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Name of Webisode:
Neighbours vs Zombies Part 1
Release Date: 27/10/14
Written by: Ric Forster (Story: Ric Forster & Louna Maroun)
Directed by: Ric Forster & Louna Maroun
Guests: Stingray Timmins: Ben Nicholas
David Bishop: Kevin Harrington
Hope Gottlieb: Louna Maroun
Mason Turner: Taylor Glockner
Robbo Slade: Aaron Jakubenko
Robbo double: Anthony Rentis
Summary/Images by: David
Contains Horror Themes
Ramsay Street
We open with a close up shot of the iconic Ramsay Street sign, covered in bloodied hand prints.
Lassiters Park/Lassiters Complex
Amber Turner runs through Lassiters Park. She takes the hand of a red- headed young woman as they run into the Lassiters Complex. Paul runs out of the hotel, followed by a crowd of zombies. Paul shouts on Amber, as she and the girl join him, but it is too late as the three are surrounded.
5 Hours Earlier
Lassiters Complex
Mason holds up a gruesome Halloween Mask in front of his face.
MASON: Scared?
AMBER: Not really, I’m just happy you’ve found a way to improve your face.
Amber tells Mason to help finish decorating the store for Halloween. Mason comments that this wasn’t the trip home he had planned. Amber heads inside as Mason decorates the front, but he starts to look around nervously, obviously feeling like he’s being watched. Mason walks around the side of the store and sees a man crouched near the ground, facing away from him. As he asks him if he’s alright, the man stands up and turns around. It’s Robbo as a zombie. Mason rushes back to the store calling Amber’s name. He tells her he just saw Robbo, and leads her around the side to show her, but Robbo’s gone.
Amber doesn’t believe Mason, she can’t believe he would make this up knowing what she’s been through. Amber says Robbo is dead, he got hit by a car and she doesn’t think Mason should be making jokes at his expense. She tells Mason if he’s looking to be taken to a psych ward then he’s going the right way about it.
Number 30
TOADIE: DEEEEEE! D is for Daddy!
Toadie films a message to Nell on his tablet, as Sonya joins him before they both say goodbye to Nell.
TOADIE: I love you, give nan a kiss from me. Just not on the lips because it’s a bit hairy. Sorry mum, love you, bye!
Toadie turns off his tablet. Sonya asks if he likes scary movies. He asks if she likes bright colours. Sonya playfully hits him and then leads him out to watch a horror film.
Lassiters Complex
Mason leaves Harold’s, before the red- headed girl we saw in the opening of the episode bumps into him, obviously in a rush somewhere. She asks him if he saw anyone running across the complex, a guy, his height, pale looking. He looks thoughtfully but then says it’s nothing. She asks him if he saw a dead person.
Lassiters Lake
The girl shows Mason her video blog on her phone. On the video she reveals her name is Hope Gottlieb and she’s been filming the toxic waste that has been carelessly dumped beside Lassiters Lake. She soon spots Stingray Timmins standing beside a tree and rushes over to him. Hope introduce herself, telling Stingray she was below him at school.
HOPE: You’re supposed to be dead.
STINGRAY: Haha, yeah, dead sexy.
Stingray takes her hat from her. Hope speaks to the camera and says Stingray died years ago. She explains to Stingray she’s talking to her subscribers on her youtube channel, but he doesn’t know what that is.
Outside Grease Monkeys
Having watched the video, Mason is relieved to know Robbo isn’t the only one and that means he isn’t crazy. Hope wants to show it to the cops, but Mason says they’ll assume that she edited it with old footage or used someone that looked like Stingray. Mason wonders where Stingray was going. They suggest he’d go to his home, and Hope says he used to live on Ramsay Street. Mason rushes off, while Hope follows.
The camera floats past the graves of Bridget Louise Parker and Margaret ‘Madge’ Mary Bishop before we see a hand rising through the ground.
Number 30
Sonya and Toadie return home.
SONYA: I’m sorry Jarrod, I just think those films are too far- fetched.
TOADIE: Oh what, they’re a classic! What do I even see in you?
SONYA: I’ll tell you what you see in me.
Sonya kisses Toadie, but stops when she hears a noise. She doesn’t think they are alone. They look around, Toadie switches on his phone light and Sonya grabs an umbrella to use as a weapon. He turns around and is startled to see David Bishop, who in turn is startled by them.
TOADIE: David?!
DAVID: What?
To Be Continued
  in Neighbours Webisode Neighbours vs Zombies Part 1

Hope Gottlieb, Paul Robinson, Amber Turner  in Neighbours Webisode Neighbours vs Zombies Part 1
Hope Gottlieb, Paul Robinson, Amber Turner

Stingray Timmins  in Neighbours Webisode Neighbours vs Zombies Part 1
Stingray Timmins

  in Neighbours Webisode Neighbours vs Zombies Part 1

Mason Turner, Amber Turner  in Neighbours Webisode Neighbours vs Zombies Part 1
Mason Turner, Amber Turner

Robbo Slade  in Neighbours Webisode Neighbours vs Zombies Part 1
Robbo Slade

Amber Turner, Mason Turner  in Neighbours Webisode Neighbours vs Zombies Part 1
Amber Turner, Mason Turner

Sonya Mitchell, Toadie Rebecchi  in Neighbours Webisode Neighbours vs Zombies Part 1
Sonya Mitchell, Toadie Rebecchi

Hope Gottlieb  in Neighbours Webisode Neighbours vs Zombies Part 1
Hope Gottlieb

Mason Turner  in Neighbours Webisode Neighbours vs Zombies Part 1
Mason Turner

Stingray Timmins, Hope Gottlieb  in Neighbours Webisode Neighbours vs Zombies Part 1
Stingray Timmins, Hope Gottlieb

Mason Turner, Hope Gottlieb  in Neighbours Webisode Neighbours vs Zombies Part 1
Mason Turner, Hope Gottlieb

  in Neighbours Webisode Neighbours vs Zombies Part 1

  in Neighbours Webisode Neighbours vs Zombies Part 1

  in Neighbours Webisode Neighbours vs Zombies Part 1

Sonya Mitchell, Toadie Rebecchi  in Neighbours Webisode Neighbours vs Zombies Part 1
Sonya Mitchell, Toadie Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell, David Bishop  in Neighbours Webisode Neighbours vs Zombies Part 1
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell, David Bishop

David Bishop  in Neighbours Webisode Neighbours vs Zombies Part 1
David Bishop

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