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Neighbours Episode 8372 from 2020 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8371 - 8373>>
Episode title: 8372
Australian airdate: 27/05/20
UK airdate: 17/06/20
Writer: Rene Zandveld
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Naomi Canning: Morgana O'Reilly
Shaun Watkins: Brad Moller
Leila Potts: Jing-Xuan Chan
- "You There" by Aquilo
Summary/Images by: Liam/Graham
- Aaron and David learn the fostering agency want to formally assess them
- They get support from Karl and Susan, who think there's 'a lot of love in this house'
- Paul is intrigued when Chloe refers to Naomi as 'kind of my type'
- Paul wastes no time in suggesting to Pierce that Chloe has an 'interest' in Naomi
- Elly and Shaun get closer following his return, admitting she likes having him here
- Bea tells Shaun about the video diaries that Finn made when his memories came back
- David offers to watch the diaries with Shaun, but Shaun says he needs to do it alone
- Shaun's disturbed by the videos, and hurls the laptop away just as Elly shows up
No 28
In the garden, Elly is alarmed by the Shaun-on-laptop violence, and asks if he needs her to leave. Shaun apologises, and explains that he's been watching Finn's video diaries after Bea gave him a copy.
SHAUN: The things he said, it was hard to hear - and I lost it. It's so full-on seeing that version of him. Do you think we could talk about it?
ELLY: No, no - I can't talk about those videos. It's too much.
Elly rushes off, upset.
The Waterhole
Ned is updating Pierce, Chloe and Naomi on his progress making plaster-casts of the busts of all Erinsborough's womenfolk.
NED: Mrs Punt's took longer than expected. She has a lot of input.
Ned says he could use more volunteers, so Chloe volunteers. Sheila, who has been earwigging, appears next to them.
SHEILA: You can count me in, too! I'd love to get the girls out for a good cause.
NED: ... Okay... sure.
SHEILA: Excuse me! I know that gravity has tried, but there is still a lot of bounce in these puppies. Just ask Clive!
NED: Nah, I'm good. But thank you for volunteering.
Ned suggests that Naomi or Yashvi might do Sheila's cast, but...
SHEILA: Oh, no. I just want the artiste himself, thank you very much.
Sheila walks away.
CHLOE: That's you told, Neduardo!
Ned heads off to organise the final casts, shouting out to Sheila that he'll text her when he's ready. Chloe and Naomi continue to talk about preparations for the Morning Tea event; Pierce looks a bit concerned about how well they're getting on. Naomi suggests they organise a post-show wind-down for themselves after it's all over.
PIERCE (to Chloe): We've got plans tomorrow afternoon, remember?
CHLOE: Pfft. We can squeeze in a little celebration.
Naomi immediately suggests tequila shots by the rooftop pool. Chloe is keen, as she has a new swimsuit she needs to christen. Pierce looks awkward.
Ramsay Street
David is clearing up leaves at the front of No 32, in preparation for their meeting with the fostering agency. Aaron tells him to relax - they're very well prepared, and are sure to get approved as foster carers.
At this point, they notice that Ned is setting up a table full of the breast plaster-casts outside No 22! David and Aaron are clearly concerned that the foster rep might see them and be concerned, but are too polite to ask Ned to take them indoors; once Ned has gone, Aaron reassures David that the casts will probably be gone once the rep arrives.
DAVID: And if they aren't?
AARON: ...
Paul is with Terese in the office, and being rather possessive about the fact that artwork depicting her breasts is going to be on display.
TERESE: My breasts are mine, Paul. They are not yours by rights of marriage. And do I need to remind you that this is for charity? A charity that is very personal and close to my heart.
So he starts creeping up to her, saying it's a great cause and that he's glad she's doing it. They kiss. At this point, Yashvi arrives to start doing Terese's cast, and Paul is banished so they can make a start.
Harold's Café
Shaun has asked David to meet up for a chat; David's glad of the distraction, with the foster meeting imminent. Shaun is very quiet, and David correctly guesses that he's watched Finn's video diaries.
SHAUN: I didn't think they'd get to me. But... seeing the fear in Finn's eyes... the hate just consumed him. And then to make it worse, I lost it in front of Elly (...)
DAVID: I'm sure she understands
SHAUN: She couldn't leave her own house a day ago. And now she has to deal with me, too?
DAVID: You're entitled to work through your own grief.
SHAUN: Yeah, on my own.
DAVID: Is there something you can do to say goodbye to Finn? (...) It doesn't have to be a big thing. Just something to give you closure. I think you need it.
The Waterhole
Paul arrives as Chloe, Pierce and Naomi are wrapping up their meeting, and asks for an update on the breast casts - he says Terese is doing one, and he wants to know where they're being displayed. Naomi says they're being set up in the complex tonight. Chloe and Naomi head off, so that Naomi can do Chloe's cast! Pierce looks worried.
PAUL: You don't have a problem with her hands all over your wife?
PIERCE: Paul, get a grip.
PAUL: Well, you know, she is Chloe's type! We both know that.
PIERCE: Anything else?
PAUL: I find it interesting that your wife latched onto Naomi so fast.
PIERCE: Nobody's latching onto anyone!
