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Neighbours Episode 0119 from 1985 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0118 - 0120>>
Episode title: 0119
Australian airdate: 29/08/85
UK airdate: 14/04/87
UK Gold: 15/04/93
Writer: Ginny Lowndes
Director: Peter Andrikidis
Guests: Richard Morrison: Peter Flett
Terry Inglis: Maxine Klibingaitis
Eileen Clarke: Myra De Groot
Charles Durham: Ross Thompson
Wally Walters: Reg Gorman
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Graham
- Danny and Scott head to the rock concert with Richard.
- Danny crashes Richard's car into some boxes.
Maria and Helen are having a cup of tea. Jim asks them in a Chinese accent if they are coming to the Chinese night at the Coffee Shop tonight. But Maria wants to spend some time with Richard. Jim staggers out with some tyres Max has given him back.
Jim comes back in with some things for Max. He gives them to Maria to pass on. Helen says Jim is being as childish as Max, but Jim says Max started it.
Helen tells Jim that Maria would like them both to come over for dinner one night to get to know Richard better. Jim says he'd be delighted to (obviously since he has fallen out with Max!) Helen tells Jim off and says he'd better sort things out with Max. He reluctantly agrees not to do anything more to antagonise Max.
Richard's car
Richard is driving the boys home from the concert. Both Richard and Scott are fed up with Danny and aren't speaking to him!
Terry is off to the Chinese night at the Coffee Shop. She tells Des off for turning into a slob, but he says he's just relaxed and comfortable(!)
As Terry is leaving, Eileen arrives with all her stuff. There's loads of boxes. Eileen tells Des that although she isn't moving in for a month, she thought she'd bring her stuff over a bit at a time! Des tells Eileen off - he doesn't need looking after. She brushes this off and starts bringing her things in.
Ramsay Street
Maria sees Richard an the boys coming home. Everyone is in a right sulk and Maria is shocked to see the broken headlight. She tells Danny off and says he's staying in tonight. Also that he's grounded for a month with no pocket money. She cuffs him round the ear and says he'd better learn some manners.
Eileen has brought all her stuff in. Terry answers the phone to a man. It's the same one as the other day - Charles. She tells him not to call her again, but he says he wants his tapes. She threatens to call the police, but the man says Terry would go down with the rest of them.
Terry brings in a garden hose with her - Max has left it there. Jim is mad, but Terry says sometimes people behave differently when they're under stress.
Richard tells Maria that it was a genuine accident with Danny and the car. Danny is in the living room pulling a tape apart. Richard tells Maria to calm down. Maria tells Danny to go and do his homework or go and see Scot of something. But Danny points out that he's grounded. Maria says he can go to the Chinese night, just so she and Richard can have some peace and quiet.
Chinese night at the Coffee Shop
Scott is wearing a coolie hat and taking Danny, Terry and the Robinsons' order. They read the jokes out of what looks like fortune cookies.
The coffee shop owner comes over and tells Jim that Scott is a good worker, and is management material - he could make a job of it when he leaves school. Jim isn't too pleased to hear this(!)
Richard and Maria are saying goodnight. Richard says his love for Maria scares him - he's scared of losing her. They have a pash and Maria tells him she doesn't want him to go.
Chinese night at the Coffee Shop
Jim tells Scott that he has to finish school before he gets a job. They all decide to head off home.
Eileen is cleaning up and dusting. Des isn't pleased. Eileen heads off back to her unit and makes a tragic story out of looking for a taxi. Des reluctantly says he'll give her a lift home. Eileen says that in return she'll come over and make him a nice cooked breakfast(!)
Coffee Shop kitchen
Scott and the owner (Wally) are cleaning up. Wally tells him that he's going away for a few days. He'd like Scott to take charge after school until they close. Scott is pleased and shakes hands on the deal.
Jim has heard from his mother - she is in Singapore and won't be able to get back for the wedding. Helen says that Laura, her sister, is coming and she's looking forward to seeing her.
Des's, the following morning
Eileen is making Des breakfast. Julie comes round with Des's shirt saying she's fixed it up for him. Julie says Des needs a proper breakfast. She opens the fridge and finds it full of beer(!)
JULIE: Des, are you going to drink all that?
DES: No, I'm going to wash my hair in it.
Des says that he has a lot of beer because Eileen and Julie are driving him to drink. He opens a can for his breakfast!
Scott tells Jim about the Coffee Shop deal. Jim isn't pleased - he doesn't think Scott will have time to do his homework. Scott says he can manage, but Jim tells him his schoolwork must come first. Scott says he's made up his mind and he's going to take the hours at the Coffee Shop
Front garden of the Ramsays
Maria is watering the plants and telling Danny off about the car again. She tells Danny that if he continues to be so cheeky he's only making a lot of trouble for himself. Danny wishes that Max had given him driving lessons himself, then he wouldn't have pranged Richard's car.
Eileen and Julie are making plans to pull Des together(!) Eileen has made up an efficiency chart for Des. Des comes in and is very angry. Julie heads off to work.
When Julie has gone, Des says he's had a gutful. He opens his address book and rings Daphne. He begs her to come back.
<<0118 - 0120>>
Jim Robinson, Maria Ramsay, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0119
Jim Robinson, Maria Ramsay, Helen Daniels

Richard Morrison, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0119
Richard Morrison, Scott Robinson

Des Clarke, Terry Inglis, Eileen Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0119
Des Clarke, Terry Inglis, Eileen Clarke

Richard Morrison, Maria Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0119
Richard Morrison, Maria Ramsay

Danny Ramsay, Julie Robinson, Terry Inglis in Neighbours Episode 0119
Danny Ramsay, Julie Robinson, Terry Inglis

Helen Daniels, Lucy Robinson, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0119
Helen Daniels, Lucy Robinson, Jim Robinson

Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0119
Des Clarke

Eileen Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0119
Eileen Clarke

Scott Robinson, Wally Walters in Neighbours Episode 0119
Scott Robinson, Wally Walters

Scott Robinson, Wally Walters in Neighbours Episode 0119
Scott Robinson, Wally Walters

Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0119
Jim Robinson

Eileen Clarke, Des Clarke, Julie Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0119
Eileen Clarke, Des Clarke, Julie Robinson

 in Neighbours Episode 0119

Danny Ramsay, Maria Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0119
Danny Ramsay, Maria Ramsay

Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0119
Des Clarke

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