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Neighbours Episode 8311 from 2020 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8310 - 8312>>
Episode title: 8311
Australian and UK airdate: 03/03/20
Writer: Jo Kasch
Director: Iain Pirret
Guests: Jane Harris: Annie Jones
Mark Brennan: Scott McGregor
Paige Smith: Olympia Valance
John Wong: Harry Tseng
Summary/Images by: Carly/Graham
- Paul hiring a PI to track down Jane's catfish 'Richard'
- Yashvi reading case files on all the local criminals
- Yashvi seeing someone suspicious drive out of Lassiters
- Paige and Mark enjoying spending time with one another
- Finn getting a lot of his memories back
- Bea hoping Finn can join them for Elly's birthday trip
- Lucy banning Finn from attending the wedding expo
- Bea turning down the wedding expo gig
- Finn looking happy when Elly stands up to Lucy on his behalf
Number 28
Susan catches Finn looking at the family photo from Aster's naming day. Finn is jolted away from staring at Elly's image. Bea and Elly return from the movies and Bea asks her sister to stay for a while, but Elly says she better relieve David and Aaron from babysitting duties. Bea can tell Finn's in an odd mood and asks what's wrong. Finn says he's still annoyed about the whole Lucy debacle, which Bea agrees was unfair.
FINN: Hopefully Elly made her realise that... And you saying no to the expo.
BEA: Yeah I wish I could have done more.
FINN: There's not much more else you could have done, apart from quitting all your gigs at The Waterhole. Although, maybe you should quit?
BEA: Altogether? I just don't know what that would achieve. Once Lucy's gone back to the States she's not going to be a problem anymore. The Waterhole is good for me; I don't want to give that up.
FINN: ... Yeah, you're right. Sorry, this whole thing has messed with my head.
Finn brings Bea in for a hug, while Susan watches in the background, concerned.
Entering the solitude of his bedroom, Finn clenches and unclenches his fists, trying to take deep breaths to calm himself down. He gets out his camera to film another diary entry. He's angry that he was the one to apologise when Bea should be sorry instead.
FINN: She says she wants to do more, but when it comes down to it she can't even give up a few gigs. Elly would have done it. She wouldn't even need to be asked. Not that it matters... I'm with Bea. I love Bea. I am not going to be that guy who hurt the people he loved.
Finn stops recording and tries to remain resolute.
Lassiters Complex
Paul gives Jane an update on Richard from his PI, but it's not good. Richard has been using encrypted software so it's difficult to trace anything. Jane supposes that's why the police haven't had any luck either. Paul tells Jane not to worry; his PI will catch the catfish eventually.
Out the front of Harold's, Toadie finds Yashvi still poring over the criminal case files.
TOADIE: There's a lot of info to take in.
YASHVI: It's pretty inspiring, though, the way the cops work every angle until they get a breakthrough. Sometimes over the smallest of things. (She shows him a file) Like, this guy got done by a kiwi fruit!
TOADIE: Sounds juicy.
Toadie says he's proud of his niece and reminds her of the offer to help out with any cases he's worked on. Yashvi thanks him then says she hopes he's doing okay today. Toadie replies that he's, "as well as can be expected". He heads back to work and Yashvi glances over to where Paul and Jane are, something playing on her mind.
Number 24
Elly pops over after receiving a text from Chloe - who is hanging out with Aaron while David still babysits Aster. Elly's a bit worried she's in trouble after standing up to Lucy, but Chloe says the text was about Elly's birthday trip to the island. Elly isn't all that enthused but Chloe tells her to liven up and thinks they should start an invite list.
CHLOE: It'll be me, obvs. Plus Pierce, Aaron and David...
AARON: Ahh, yeah, nah.
CHLOE: What?
AARON: Look I'm sorry but David couldn't handle a day in Sydney, an island will wipe him out.
Chloe accepts this, telling her bro that they'll just have to visit the island again after David's back on his feet properly. She then lists Kyle and Bea, and also Finn if he's allowed. Elly gets fidgety at the mention of Finn and says she should get back to Aster. She asks Aaron if he's coming with her, but Aaron is waiting for Mark to return home.
The Waterhole
Paige is still in her wedding dress after handing out fliers, but is now also wearing Mark's suit jacket while they have a chat on the couch.
PAIGE: Anyone who didn't know about the wedding expo would think I was a runaway bride.
MARK: Not when you're with me. I'm the guy brides run away from, not to.
PAIGE: I'm sorry.
MARK: Don't be. It's not like it was my worst wedding anyway.
PAIGE: Ours was?
MARK: By a mile!
PAIGE: Really? Even with the Elly and Chloe factor?
MARK: Paige, I arrested you. On our wedding day!
PAIGE: (laughing) Yeah you did do that.
MARK: More to the point, I let you go. I ruined a good thing between us.
Paige looks touched by his words. She says despite everything, it's really nice they can still hang out together. Their chat gets cut short when Paige gets an incoming FaceTime call from Jack and Gabe. She promises to return Mark's jacket later.
Number 28
Susan, Toadie, Bea and Finn marvel over the fact that Pierce owns an island. Toadie tells Finn he's looked into Finn attending, but there's concern he'll miss his parole check. Toad has an idea though: if they can find someone of high standing in the community to act as a chaperone, then they may be able to sub in for the parole check.
