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Neighbours Episode 0104 from 1985 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0103 - 0105>>
Episode title: 0104
Australian airdate: 08/08/85
UK airdate: 24/03/87
UK Gold: 25/03/93
Writer: Penny Fraser
Director: Russell Webb
Guests: Joan Langdon: Catherine Lynch
Eileen Clark: Myra de Groot
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
- Max quarrels with his neighbour over barking dogs.
- Terry apologises to Shane for giving him the cold shoulder.
- Max goes to the dentist and it turns out to be the neighbour with the barking dog.
Shane is telling Maria what happened at the dentist - he nearly had to carry Max into the chair(!)
Maria tells Shane that she's not going away with Richard for Danny's sake. He's not very pleased, but Maria is determined.
Shane tells Maria that he's not sure he wants to move in with Daphne yet - he's doesn't know if he's ready.
Daphne is showing Joan some dresses of hers. Eileen comes in and sees them. Joan says she was thinking about a coffee-coloured dress, but Eileen says it will make her look sallow(!) Daphne drags Eileen off to the kitchen to make a cup of tea.
In the kitchen, Daphne tells Eileen not to interfere in the wedding.
Daphne tells Joan not to worry about Eileen, but Joan says it's nice that Eileen is taking an interest.
Just then, Shane comes in, so Daphne takes him off to visit some estate agents.
Jim is looking at some books - Danny said he might be interested in architecture or engineering. He asks Scott if he's thought any more about the work experience. Scott says he's not interested into going to University - he's had enough of school as it is. He likes working at the Coffee Shop and he could leave school and get a full-time job there. Jim isn't pleased and tells Scott that he's not leaving school. Anyway, teenage unemployment is huge. Scott tells Jim that he's interested in catering though - there's all sorts of courses he could do.
Jim says he'll offer the work experience in engineering to Danny. He looks a bit disappointed though.
The Park
Daphne and Shane hasn't had any luck in the house hunting. Daphne says she'll just have to find a millionaire(!) Shane tells Daphne that he can't move in with her for the time being, but he did consider it. Daphne says she had no right to ask in the first place. She says she just feels very alone - she's not first in anyone's life. She wants to be that somebody for someone. Shane kisses her and tells Daphne she's the nicest woman he's ever met, but he needs to offer her a total commitment, not a half-way one. Daphne appreciates this.
Joan and Eileen are talking about Daphne's job. Eileen thinks Daphne is a lovely girl but she doesn't understand her job(!)
Joan tells Eileen she's pleased she cares enough to take an interest in the wedding. They talk about how they've lived on their own. Eileen tells Joan that Des is a very lucky young man, and she's looking forward to having Joan as a daughter-in-law.
Jim brings Danny the engineerng books. Danny says he's interested in going to University, but he doesn't know what to study yet. Maybe architecture or engineering. Jim offers him work experience with him and Danny is very pleased.
Des comes in and isn't pleased to find Eileen there(!) He's glad that Eileen and Joan are getting on well though. Des says that they're going to have a marriage celebrant for the wedding. Eileen is appalled but Des says it's perfectly legal. Eileen swallows her dismay and instead says that celebrants seem quite gimmicky. Des says they'll be getting married at the Robinsons - as they're having a double wedding with Paul.
Des mentions that the celebrant is a woman and Eileen is speechless!
Danny is feeling guilty about Maria not going away with Richard. He apologises to Maria and starts hinting that Jim is a very nice man(!)
Maria asks Danny if he's thought of doing work experience with Max. Danny tells her that he's going to do engineering work with Jim - he wants to go to University if they can afford it. Maria says she'll talk to Max about it, but there's over two years to go yet.
Garden of the Robinsons
Jim is clearing up the yard ready for the wedding. He sees Des and invites him over later to talk about the finer details.
Maria thanks Jim for giving Danny the opportunity for work experience. She's glad Danny knows what he wants to do, but she wishes one of her sons was interested in plumbing(!)
A road
Scott tells Danny that he's pleased Paul is getting married - he'll have the bedroom to himself(!) Scott doesn't understand why Danny wants to go to Uni - he says he's leaving school. Danny says Jim will never let him. He won't go on the dole though - he'll work at the Coffee Shop. Danny is appalled.
Des tells Daphne that Eileen isn't coping very well with the idea of a celebrant - she thinks it'll make the marriage illegal(!) Des suggests having a picnic together to cheer Daphne up, but she says she's too busy looking for a flat.
When Des has gone, there's a knock at the door and it's a woman with ginger hair. She asks Daphne a lot of questions about herself. The lady says that Daphne sounds just the person she's looking for. All very mysterious!
<<0103 - 0105>>
Shane Ramsay, Maria Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0104
Shane Ramsay, Maria Ramsay

Joan Langdon, Eileen Clarke, Daphne Lawrence in Neighbours Episode 0104
Joan Langdon, Eileen Clarke, Daphne Lawrence

Eileen Clarke, Daphne Lawrence in Neighbours Episode 0104
Eileen Clarke, Daphne Lawrence

Shane Ramsay, Eileen Clarke, Joan Langdon, Daphne Lawrence in Neighbours Episode 0104
Shane Ramsay, Eileen Clarke, Joan Langdon, Daphne Lawrence

Scott Robinson, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0104
Scott Robinson, Jim Robinson

Shane Ramsay, Daphne Lawrence in Neighbours Episode 0104
Shane Ramsay, Daphne Lawrence

Daphne Lawrence, Shane Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0104
Daphne Lawrence, Shane Ramsay

Joan Langdon, Eileen Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0104
Joan Langdon, Eileen Clarke

Jim Robinson, Danny Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0104
Jim Robinson, Danny Ramsay

Danny Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0104
Danny Ramsay

Des Clarke, Eileen Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0104
Des Clarke, Eileen Clarke

Danny Ramsay, Maria Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0104
Danny Ramsay, Maria Ramsay

Maria Ramsay, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0104
Maria Ramsay, Jim Robinson

Scott Robinson, Danny Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0104
Scott Robinson, Danny Ramsay

Des Clarke, Daphne Lawrence in Neighbours Episode 0104
Des Clarke, Daphne Lawrence

Daphne Lawrence, Joan Langdon in Neighbours Episode 0104
Daphne Lawrence, Joan Langdon

Joan Langdon in Neighbours Episode 0104
Joan Langdon

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