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Neighbours Episode 0028 from 1985 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0027 - 0029>>
Episode title: 0028
Australian airdate: 24/04/85
UK airdate: 03/12/86
UK Gold: 09/12/92
Writer: David Phillips
Director: Russell Webb
Guests: Marilyn Temple: Kassie McLuskie
Leo Mason: Justin Gaffney
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
- Scott lies to the police that he saw the mugging incident.
- Max has a go at Mrs Brown.
- Jim realises that Scott has lied to the police. He rings them to tell them.
Julie is filing her nails in the kitchen, much to Lucy's dismay. Julie says tells Helen that she's having dinner with Des tonight.
LUCY: Paul says you've got the hots for Des.
HELEN: Lucy! What Paul means...
LUCY: I know what Paul means. I'm not stupid!
Julie says she could murder Paul sometimes.
Helen tells Lucy that while she was in the shower, Mrs Thornton rang to see if Lucy was going to the fancy-dress party. Helen told her Lucy would be. Lucy isn't pleased, much to Helen's surprise. She says she doesn't want to go.
Helen tells Julie that something has been worrying Lucy lately and now she's stumbled on it.
Robinsons - Living Room
Jim says that they'll stop off at the police station on the way to school so that Scott can change his statement. Scott isn't pleased that Jim has told the police.
Des is making breakfast for Daphne. He's trying to be quiet but he stubs his toe. He goes into his room to shriek about it(!)
Daphne comes in from her aerobics class, much to Des's surprise - he was trying not to wake her(!) Daphne says that her new aerobics teacher is gorgeous.
Daphne offers to cook dinner for Des and Julie tonight. He is very pleased. He's still flicking through his little black book - from now on, it's romance without strings! Daphne suggests Des asks Julie for an update on what the girls in the little black book are doing. Daphne says she'll cook something really "special" tonight.
Julie is all dressed up to have dinner with Des. Helen is quite surprised, saying she thought Julie had given up on Des.
Max comes round to see Jim - he wanted to know why Scott changed his statement. Jim says he had no choice once he found out. Max says that now the boys haven't got a leg to stand on.
Julie has turned up for dinner. She's very pleased to see Des has set the table nicely, but she's not very pleased when she hears Daphne has done it(!) Daphne is just off to work, telling Des that all he has to do is take the food out of the oven.
DES: Isn't she a great girl?
JULIE: Er...yes. She's wonderful.
Julie tells Des that she's glad they've got the place to themselves. Des says he has something very important to tell Julie tonight. Julie looks pleased!
Shane has come to have a chat with Max about Danny. Max says that there's nothing to talk about. Shane says that Danny feels awful because Max doesn't believe he didn't mug the woman. Shane says he believes Danny. Max says it makes no difference. Shane is angry.
Danny's bedroom
Shane and Danny are talking through the mugging incident. Shane says tomorrow he'll go down to the shopping centre and ask if anyone saw the incident. Danny is going to see Scott to find out if he dobbed him in on purpose(!) He tells Shane to cover for him.
Scott's room
Danny comes in through the window. He shouts at Scott for dobbing him in. Scott says that he made a mistake - he's a lousy liar. They say that they're both gone now - especially Danny who might get locked up.
Des and Julie drink a toast to old friends. Julie says that Des has had a rough time lately and she hasn't help him much. But Des wants to talk about the future. He starts asking her about his past girlfriends and acquaintances. Julie is rather puzzled as she answers his questions. Then he explains that he's trying to get his social life back on the rails(!) Julie is not pleased. Des says that Daphne thought Julie could help him go through his little black book.
As Julie is seething, Daphne comes in. Julie goes off home saying she feels a bit tired.
When Julie has gone, Des smiles and tells Daphne innocently that Julie was the ideal person to talk to about his little black book!
Julie comes in crying. She says Des humiliated her and explains about his little black book. She says that Daphne put him up to it.
Ramsay Street, the following morning
Shane and Daphne meet while jogging. They exchange cordialities.
Daphne comes in from jogging. Des is on the phone to Marilyn (Julie's friend at the bank). He invites her to come to dinner at his place and she accepts. Daphne tells Des that she has someone coming over herself tonight. Des says he can't take Marilyn out - he's broke. Daphne says she'll cook and they can all eat together.
Danny's room
Shane is going to go door-to-door on the street of the mugging. Danny suggests asking Father Barry and Daphne if they've heard anything on the grapevine from the squats. Danny tells Shane that he's off his head for not going out with Daphne.
Lucy tells Julie that she looks awful(!)
LUCY: How did it go with Des? Did you do it?
HELEN: Lucy, what do you mean?
LUCY: You know!
Helen tells her to eat her breakfast! Then she asks if Lucy has spoken to Jim about her problem yet.
LUCY: Let's face it, Gran. I don't think Dad's interested in talking to me anymore.
Marilyn has arrived, but Daphne's date isn't there yet. Marilyn comments how nice the house if looking since Daphne moved in. Daphne's date, Leo Mason arrives. Marilyn recognises Leo, saying she used to go to his aerobics classes. A bit of a frosty atmosphere descends.
Max asks Shane how his detective work went. Max tells Danny that things aren't looking good. Max says that Danny will have to plead guilty - if he pleads innocent they'll probably lose.
The conversation at Des's is not going very well. Daphne asks why Marilyn stopped going to aerobics classes, but she is unforthcoming.
Scott's room
Lucy has had a nightmare, and now Scott is up. He tells Helen that Jim isn't being very supportive of him.
The conversation is now even more stilted. Marilyn and Leo decide to leave. Leo offers to give Marilyn a lift home.
Daphne closes the door and she and Des start to laugh.
Helen tells Jim that Lucy has had a nightmare. He doesn't seem very interested. Helen thinks it has something to do with the fancy-dress party. Jim says he has more important things to worry about.
HELEN: Don't you worry, you've made your point. You've been making it ever since Anna left.
JIM: I don't want that subject discussed. I thought I made that clear to you.
Helen follows Jim into the kitchen and starts ranting at Jim - he's been awful to the kids recently. Helen says that if Jim keeps wallowing in self-pity, he'll wake up one morning and find all his children are strangers.
<<0027 - 0029>>
Julie Robinson, Helen Daniels, Lucy Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0028
Julie Robinson, Helen Daniels, Lucy Robinson

Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0028
Des Clarke

Julie Robinson, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0028
Julie Robinson, Helen Daniels

Daphne Lawrence in Neighbours Episode 0028
Daphne Lawrence

Julie Robinson, Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0028
Julie Robinson, Des Clarke

Shane Ramsay, Max Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0028
Shane Ramsay, Max Ramsay

Danny Ramsay, Shane Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0028
Danny Ramsay, Shane Ramsay

Danny Ramsay, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0028
Danny Ramsay, Scott Robinson

Julie Robinson, Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0028
Julie Robinson, Des Clarke

Julie Robinson, Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0028
Julie Robinson, Des Clarke

Julie Robinson, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0028
Julie Robinson, Helen Daniels

Des Clarke, Marilyn Temple, Daphne Lawrence in Neighbours Episode 0028
Des Clarke, Marilyn Temple, Daphne Lawrence

Danny Ramsay, Max Ramsay, Shane Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0028
Danny Ramsay, Max Ramsay, Shane Ramsay

Des Clarke, Marilyn Temple, Daphne Lawrence, Leo Mason in Neighbours Episode 0028
Des Clarke, Marilyn Temple, Daphne Lawrence, Leo Mason

Helen Daniels, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0028
Helen Daniels, Paul Robinson

Daphne Lawrence, Des Clarke, Leo Mason, Marilyn Temple in Neighbours Episode 0028
Daphne Lawrence, Des Clarke, Leo Mason, Marilyn Temple

Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0028
Jim Robinson

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