FINN: So basically I need a babysitter to come glamping with me?
TOADIE: More or less. (To Bea) And I'm sorry but you don't qualify.
BEA: Okay, well what about Elly? She's still cleared as a guardian.
TOADIE: Uh, yeah, we would have to reapply and I don't think we'd get that across the line given the way that her teaching job finished.
Bea then asks Susan if she'd like to come glamping with them, but Susan says she's already committed to having a stand at the expo. Finn wonders if Toadie would be his guardian, which excites Bea, but Toadie's not keen. He explains he's got too much on with work and the kids. Bea promises Finn they'll find someone.
Lassiters Complex
Yashvi dumps her case files in front of a bemused Paul and says she wants to talk about the Renshaw siege. Paul reminds her she was there, but Yashvi wants to know more about the investigation. She swears she's read so much about the siege she even thought she saw one of the people involved in a swish car in the Lassiters car park earlier in the week. This catches Paul's attention. "Who was that?" he asks.
Number 28
Susan works at the table while Bea and Finn sit on the couch, trying to find a chaperone. Bea says they can take David off the list, Elly just texted her to say he and Aaron aren't attending. She asks Finn if there's anyone from the Foundation who could do it, but Finn says there's no one he knows well enough to ask. Bea then asks Susan if Karl might be able to come, but Susan says he's too busy at work. Feeling defeated, Finn tells Bea he's going for a walk. Susan joins Bea on the couch.
SUSAN: I'm so sorry. I know how much you're looking forward to going away.
BEA: It's not just that. After everything that happened with Finn's dad I just feel like I haven't done much right lately.
SUSAN: He knows you're on his side.
BEA: I just don't want to let him down again.
Number 24
Aaron and Chloe are still waiting for Mark to get home. Chloe thinks it's great news Mark's still AWOL as it means he's spending more time with Paige. Aaron hopes his sister isn't meddling, but Chloe was hoping Aaron would do the meddling on her behalf to give Mark and Paige a nudge. Mark finally arrives home. Chloe and Aaron hop up on the kitchen bench with matching grins, looking expectantly at their bro.
MARK: (suspicious) What are you two talking about?
CHLOE: We're just chilling.
AARON: Waiting for you... How was Paige?
MARK: Seriously?
AARON: What?
MARK: Go on, out with it. Say what you want to say.
AARON: Look are you sure you don't want to give things with Paige another chance?
MARK: Here we go...
CHLOE: Because if you do, we are all for it.
AARON: All for it!
CHLOE: We just think you might want to move quickly.
Mark says he cares about Paige as a friend - a friend who only just split from the father of her child, might he add, who still lives with her in Queensland. How's that supposed to work whilst he still lives in Adelaide?
AARON: Mark, no one said there wasn't going to be hurdles.
MARK: Are you hearing me? I am happy with my life as it is.
CHLOE: No, Mark, you are settling for your life as it is. Come on, we all know you were born to be married with 2.5 kids and a white picket fence.
MARK: I have a great job; I'm looking after mum. I have no intentions of pursuing Paige. I'm probably not even going to get to see her before I leave.
On cue, there's a knock at the door. Paige is on the doorstep to return his jacket! She gives the Brennan siblings a wave. Chloe and Aaron smugly wave back.
Harold's Café
Paul is on the phone to his PI. He tells them he doesn't know how reliable his source is, but he's got some information that might be worth looking into. Over at a table, Jane thanks Susan for joining her for coffee. Jane brings up how embarrassed she is that she accused Elly of being the catfish. Susan is protective of her niece, but says she also understands what a terrible time Jane has been through. Jane's main reason for calling Susan, though, was to chat about her contract at the school. It's been a wonderful outlet for her and she was hoping to stay on next term - if Susan will have her.
SUSAN: Assuming that there are no more incidents, then yes, I think it's safe to say that your contract will be renewed. (Jane smiles gratefully) And Jane if you're struggling ever, my door's always open.
JANE: Thank you, Susan. I feel very lucky to have so much support.
Paul glances at her from the counter.
Number 32
Chloe has come over to 'harass' Elly some more about party plans. She wants her thoughts on the food and drink, but Elly thought they still had to figure out the invite list. Chloe gets a text message.
CHLOE: Oh, Ned's out by the look of it. (Her phone chimes again)
ELLY: (sees the odd face Chloe is pulling) Another no?
CHLOE: A yes... from Roxy? Did you invite her?
CHLOE: Neither did I. (She reads the text) 'Be there with bells on'.
ELLY: You'll have to double the drinks budget now.
Finn pops in and Chloe asks how the chaperone hunt is going, but Finn says it's harder than they thought. Chloe then has to "scoot-a-roo" to work, so she exits, leaving Elly immediately uneasy.
FINN: So Bea's asked pretty much everyone we know. Can you think of anyone else?
ELLY: Maybe you shouldn't be going? Is it really a good idea us together on the island? You said that you wanted distance.
