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Neighbours Episode 0069 from 1985 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0068 - 0070>>
Episode title: 0069
Australian airdate: 20/06/85
UK airdate: 03/02/87
UK Gold: 04/02/93
Writer: Sally Webb
Director: Mark Piper
Guests: Terry Inglis: Maxine Klibingaitas
Gloria Slater: Linda Hartley
Emily Slater: Diana Greentree
Charlie Slater: Gary Down
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
- Daphne's granddad leaves, but leaves her his budgie.
- Max is mad that the bloke who injured Shane only had ten years.
- Jim doesn't want Paul taking out Charlie's Slater's daughter.
Jim tells Helen that he has his reasons, but Helen has never seen Jim like this before.
Paul and Gloria are just heading off. Gloria thanks Helen and Jim warmly for a lovely evening.
When they've gone Jim pours himself a glass of port while Helen presses him for details. Jim says he had big plans when he started out to be rich and a world beater. In his final year at University, he came up with a plan for a unique design for a suspension bridge. He asked Charlie Slater to help him market it, but Charlie stole the plans and sold the idea himself to the highest bidder.
Helen says this has no bearing on today. Jim says bitterly that the plans would have given them security for the rest of their lives. He doesn't want Gloria around to remind him what a fool he was.
Slater Mansion
Paul and Gloria are saying goodnight. They shake hands and Paul suggests he comes in to meet her folks. Gloria is a bit dubious, but goes to check if they are awake. She comes back and invites Paul in.
Inside Slater Mansion
Paul shakes hands with Charlie Slater and meets her mother too. Paul innocently tells Charlie that he knows his father - Jim Robinson. Charlie is surprised and asks how he is. He says he's always liked Jim - he's one of the most honest men he's ever met. He tells Paul that they should get together sometime!
Jim is watching TV on his own. He's dug out the suspension bridge plans and is looking at them sadly.
Paul comes in as Jim is putting his papers away. He tells Jim that he met Charlie and he wants to get together. Jim says that Paul should stick with Gloria and leave the oldies out of it. Jim tells Paul that he doesn't care for Charlie Slater and doesn't want to meet him. If things start getting serious between Paul and Gloria, he'll reconsider later.
Des's, the following morning
Paul is telling Daphne about Jim's strange behaviour last night. He really likes Gloria though. Des doesn't know what to do with the budgie - it keeps pecking him.
Lucy is telling Helen that she liked Gloria. They talk about being rich and what they'd do. Helen says that everyone was up late and they're all tired today. Lucy says Jim has been very quiet this morning.
Lucy says she doesn't want to go on the bus with Mark Riley!
Garden of the Ramsays
Shane is reading the paper when Terry comes out to join him. Shane is frustrated that he's underqualified for any job. Terry tries to encourage him and suggests doing a Tech course. At least all the diving and training has taught him discipline.
Max is ranting that Shane has given up his coaching job. He can't understand why Shane can't find any job, but Maria says that there aren't a lot of jobs about. She says Shane just needs time to "find himself". Max rolls his eyes.
Max admits when pressed that Terry is going well in the job but says it's only a matter of time until she gets herself pregnant or something(!) Maria isn't impressed and says Max is out of touch.
Garden of the Ramsays
Shane tells Terry that it was losing the airline job that has really thrown him. Terry tells Shane that it's all in his attitude - he won't win unless he believes in himself. Shane asks Terry out to dinner. She kisses him on the cheek and accepts.
Des is looking in the paper for jobs for Daphne. She isn't pleased, saying she doesn't need his help. Daphne says if she doesn't find anything in a week, she's going back to full-time stripping. Des tells her off and Daphne throws the shirt she is mending at him and stomps off.
Daphne comes round on a rant about Des. She tells Shane that she could strangle him sometimes. Shane says that Daphne has a great job with flexible hours - he'd do it himself if he could(!) As they are both unemployed at the moment, Daphne suggests they take a picnic to the beach. Shane invites Maria along. Daphne doesn't look pleased but Maria says she has too much housework to do.
Shane tells Daphne about Terry, saying she's great and he's asked her out to dinner. Daphne isn't pleased and calls the picnic off.
Smuggler's Bar
Paul and Gloria are having dinner. Paul has bought her a red rose. He tells Gloria that Jim is acting strangely and says there seems to be some bad feeling between Jim and Charlie. Gloria steers the conversation away but Paul won't drop it. Gloria suggests he asks Jim what's going on before making judgments.
Helen is laughing over Lucy's bedtime story. Apparently she said that Maid Marian was a wimp and Robin Hood should get a proper job(!) Jim is sulking on the sofa watching TV. Helen tries to talk to him about Charlie Slater, but Jim doesn't want to talk about it. Jim says he worries about Julie - she should be out enjoying herself. Helen says that the family are Julie's life. Jim says it would be nice if Julie had someone. Helen says Julie is alright - if anyone should be out enjoying themselves, it's Jim.
Slater Mansion
Paul and Gloria have had a good night. They arrive back to find Gloria's mother crying on the porch.
GLORIA: Mum! Oh, Mum. What's he done?
<<0068 - 0070>>
Helen Daniels, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0069
Helen Daniels, Jim Robinson

Gloria Slater, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0069
Gloria Slater, Paul Robinson

Charlie Slater, Gloria Slater, Paul Robinson, Emily Slater in Neighbours Episode 0069
Charlie Slater, Gloria Slater, Paul Robinson, Emily Slater

Paul Robinson, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0069
Paul Robinson, Jim Robinson

Daphne Lawrence, Paul Robinson, Des Clarke, Squawker in Neighbours Episode 0069
Daphne Lawrence, Paul Robinson, Des Clarke, Squawker

Helen Daniels, Lucy Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0069
Helen Daniels, Lucy Robinson

Lucy Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0069
Lucy Robinson

Terry Inglis, Shane Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0069
Terry Inglis, Shane Ramsay

Shane Ramsay, Terry Inglis in Neighbours Episode 0069
Shane Ramsay, Terry Inglis

Daphne Lawrence, Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0069
Daphne Lawrence, Des Clarke

Shane Ramsay, Daphne Lawrence in Neighbours Episode 0069
Shane Ramsay, Daphne Lawrence

Shane Ramsay, Daphne Lawrence, Maria Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0069
Shane Ramsay, Daphne Lawrence, Maria Ramsay

Gloria Slater, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0069
Gloria Slater, Paul Robinson

Gloria Slater in Neighbours Episode 0069
Gloria Slater

Gloria Slater, Emily Slater in Neighbours Episode 0069
Gloria Slater, Emily Slater

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