PAUL: Oh, come on, you have to admit, it was pretty quick after finding out about your history with her. Wonder if there's a reason for that, hm? And the fact that Chloe was so excited about letting Naomi - now, how did she put it again - oh, yeah - 'get her plastered'?
Paul slinks off, leaving Pierce even more concerned.
No 32
David and Aaron show the foster agency rep, Leila, into the garden, where Aaron tempts her with biccies he's baked for the Biggest Morning Tea. She's completed the home check and says all is in order, but does mention the breast casts she saw on the driveway opposite! David and Aaron assure her they're for charity and won't be there for long!
They get started on the interview section of the visit. Leila begins by asking whether all their family attended their wedding. David explains his mum couldn't be there as she'd just had surgery; Aaron says his family was all there except for Tyler, and his dad who had passed away.
LEILA: And do you feel like you've dealt with that loss?
AARON: Oh, yeah, yeah, absolutely. I mean, like, we didn't really have the closest relationship. It was pretty complicated. But, yeah, we probably don't have time to get into that today.
LEILA: Well, actually, it's exactly the sort of thing I want to hear about. The agency needs to know literally everything there is about you both.
David and Aaron look a little nervous...
Lassiter's Lake
Shaun is wandering across the walkway, with the USB stick of Finn's video diaries in his hand. He takes a seat on a bench and looks pensive. He takes out his phone to look at a picture of Finn holding baby Aster, from the times before he turned evil. Holding the USB in the other hand, Shaun struggles to reconcile the two extremes of Finn's personality.
No 26
In the garden, Ned is reluctantly applying plaster to Sheila's chest when Naomi and Chloe turn up. Conversation turns to how the casts will be decorated.
NED: Sheila, I've already told you, I'm not putting gnomes on your bust!
Ned takes Sheila inside to get dried off, leaving Naomi to get started on Chloe's cast. Conversation turns to how good a cause the Morning Tea is in helping the fight against cancer.
CHLOE: It'd be good to raise money and awareness of lesser-known conditions, too.
NAOMI: Like Huntington's?
CHLOE: Not just Huntington's, but... yeah.
NAOMI: I'm sorry, I know this is not my business. But if you ever want to talk - bare all while you're baring all - I'm here, I'm a good listener.
No 32
In the garden, Leila's questions are getting heavy, as she broaches the topic of Aaron's dad beating his brother.
LEILA: Can I ask, how did you live in a home where serious abuse was taking place, and didn't know it was happening?
AARON: Yeah, look, in fairness, I wasn't living there at the time.
LEILA: Tyler didn't tell you?
AARON: Err, look, we've dealt with it since, as a family - with therapy. And I guess we've learned the importance of communication.
LEILA: Indeed. And how's your health, David, after the kidney transplant?
DAVID: ... Yeah, I'm doing well. I'm back at work, going to the gym. Health-wise, I've never felt better.
LEILA: And emotionally? You said it was a friend who caused your injury?
DAVID: Yeah, that's right. I never blamed Kyle; he struggled a bit with his guilt. But we've worked hard at our friendship, and I think we're in a good place.
AARON: As a matter of fact, he even helped with the baby-proofing of the house, so...
LEILA: Nice. And, do you feel like you're strong enough, physically and emotionally, to look after a child?
DAVID: Yeah. We both do.
Leila asks Aaron about his ownership of the gym, and if it's always been his line of work.
AARON: Uh, I was a dancer, but that was a long, long time ago.
LEILA: Really? Well, I'm a ballet tragic! (...) What type of dancing did you do?
AARON: Look, it was... exotic dancing.
LEILA: Right... And the people you danced for?
AARON: Oh, it was just like, umm... girls, like, you know, when they're gonna get married, and...
LEILA: Hens' nights? (...) But it was only dancing?
AARON: ... Yeah. Sorry, I'm not following?
LEILA: It didn't go any further? Even on a recreational level?
AARON: Umm, look, I'm sorry, but I don't really see how that's relevant?
LEILA: Our priority is looking for homes that are safe and stable for the children in care. And there's no judgement from me, but an unusual sexual history might affect an application being approved. Of course, whether or not you want to answer that question is up to you.
Aaron and David look uncomfortable.
In the office, Terese is buttoning up following Yashvi's cast-making; they are talking about how passionate Ned is about his art. Paul comes in, and happens to mention that Naomi is doing Chloe's breast-cast, which he says he found 'interesting'.
TERESE: Is there a point coming any time soon?
PAUL: Well, after what Chloe said about Naomi being her type, you know...
YASHVI: Did Chloe say that?
Terese is keen to talk to Paul alone, and hurries Yashvi out. However, Yashvi stays to listen outside the door.
TERESE: Could you please refrain from gossiping in front of everyone?
PAUL: You know this is eating Pierce alive, don't you? Oh, come on - he's got the worst poker face in history.
TERESE: Yeah, and I bet you did everything to get a rise out of him.
PAUL: I didn't put the words in Chloe's mouth!
TERESE: Oh yeah, but you would've added fuel to the fire.
PAUL: I don't think that fire needs any stoking.
TERESE: Paul, please, stop it!