FINN: Forget what I said, Elly. It's your birthday, your first after Shaun and Aster. I want to be there for you.
ELLY: If you're going to go, do it for Bea, not me.
FINN: Of course. It's not like we'll be alone. We'll be surround by friends at a party. (He walks closer to her) I don't want Bea to miss out on this.
ELLY: Only if you're sure it won't cause any problems.
FINN: I am. So you'll try and think of an upstanding citizen for this upstanding citizen?
Elly smiles at him and nods.
Later that afternoon, Paige stops in to see Elly, who apologises for the messy house. Paige tells her it's nothing compared to the tornado Gabe leaves her place in. #32 definitely looks different to when Paige lived there, though. Elly asks if it's weird being back and Paige says it is, but it's good to see everyone. Aaron is lurking in the hallway and overhears Paige ask Elly if she wants to go out for a drink later tonight.
ELLY: Girls gone wild?
PAIGE: More like mums have dinner.
Elly says yes, just as Aaron appears to tell Elly that Aster needs a nappy change. Aaron can't help asking Paige if she'd rather catch up with Mark tonight instead since he's not in town for much longer. This is news to Paige - she had no idea Mark was leaving so soon. Aaron suggests that Paige book Mark while she still can. Paige looks disappointed but pretends she's not.
PAIGE: Mark and I have already had a good catch up. And I don't want people getting the wrong idea.
AARON: Who cares what they think. Seriously, the only ones who matter in this situation are you and Mark. That's it.
Lassiters Hotel
Paul finds Jane looking fondly at the portrait of Mrs Mangel hanging up in the lobby. Jane admits she's been missing her Nan and thought she'd come for a visit.
JANE: Poor Nan, she spent so many years alone.
PAUL: She wasn't alone, she had you. Just the same as you've got me and all your other friends.
JANE: When you're single and getting older, your financial security is up to you. Nan had hoped my inheritance would free me from all that worry and instead I've gone and blown it. Now I've barely even got a job.
PAUL: Hang on; I thought things had picked up at the school?
JANE: Oh they have. And Susan's confident that my contract will be renewed.
PAUL: Okay, there's no need to stress then.
Paul promises they'll get back as much of Jane's money as they possibly can. Jane asks if the investigator has any leads. Paul says he's still working on it and to trust the process. Jane admits it's hard to have trust when the PI has read every email she exchanged with Richard.
JANE: Although I'm sure you have too.
PAUL: No I didn't read them, I just passed them on.
JANE: (relieved) Thank you so much for respecting my privacy.
PAUL: Of course, Jane. And you know what, whatever you wrote you've got absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.
Jane asks if Paul will let her know as soon as he hears any news. Paul says she has his word.
Number 28
Finn hangs up a call from Elly and tells Susan they're no closer to finding a guardian for him. Susan can't help asking if he's sure it's a good idea to go to the island. Finn promises he's talked things over with Elly, plus he wants to do the right thing by Bea.
SUSAN: Well I've spoken to Karl and we've decided to investigate the possibility of going.
FINN: I thought you said you couldn't?
SUSAN: I don't want to promise anything prematurely, we've got to see if we can get the time off work. And of course check that Elly's happy for us to be there!
FINN: What about the expo?
SUSAN: If everything else lines up I'm happy to pull out so you can go on the trip.
FINN: (touched) You'd do that for me?
SUSAN: I think you and Bea deserve to get away.
FINN: No one's ever been as good to me as you, Susan. After dad letting me down and total strangers having a go at me for the things I did, this means so much.
SUSAN: I'll never judge you for your past, Finn. Remember that.
Finn smiles up at her. But when Susan leaves the room, he has a sudden memory of a door with a combination lock and the number 28 on it. He's disturbed by what he sees.
The Waterhole
Mark, Chloe and Aaron play a heated game of 'death by dice' together. Mark is surprised but pleased when Paige joins them. They head to the bar for a drink where Paige has a favour to ask him.
PAIGE: Terese is struggling to get enough dresses for the wedding expo and I just wanted to ask you out of respect - do you mind if I lend her mine?
MARK: Sure. She already has Elly's; I suppose you should show them off together. She could have a special display that says 'Mark's exes'.
Paige cracks up, which doesn't go unnoticed by Chloe and Aaron. Chloe congratulates Aaron on his great meddling skills. Aaron's happy with himself, but he knows Mark and Paige still have a lot of history to get over. Chloe agrees, but says that if any would-be couple can get past that stuff, it's those two.
Harold's Café
Paul's PI, John Wong, joins him for a brief update. Paul asks if he's made any headway, but John says it's more like a jackpot.
JOHN: The name you asked me to check out? Definitely the catfish.
PAUL: Ugh. That stupid little weasel.
JOHN: You want me to put together a file for the police?
PAUL: No, give me whatever you've got. I'm going to handle this myself.
John passes Paul a USB stick. Paul says he'll be in touch soon.
<<8310 - 8312>>
Finn Kelly, Elly Conway, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8311
Finn Kelly, Elly Conway, Bea Nilsson

