- Des kisses Joan.
- Max sees Maria with a man and goes towards him. The man punches him and Max falls to the ground.
Ramsay Street
Max gets up, Jim and Shane run out and restrain Max. Max shouts at Maria that she is a tart for going out with other men. If he sees the other bloke again he'll knock his block off. Jim drags Max off. Shane tells Maria that she can't expect Max to be OK with her going out with other men. Shane is on Max's side.
Max is muttering that he'll "kill the mongrel". Jim tries to reason with him that he and Maria are separated - he says Max is being ridiculous. Either he accepts the consequences of moving out, or moves back. Max says he's not moving back. Jim says if Max really wants a divorce, he has to forget about Maria. Max takes this in then wanders off home.
When Max has gone, Helen comes in. Jim thinks pride is stopping Max moving back. Helen tells Jim to stay out of the whole mess.
Max's bedsit
Max is finishing a bottle of whisky and looking depressed. Shane comes in quietly and sits down with him. He puts his hand on Max's arm.
SHANE: Not your day, is it? In fact, it hasn't been your day for quite a while. I've been thinking, Dad. You and I have got to stick together. Like mates.
Max says he doesn't want to be felt sorry for, and Shane shouldn't stay in this dump of a bedsit. Shane says when they get organised they'll get something bigger. Max says that Shane is better off on his own. Shane says that may be true, but Max is his Dad and he loves him. They hug and Shane makes Max a coffee. Max is still very emotional.
Ramsays, the following morning
Helen comes in to see Maria. She is very angry with Max for embarrassing her. Helen says maybe Max wants Maria back, but Maria says she'll never forgive Max. Danny comes out and says he wishes he'd seen the fight(!) Danny reckons he's going to speak to Shane about it. Maria says Shane is on Max's side. Danny says he's still on Maria's side.
Danny tells them that he's fallen out with Scott over Wendy. Helen suggests that he talks to Scott directly rather than using Wendy as a go-between.
Jim is just off to work. Helen comes in and says she's off to talk to Scott.
JIM: I know that voice. I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me Grandma!
Jim heads off in a very fetching orange tank top(!)
Jim comes to offer Maria a lift into town. Maria apologises for Max's behaviour last night. Jim says he doesn't know what to do for the best - it's hard for him and Helen because they like both Max and Maria. Maria insists that she's not having Max back.
Outside the Bank
Julie gets out of her car and sees Phil coming into the bank. She admits that there was never anything wrong with her car - she just wanted to spend time with Phil and getting him to give her a lift was a good opportunity! Phil chuckles and invites her to have dinner with him tonight. They agree to eat at his place about 7.30pm. Julie suggests that Phil gives her the key to his flat so she can go round early and cook something.
Julie asks Phil if things will work out - but Phil says that a year's separation is definite grounds for divorce from Loretta.
Helen is confused after talking to Scott - but she thinks Wendy has been telling Scott and Danny different stories. Maria is a bit shocked. Maria says maybe Anna could help them to expose Wendy.
Julie comes in and tells them that she's cooking dinner at Phil's place tonight. Jim still isn't pleased about Phil being married, but Helen says maybe getting hurt might be good for Julie in a way - make her more empathetic with others.
Maria has a chat with Wendy. She tells her that she lied about staying with the family friend. Maria says she's used them, and now Scott and Danny are fighting over her. Danny comes in and overhears this. Maria says she wants Wendy out of the house. Danny says he's going with her(!) But Wendy says aria is right - she's lied and used the Ramsays. But she does have a reason - things were very bad at home. Her mother's boyfriend doesn't like her - when he was drunk he'd try to kiss her and stuff. She says she's been really happy in Ramsay Street. Maria relents and says Wendy can stay - they can start all over again. Wendy promises Maria won't regret her decision.
Julie is just off to Phil's. She asks Jim if she can take his roses and he reluctantly agrees - they were the best he'd ever grown(!)
JIM: I don't know. You put so much into them, and at the end of the day, what have you got. Nothing.
HELEN: Children?
JIM: No, roses!
Phil's place
Loretta is in Phil's flat. Phil is still at work. She takes a bottle from the sideboard and pours herself a drink, downing it in one gulp. Then she pours another.
A road
Julie has called at the supermarket on the way to Phil's flat.
Phil's flat
Loretta has finished the bottle. She sees the photo of Julie on the sideboard. She sways over and picks it up.
LORETTA: Little Miss Goody Two-Shoes.
Just then, Julie arrives. She's shocked to find Loretta in the flat. She slurs at Julie and throws the picture at her. She takes the roses and breaks the heads off them. She tells Julie that she's trying to take Phil away from her. She shouts that Julie has no right to be in her house. Loretta screams that Phil is hers and takes hold of Julie by the neck.
Luckily, Phil comes in at that moment and breaks up the trouble. Phil calms Loretta down and takes her back to the clinic. Julie looks around her, quite stunned.