PAUL: I am just keeping everyone on their toes.
Unseen, Yashvi creeps away.
No 32
Leila finishes up the assessment with David and Aaron; she promises to be in touch in a couple of days.
LEILA: I know these assessments can be hard-going.
AARON: Well, you did warn us, so...
LEILA: People are still surprised by the nature of the questions.
DAVID: Surprised is one word!
LEILA: I hope you can understand how important it is that we find the right people. Foster care is rewarding, but it's a huge challenge.
Leila leaves, and Aaron and David sigh deeply.
AARON: I feel like I've been knocked out!
DAVID: As soon as I thought she couldn't ask a more personal question, somehow she did!
AARON: Yeah, like, why does she have to know how many partners I've had?
DAVID: I was so focused on child protection and parenting tactics, I never thought I'd have to talk through my coming-out story.
AARON: Yeah. Or my life as a stripper.
DAVID: None of this is gonna rule us out, right?
But Aaron doesn't have an answer...
No 26
In the garden, Naomi is applying the plaster to Chloe's chest. Chloe thanks Naomi for listening to her 'Huntington's rant'.
CHLOE: I try to keep it to a once-a-year pity party.
NAOMI: Hey, no pity from me. I don't even know what I'd do if I was in your shoes.
CHLOE: Hmm. Took me a long time to figure that out myself.
NAOMI: I mean, you're married to a multimillionaire - surely he's splashed some cash at trying to come up with a cure.
CHLOE: Oh, yeah, of course he has. But it's not just about that. It's about raising awareness, you know - fighting the fight.
NAOMI: God, your outlook is amazing.
CHLOE: What am I gonna do, curl up in a corner and cry?
NAOMI: I don't think anyone would blame you if you did.
CHLOE: Would it make me live longer?
NAOMI: Fair call.
CHLOE: Might as well make the most of every second while I can. You know, like getting covered in plaster.
Naomi wants to give Chloe 'a big hug', but can't because of the cast. As they have a bonding moment, Pierce turns up and watches them worriedly - then interjects, asking how the cast is going.
No 28
David comes to see Elly. She asks about the fostering assessment, and he admits it was pretty gruelling. Elly's worried about Shaun; she hasn't seen him all afternoon and he isn't answering his calls. David admits he spoke to Shaun earlier, and thinks he knows where he is.
Lassiter's Lake
Shaun is still sitting on the bench, looking pensive. He deletes the photograph of Finn with Aster from his phone, then returns his phone to his pocket and stands up.
No 28
Elly tells David she's handled the situation with Shaun all wrong, and thinks she has shut him out.
ELLY: He has been so patient with me. I told him I didn't want to talk about Finn, and he completely respected that. But this is affecting him as well. And watching those videos would be so hard.
Lassiter's Lake
Shaun is still on the walkway, fiddling with the USB stick. He throws it in the lake.
No 28
David tells Elly he's done everything he can to help Shaun, but that he still feels 'very alone in this'.
DAVID: At some point, he's gonna need someone closer, who understands. His mother's in jail, his brother is dead. His sense of loss is overwhelming.
ELLY: Yeah, I know.
DAVID: It's your decision, but if anyone's gonna be there for him, you're the closest thing that he has to family.
The Waterhole
Naomi, Ned, Pierce and Chloe have convened for soft drinks - they have a long night of artwork and organisation ahead of them. Paul and Terese turn up, and conversation turns to the plaster casts. Ned says Yashvi managed three in the time Naomi only did Chloe's. Pierce looks worried.
NED: I mean, what were you guys doing?
CHLOE: We might've got a little bit distracted.
NED: What, the whole afternoon?
PAUL: Yeah, what exactly were you doing that took so long?
NAOMI: We were talking.
Terese doesn't mind, as long as the cast was finished.
NAOMI: It was, because we're an awesome team.
CHLOE: At work, and at play.
NAOMI: We'll just call us bosom buddies!
Paul smirks in a worried Pierce's direction.
No 28
Shaun returns from the lake; Elly's been worried, and asks if they can talk.
ELLY: There are some things you need to hear, and they're really important. Okay, so none of this was ever going to be easy, but I have to do better. You've completely been there for me and Aster since you got back, and I haven't done the same for you when it comes to Finn.
SHAUN: I understand why.
ELLY: Yeah, I just... I felt so guilty about what I did to Bea. And all the things that Finn did to us were horrendous. He kidnapped our child, Shaun; I will always hate him for that. But it's not fair on you that I don't want to talk about Finn, I don't want to think about it - and you need to. So I have to be willing to move past how hard this is for me, in order to talk to you about it. And I promise you, whatever you need, I am here for you. SHAUN: It's okay. You don't have to put yourself through any of it (...) Elly, I'm leaving. I'm going back to Switzerland.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Karl says, 'he's a reminder of Finn'; Susan says she can't escape from it
- Pierce confides to Toadie that Paul has been suggesting Chloe is into Naomi
- Pierce tells Paul not to say any more; Paul retorts that he doesn't need to
- Naomi and Chloe are in the spa at No 26 - Pierce takes his shirt off to join them
<<8371 - 8373>>
Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8372
Elly Conway