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8311
Susan Kennedy

Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8311
Finn Kelly

Paul Robinson, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 8311
Paul Robinson, Jane Harris

Yashvi Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8311
Yashvi Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Chloe Brennan, Aaron Brennan, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8311
Chloe Brennan, Aaron Brennan, Elly Conway

Paige Smith, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8311
Paige Smith, Mark Brennan

Bea Nilsson, Finn Kelly, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8311
Bea Nilsson, Finn Kelly, Toadie Rebecchi

Yashvi Rebecchi, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8311
Yashvi Rebecchi, Paul Robinson

Susan Kennedy, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8311
Susan Kennedy, Bea Nilsson

Chloe Brennan, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8311
Chloe Brennan, Aaron Brennan

Paige Smith, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8311
Paige Smith, Mark Brennan

Susan Kennedy, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 8311
Susan Kennedy, Jane Harris

Chloe Brennan, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8311
Chloe Brennan, Elly Conway

Finn Kelly, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8311
Finn Kelly, Elly Conway

Elly Conway, Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 8311
Elly Conway, Paige Smith

Aaron Brennan, Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 8311
Aaron Brennan, Paige Smith

Paul Robinson, Nell Mangel, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 8311
Paul Robinson, Nell Mangel, Jane Harris

Finn Kelly, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8311
Finn Kelly, Susan Kennedy

 in Neighbours Episode 8311

 in Neighbours Episode 8311

Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8311
Finn Kelly

Paige Smith, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8311
Paige Smith, Mark Brennan

Chloe Brennan, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8311
Chloe Brennan, Aaron Brennan

Paul Robinson, John Wong in Neighbours Episode 8311
Paul Robinson, John Wong

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8311
Paul Robinson

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