Steph's fourth psych evaluation takes place on the 25th February 2013.
The psych begins by congratulating Steph on her record, no incidents for months now. Steph asks if she gets a gold star and is told that gold star is parole!
STEPH: That didn't come easy!
She's reminded it would have come sooner if other things hadn't happened and Steph compliments her on the phrase she uses.
PSYCHOLOGIST: Looking back, how do you think being on the inside affected you?
STEPH: took me a long time to adjust to the rules in here, not to the guards' rules, but the real rules, and for months I made the mistake of trying to be normal, which no, didn't work.
PSYCHOLOGIST: What do you mean by normal?
STEPH: Someone who just likes to take things easy, someone who likes to help people, someone who needs her own space, who loves her own space. You don't do that in here.
Steph then tells her about reading an about Africa where the lion has to get up early to catch the slowest gazelle otherwise it will starve to death. So it doesn't really matter whether you're a lion or a gazelle, once the sun's up you better get running.
STEPH: It's what prison's like. If you want something you've got to get it otherwise someone else is going to take it from you and take you out in the process. Noone's your friend here and if you can't accept that, then you're not going to survive.
PSYCHOLOGIST: And do you think it's like that on the outside?
STEPH: No, of course not!
PSYCHOLOGIST: Then how do you think you'll adjust? Can you go back to being the person you used to be?
STEPH: I'd like to say I can, I'll certainly try but we're not really going to know until I'm back out there are we?
To be continued