Shaun Watkins in Neighbours Episode 8372
Shaun Watkins

Chloe Brennan, Pierce Greyson, Sheila Canning, Ned Willis, Naomi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8372
Chloe Brennan, Pierce Greyson, Sheila Canning, Ned Willis, Naomi Canning

Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8372
Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka

Ned Willis, David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8372
Ned Willis, David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan

Paul Robinson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8372
Paul Robinson, Terese Willis

David Tanaka, Shaun Watkins in Neighbours Episode 8372
David Tanaka, Shaun Watkins

Chloe Brennan, Pierce Greyson, Paul Robinson, Naomi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8372
Chloe Brennan, Pierce Greyson, Paul Robinson, Naomi Canning

Leila Potts, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8372
Leila Potts, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka

Shaun Watkins in Neighbours Episode 8372
Shaun Watkins

Shaun Watkins, Aster Conway, Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8372
Shaun Watkins, Aster Conway, Finn Kelly

Chloe Brennan, Naomi Canning, Sheila Canning, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8372
Chloe Brennan, Naomi Canning, Sheila Canning, Ned Willis

Leila Potts, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8372
Leila Potts, David Tanaka

Leila Potts, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8372
Leila Potts, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka

Paul Robinson, Terese Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8372
Paul Robinson, Terese Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi

Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8372
Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka

Chloe Brennan, Naomi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8372
Chloe Brennan, Naomi Canning

Pierce Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8372
Pierce Greyson

Elly Conway, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8372
Elly Conway, David Tanaka

Shaun Watkins in Neighbours Episode 8372
Shaun Watkins

Naomi Canning, Ned Willis, Paul Robinson, Terese Willis, Pierce Greyson, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8372
Naomi Canning, Ned Willis, Paul Robinson, Terese Willis, Pierce Greyson, Chloe Brennan

Shaun Watkins in Neighbours Episode 8372
Shaun Watkins

Shaun Watkins, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8372
Shaun Watkins, Elly Conway

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