The final instalment begins with a hilarious alternate timeline version of the opening titles. The street sign shows "Robinson Street", the motel is owned by "Lambert Motels" and Toadie bursts that red balloon.
Power Street
Tyler cradles Piper after Paul hit her with the car. He tells her he always thought she was kind of cute. Piper dies in his arms. Paul then notices that Rob was hit as well after jumping out to try and save Piper. Rob says he can see the light… but it's the portal. He realises Paul was telling the truth about a parallel universe and tells him to go back.
PAUL: Don't you see? Everything will be different.
ROB: Something bad happened to me didn't it? Yeah, that's why you're acting so weird around me.
Rob dies too and Paul tells him he's sorry.
Number 28
Karl discretely tells Susan he's has called an ambulance for Paul. Paul tells Susan he went back to 1985 again.
PAUL: I had to go back to convince myself to ignore myself… which is neither easy to say or do.
Number 28 (1985)
The old instrumental theme tune starts up one last time and Paul is talking to his younger self again (this time in a scene from episode 100), trying to convince him to forget everything he told him before.
PRESENT DAY PAUL: Sell that stock in the mobile phone companies and concentrate on Lassiters. And if things go a little bit wrong just take a trip to South America. Oh, and Terry Inglis… she could just be the one!
YOUNGER PAUL: I don't know, Paul.
PRESENT DAY PAUL: You've got to ask yourself, do you want a long and prosperous future?
YOUNGER PAUL: If it's at all possible. Is it?
PRESENT DAY PAUL: I'd bet my right leg on it!
Number 28 (present day)
Paul hears a door close outside and tries to leave but Karl tries to stop him. Paul insists it really happened and Susan tells him the doctors just want to help him. Paul shoves Karl out of the way and makes his escape.
Ramsay Street
Paul makes a run for it and uses the device to time travel to…
Number 26 back yard
Paul finds himself standing in the hot tub which is cordoned off with police tape. A crime scene examiner tells him he's contaminating the scene. Paul looks at the device and sees he's landed on 7th November; one week into the future! The examiner tells him this is a suspected homicide investigation (a little teaser for Hamish's death). Paul quickly transports himself out of there.
Lassiters complex
Paul looks around and everything seems normal. Jimmy is relieved as he thought Paul had been struck by lightning but notices his shoes are all wet.
JIMMY: Look, it's a hundred percent natural, I know. It happens to old people all the time, OK?!
Paul dumps the time travel device in the bin as everything seems normal. He and Jimmy walk off and don't see Stingray appear… dressed in the mayoral robes!
STINGRAY: Re- elect Mayor Timmins for a brighter Erinsborough… ya spiggin hufters!