- Richard tells Maria he's got a job overseas and he wants her to go with him. He needs an answer by tomorrow.
Richard explains that he has to leave straight away to get the job. He's pleased in a way - at least it will force Maria into making a decision one way or the other.
Jim's garage
Richard tells Jim about the job in Hong Kong and Jim wishes him luck. They shake hands
Ramsays (later)
Maria is talking to Helen about the situation - she doesn't know whether to go with Richard or not. She asks Helen how much a mother owes their children. Helen says that only Maria can decide whether Danny is old enough to be left on his own. But Helen says that Maria's wishes are important too. She thinks she knows the decision that will make Maria happy for the rest of her life though.
Helen thinks Maria has already made up her mind. Jim is quite pleased that Maria is being so assertive. Julie listens in a bit and Helen tells her to mind her own business.
Paul answers the phone to Max - he's called to ask Jim out for a beer. Paul is about to go househunting with Terry.
Julie has come to ask Des if she can have a lift to work. She chats to Terry about the wedding plans. She says that she's inviting Helen's sister, Aunty Gwen, insisting that weddings are a time to get the family together.
Paul, Terry and Helen are going through the wedding invitations. Jim's mother can't make it, but most of the others have accepted. Paul and Terry head off to do their house hunting.
Maria has had a good night's sleep. She tells Helen that she'll miss her very much and Helen is pleased to hear she is going with Richard (in a good way!)
Helen reminisces about how shy Maria was when she first married Max - she's blossomed now. Maria says in many ways, she owes a lot to Max. Helen thinks that Max has changed a lot since the separation. Maria says it's a pity it was too late to save their family.
Paul and Terry are back from house hunting and Paul is in a very bad mood. He is ranting about the condition of the properties they've seen. Terry says that Paul has been spoilt all his life - he's always lived in a nice place. She tries to get him to calm down but they just end up raising their voices.
After Julie has breezed through, Paul says he's back on the roster at work - on the Singapore run. He says that Shane could help Terry house hunt tomorrow. She says she'd rather not.
Max's bedsit
Jim and Max are having a beer and chatting about Paul and Terry's wedding. They reminisce about their own weddings and Max gets all nostalgic again.
MAX: Trouble is, I still love her. I should have gone straight to her and tried to patch it up. Too late now.
He tells Jim that he understands Danny's recent behaviour, even though he can't condone it. He says he's getting on with Danny much better now he only sees him a couple of times a week.
Jim says maybe things aren't too late with Maria. Jim says that Richard is going to Hong Kong permanently. Jim says maybe it's a chance for Max to patch things up with Maria. Apparently he doesn't know that Maria has decided to go with him then!!
MAX: Who knows? I just might be home and hosed.
Outside the Community Justice Centre
Helen and Maria come out late from the case they've been doing.
Helen's car
Helen and Maria are rushing to meet Richard - she has to meet him at 5pm to tell him her decision. Maria is worried that they won't make the rendez-vous in time. Just then, the engine cuts out.
By a fountain
Richard is waiting impatiently for Maria.
A road
Helen has got the bonnet up and is fixing the car. Maria is fretting.
By a fountain
Richard is still waiting with a worried look on his face.
Max's bedsit
Max is reminiscing about the early days of his marriage to Terry. He tells her funny stories about Maria's early attempts at cooking. Max says that if he manages to get back with Maria, Terry and Paul can live in his bedsit!
By a fountain
Richard is still waiting. He's about to walk away when Maria runs up. She tells him she loves him and hugs him. She tells him she wants to spend the rest of her life with him. There's just one thing - she wants Danny to go with them to Hong Kong.