Piper is sitting in a chair, talking into the camera.
PIPER: I don't know...I mean, are they just teenage hormones? I don't know. Do they relate to Tyler? I don't know. This is like...there are perks, and there are pros and cons of doing these sorts of videos because now my brain is just, like, running away with itself, and now I'm starting to think, like, why am I even in a relationship? Why...have I put so much pressure on myself to have a boyfriend, like why am I conforming to, like, what society wants of me? Not of me, of, like, everyone. Like, why do we put so much pressure on relationships and like, decide this is what we want and need? I mean, I'm seventeen. You know, maybe I don't *want* a relationship.
I mean, look at my dad. Prime example. I mean, I love the guy, but he has never been able to stay in a stable relationship...and I hope he does with his new wife, but...I don't know, maybe he's just...when he is a husband and a partner, he isn't able to be his best self?
It's like if Ty and I were both on a graph, and it was plotting our growth, it'd be, like, I'd be going up at a constant 45 degree angle and Ty, he started before me, but I don't feel like he's growing anymore. It's basically...it is, it's non- existent and he's kind of like plateaued. He's just not open to, like, growth. Like, at the Backpackers for example, there were so many amazing, new people and they were...they came with new ideas and open minds and all these amazing opinions, and Ty, like, wasn't interested. Whereas I feel like that pushed me and make me question things and *think*. But that didn't...Ty didn't take it like that, he...I don't know.
Like, I love him, I do, obviously I love him. But...I just, I don't know if I like him sometimes. I don't know.
This is horrible. This is horrible, I'm just letting my brain run away with my mouth and it's saying whatever it wants...and I'm going to wake up in the morning and be like, 'How did I even get there?' That's all stupid, stupid, stupid. Or, I'm going to wake up in the morning and be, like, yep...I worked a lot of stuff out last night. And it's all going to be relevant still.