Tyler and Piper are sitting on a blanket by the lake again.
PIPER: Hey, guys, welcome to this week's episode of Pipe Up...last week I posted a video of Tyler and I doing the boyfriend tag.
TYLER: #BoyfriendTag
PIPER: In the comments section, it was highly requested for us to do the girlfriend tag...
TYLER: #GirlfriendTag
PIPER: This week, we will be doing the...
She looks expectantly at Tyler who doesn't say anything.
TYLER: ...#GirlfriendTag.
Caption: Pipe Up (with two strange voices saying "Girlfriend Tag"
PIPER: (holding up a bowl of chocolates) So, as usual, the winner...well, if you get a question right, you get a chocolate, that's the rule...
TYLER: Yep, cool, I'll have one now.
He takes a chocolate.
TYLER: Because I'm a winner!
Piper looks exasperated.
PIPER: First question, okay. Go.
TYLER: Um...what do I do? Sorry?
PIPER: Ask me questions.
TYLER: But I haven't got any questions. You're meant to give them to me...
PIPER: Are you serious? Were you here last week?
TYLER: Yes...but you're meant to write the questions...
PIPER: So you want me to write the questions, for me to answer, so I will give you the questions knowing the answers to my own questions, give them to you for you to read out loud to ask me my own questions, and the competition is to see how many I get right of my own questions?
Tyler thinks. Crickets chirp.
TYLER: First question. How many fingers am I holding up behind my back?
PIPER: Ty- ler!
TYLER: It's legit.
PIPER: No, the point of the tag is how well do you know me...
TYLER: Yeah...
PIPER: ...and how well do I know you? How am I meant to...? That's a guessing game.
TYLER: Well, if you know me well enough, you'd know. If I picked a number between one and ten, what would it be?
Piper thinks.
PIPER: Eight?
Tyler bring his hands out from behind his back.
TYLER: See, you do! Eight it is!
The chocolate has melted, so they eat it with a spoon.
TYLER: Do you want it all? Have half. Why eight is my favourite number?
PIPER: Because...
TYLER: Because?
PIPER: The difference between a man and a boy is eight cylinders.
Tyler puts his thumb up to the camera.
TYLER: What is my favourite thing about you?
PIPER: This sounds, like, a bit...not arrogant, but like...in the past, you said that I make you smarter. And that you've learnt words around me. Would you say that, Ty?
TYLER: Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding! Who's my best friend?
Piper thinks.
PIPER: This might sound a little bit...me?
TYLER: Yesssssss!!
They hug.
PIPER: Oh! I was going to say Mark! Meeeeeee!
TYLER: Ding, ding, ding!
He offers her a chocolate.
TYLER: Melted chocolate.
PIPER: Very, it's like a hot chocolate.
TYLER: What is my biggest regret?
PIPER: Not telling me you loved me sooner.
TYLER: Ha, ha! I was going to say, sleeping with your sister. Wish I had been with you instead.
PIPER: Well...
A bit of a silence descends.
TYLER: Number 1 thing on my bucket list?
PIPER: Owning a Harley or something?
TYLER: Oh, you were so close.
PIPER: Own your own mechanic's?
TYLER: Ding, ding, ding!
PIPER: Aw, I don't deserve a chocolate.
TYLER: What is my favourite food?
PIPER: Pad Thai.
Tyler grins at the camera.
TYLER: She knows me too well. Ding, ding, ding! You get a swipe.
PIPER: Yeah, it's going to have to be a swipe. It's very hot out here today.
She swipes a bit of the now- melted chocolate out of the bowl.
TYLER: What is my favourite movie?
Tyler looks at her.
TYLER: That's not funny!
PIPER: Little Gertie! When Tyler was a little boy, his mum dresses him up as...is it Gertie? Drew Barrymore...
TYLER: Drew Barrymore's character, she was really young, and...question...
PIPER: Oh my God! We should get a cat costume.
TYLER: As in ET, or Gertie...?
PIPER: Either or.
TYLER: Ride your bike! With the cat in the basket! You can be riding it! And I'll lift you up, and it'll...
She looks into the camera.
PIPER: No, but seriously, if you guys actually want that, if we get a hundred comments...
TYLER: #100
PIPER: Comment down below...ET Cat.
PIPER: Yeah, #ETCat
TYLER: At least a hundred.
PIPER: It has to be a hundred.
TYLER: And then we'll do it.
PIPER: I'm so excited!
TYLER: (into the camera) Hurry up and do it! Well, that's it, guys...we have finished the #BoyfriendTag
PIPER: #GirlfriendTag. If you've stumbled across my videos somehow from a Recommended Search, hit the Subscribe button!
He is very close to the camera now.
He sits back down.
PIPER: Sayonara, guys!
TYLER: Ciao, ciao.
PIPER: Ciao, ciao for now!