooms ready for the wedding rehearsal. Helen fills Jim in on the true story - that Maria is going to Hong Kong with Richard. Jim is horrified - Max will be heart-broken. Jim says he'll have to apologise to Max for getting the wrong end of the stick.
The celebrant arrives and Helen offers her a cup of tea, rescuing her from Julie's clutches(!)
In the kitchen, Jim and Helen chat to the celebrant about her job - apparently even religious people do use a celebrant as it's not as formal and nerve-wracking as a church.
Terry arrives and Julie immediately starts giving her jobs to do!
Jim and Shane chat about Max in the kitchen. Jim says he feels really bad - he had no idea Maria was going to Hong Kong as well as Richard. Shane says he's more worried about Danny - he's got it in his mind that neither of his parents care about him.
Max's plumbing job - back of a house, somewhere
Danny has come round to see Max in a free lesson. He asks him straight out if it's true that Max doesn't want Danny to live with him. Max says he just thinks Danny would be happier with Maria - they never got on well when they were living together 24/7. They get on wel now, but that's because they're living apart, he reckons. Danny says he's not going to Richard to Hong Kong - he's rather live with Max and Shane. Max says he's not worried about Danny - he's worried about himself. Max wants to know what Danny really thinks of him - the truth.
DANNY: OK. You're a bad-tempered old sod. But you're alright, I suppose.
They both laugh. Danny says he does care - he loves Max. Now it's Max's turn to say what he thinks of Danny.
MAX: You're not a bad kid.
Max isn't sure he could handle being Danny's only parent, but Danny says he misses him. Max says sometimes their family life all seems like a dream.
DANNY: She hasn't gone yet.
MAX: Oh yes she has, son. She went a long time ago.
Shane is standing in for Paul in the wedding rehearsal and putting the ring on Terry's finger. Daphne comes in and observes this silently, arms folded. The celebrant mistakes Shane for the true groom, and Julie explains that Paul will be back tomorrow.
Terry is looking a bit downcast (the Shane factor, clearly) so tells Julie and Daphne that she's going home to have a rest. Daphne goes with her.
Daphne is still in a bad mood. She asks Terry outright if she loves Paul, and if she's still in love with Shane. Daphne says it's not too late to back out if Terry wants too - Paul is a good friend and she doesn't want to see him hurt. Terry insists that she loves Paul and their marriage will work - she's over Shane.
Julie is bossing Shane about and telling Shane not to get Paul hopelessly drunk on the stag night! Julie asks Shane whats going on with Maria and Max, but Helen quickly intervenes and sends her to make a cup of tea.
Shane asks Helen if he can chat to her about Danny.
In the kitchen, Julie starts going on about Aunty Gwen again - she wants to know why Helen doesn't want her there. Jim tells her firmly to keep her nose out of other people's business.
Julie is making a coffee. Helen has gone to talk to Maria. Jim apologises for snapping at Julie earlier. They start chatting about Danny - Jim has been over to see Max. Jim says that he's suggested that Danny stays with them until Max sorts himself out. Jim says it's up to Max and Maria to decide though.
Maria doesn't want Danny staying with the Robinsons - she'd feel like she was dumping him on them and she'd feel too guilty. Maria says she mustn't think more of her personal happiness than Danny's - it's wrong. She can't let others pay the price for her happiness.
Julie and Terry are doing the room decorations. Jim comes off the phone and tells them that Paul is stranded in Singapore - but he'll be able to get on a flight in an hour.
Just then, there's a knock at the door and Jim answers it.
GWEN: You must be Jim. Thank you for your invitation. I'm Gwen, Helen's sister.
Helen has her back to the door but her head jerks up in shock when she hears this.