Piper has written a comment under her uploaded video:
"First of all I just wanted to apologise for the video I uploaded last week. It was very 'ranty' and that's not what I'm all about. After a big week of reflection, I've decided to make it up to you guys by recording something fun and light. I present, my thoughts on 'honesty' an intimate dissection of the human condition when it comes to telling the truth and the consequences of... oh no! I've done it again. Yep... this is another 'rant vid' ... Oops!"
We open the video with Piper in the back room of No.22.
PIPER: Good morning, guys! Or...good evening, guys if you're watching this at night...I don't know what time it is when I'm uploading. I know some of my subscribers are in the UK. Gavin, who I met when I was in London.
She waves.
PIPER: Hey, Gavin!
Caption: PIPE UP (with an elephant's trumpeting noise)
PIPER: Last week's video I uploaded was all about respect. That was triggered by some pretty chaotic stuff that was happening to me at home. Which made for a really ranty video.
She laughs a bit.
PIPER: Which isn't the usual, like, vibe of my channel, the sort of content I upload...took a leaf out of Caito Potatoe's book. But, yeah, in saying that, I don't want my channel to just be, like, ranting and raving about things that happen to me during the week, you know, I want it to be...more...sophisticated that that. But ah, in saying that, this is another rant video...sorry!
She grins into the camera.
PIPER: Honesty. It's a pretty important virtue, yeah? I mean, it's something I've been thinking about a lot lately, and society on the whole puts a pretty big emphasis on telling the truth.
She pretends to be Terese.
PIPER: 'Where were you last night, Piper Willis?! Confess!'
She goes back to being herself.
PIPER: The truth is, people lie, like, all the time. And if we're being honest, is honesty always the best way to go? I mean, back in the nineties, Bill Clinton, like, president of the United States, told a little bit of a porkie.
She looks into the camera.
PIPER:(as Bill Clinton) I did not have sexual relations with that woman. Honest!
She laughs into the camera.
PIPER: Didn't work out that well for him! Everyone lies, not just politicians. I remember when I was a kid, if my parents wanted to be on my best behaviour, they were like 'If you're a good little girl, then you'll go on to Father Christmas's good list'. And of course, little Piper, wanting presents...I did just that! I don't think I'll be on the good list, though, this year...!
She looks a bit sheepish.
PIPER: I feel like there are different types of lies. You know, you've got fibs and white lies and then you have bigger stuff. Recently, my boyfriend lied to me. And...kind of manipulated me to do something that I didn't want to do. We're trying to be really honest with each other, and it just hurts when someone breaks that trust. Other than guilt, the other biggest thing about lying is...waiting to get caught. And having older siblings, that really...that helps, I was let into the 'Santa being a myth' thing at a pretty young...I don't know how young my subscribers are.
She looks a bit guilty.
PIPER: I am sorry if I've...actually, I'm not, I'm not sorry because I'm doing you a favour. You shouldn't be lied to in the first place. There we go! Ducked myself out of that one! No, but really...like, if you're twelve and you don't know that yet...like, that's a...even when I was a kid, I had my suspicions.
She does a quick sketch of a conversation between her and Terese when she was a child.
LITTLE PIPER: Mum, where do presents come from?
PAST TERESE: Oh, darling...um...elves make them.
LITTLE PIPER: Oh. Then why is there a price label on my DVD?
PAST TERESE: Because...uh, the elves, sell them...to the shops...
She looks into the camera.
PIPER: It's interesting, because, from a young age you're taught to not tell lies. But then, like, your whole childhood is just like, lie after lie after lie after lie...you've got the Tooth Fairy. Eat your carrots, they'll give you night vision. The crusts- toast thing...about curly hair? I don't know, if you wanted curly hair, your parents were like, 'Eat your crusts' but really they were just trying to make kids eat food and not be fussy eaters. That's a white lie. It's a sociably acceptable lie. There are different types of lies. The worst is the lies that...where the trust has been broken, You know, if you asked me what my favourite colour was and I was like, 'Oh, neon green', and it wasn't, like, there aren't any stakes, no- one's hurt. Lying at the expense of someone else, that's not on. Anyway, that's what I think. When is it OK to lie? Let me know in the comments down below. That's all from me this week, guys, shalom!
She waves.