Piper is lying in a hospital bed.
PIPER: Hey guys. As you can see I'm sporting the no make- up, post- op, no sleep look today. This is me, now. For a while, this is me, this is my life, in hospital. But wait, you don't know the best part yet! A few of my ones have exploded! My left leg and my pelvis. I have a very uncomfortable tube in my...nether regions...because I can't get up to go to the toilet which is (sarcastically) awesome. Like, the things I do for views(!)
She starts to get a bit upset.
PIPER: You've probably clicked on this video to find out *what* has actually happened to me. So...basically, I was hit by a car. Um...sorry, I was, sorry...
She tries not to cry.
PIPER: As you guys know, I work at the Backpackers. I was working behind the front desk. And...I heard it first, which was like...a noise I'll never forget. Um, so, I heard it, and then I turned around and I saw a car, just like, out of control, came in and hit the desk. I kind of blacked out and I'm glad I did because I don't remember being hit. Um...and I'm really glad I don't because when I woke up I was trapped.
She swallows hard.
PIPER: Um...between the wall and the desk.
She holds back tears.
PIPER: When my mum came in to see me today, the first thing that she said was...what if it had happened all again?
She pauses.
PIPER: You know, like, what if history had...you know, repeated itself. And I didn't want to tell her, but in the moment, I was so scared that that's what was happening. Like when there was dust everywhere and I realised I couldn't move. And that I was trapped. It just got me thinking...like, when did Josh know that...?
More tears appear.
PIPER: When did Josh know that he wasn't OK?
There is a long pause.
PIPER: I don't know, is it crazy to think that he was looking out for me?
Another long pause.
PIPER: He must have been so scared, being trapped there and being alone.
She breathes shakily.
PIPER: You know when people have, like, near- death experiences or they, like, survive plane crashes or even people's stories from surviving the Titanic...all of them say, 'I'm so lucky'. I'm so lucky. And I've always thought, like, 'What do you mean? You should be...how unlucky am I to find myself in this situation?' but, I feel like I get it now. Because it could have been so much worse. And it has been, so, yeah, thanks bro for having my back.
She sobs a little.