PIPER: Here we are at number five...China Town.
Caption: 5. China town
PIPER: Fun fact, this is the oldest ongoing Chinese settlement in the Western world. And it used to be a thriving hub for cabinet makers and fabric importers!
Tyler is apparently making a face off- screen.
PIPER: What? My viewers might want some fun history, Tyler!
A passing car beeps at Piper and she jumps.
TYLER:(off- camera) Woah!
Caption: PIPE UP
PIPER: Obviously, I'm still here with my trusty camera...
Some people pass off- camera and heckle Piper.
PIPER: I'm trying to film a blog, here! (To Tyler) Do you want to come say hi? Come say hi. Come say hi.
She turns the camera around.
TYLER: Hi. Yes, I'm still alive, she hasn't killed me yet.
They laugh.
TYLER: Alright, back on you.
PIPER: Back on the star of Pipe Up.
She frames her face with her hands. She then goes to cross the road at a zebra crossing, and a cyclist stops for her.
PIPER:(over her shoulder) Come on.
She leans against a wall.
PIPER: I'm texting my mum. Cos she's not very happy. It is quite late, and I didn't tell her I was leaving. Standing here under the light is a bad idea, there are bugs everywhere.
She flings her jacket over her shoulder.
They sit in an alcove.
TYLER: Arghhhhh.
PIPER: Are you having so much fun?
TYLER: I'm bored.
PIPER: I think you've really plateaued...
TYLER: I'm done. I'm over it.
PIPER: ...Tyler, you need to be on all the time.
She clicks her fingers.
TYLER: Let's finish up...
PIPER: First key of Pipe Up, on all the time.
TYLER: Let's go...no...NOOOOoooo!
He runs down the road, narrowly avoiding passersby, with Piper chasing him with the camera.
TYLER: I'm going home!
PIPER: Tyler! How about we get some dumplings?
Tyler stops and looks back.
TYLER:(perking up) Dumplings?
PIPER: Dumpling time!
Cut to Tyler and Piper sharing some dumplings.
PIPER:(with her mouth full) OK, guys...
TYLER:(also with his mouth full) OK, guys...that finishes Piper's top five places to visit in Melbourne. I'm going home, we're going to...
PIPER: No, we're not. We're going to go and do...Tyler's top five places to visit!
TYLER: No, we're not.
A passerby stops.
PASSERBY: Where did you get your dumplings?
PIPER: Just from in here.
PASSERBY: Are they good?
TYLER: They are so good, oh my God!
He turns to the camera.
TYLER: Helping out Melbournians around here with their dumplings.
PIPER: This will be on Tyler's top five.
TYLER: I think so.
PIPER: Really, really good.
She holds up a dumpling on a fork.
PIPER: Do you even dumpling? Anyway, guys, that's all for this week, leave your comments below, I'll see you guys next week! Byeee!
She waves.