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Neighbours Episode 7949 from 2018 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7948 - 7950>>
Episode title: 7949
Australian and UK airdate: 11/10/18
Writer: Sam Carroll
Director: Chris Langman
Guests: Pierce Greyson - Tim Robards
Rob Carson - Christopher Farrell
Hugo Somers - John Turner
Summary/Images by: Carly/Graham
- Karl and Jemima starting renovations at #28
- Jemima flying to Boston to visit her daughter
- Pierce discovering Cash 4 Company & wanting to hire Chloe
- Pierce hiring out the Back Lane Bar to woo Chloe
- Amy feeling like everyone else is more invested in her relationship
- Rob suggesting that he & Amy should buy a house together
The Penthouse
Amy looks incredibly uncomfortable while Rob rattles off the perks of buying a house. She reminds him they haven't been together that long but Rob says they could think of it as a joint investment if things go sour. Amy then tries to get out of it by saying she hasn't got the finances, but Rob smiles and says he'll just put the deposit down to get the ball rolling and they can work out the rest later. He's concerned because it's the last house left but Amy says she needs time to think about it.
Lassiters Hotel
Pierce returns from a jog and flirts with Chloe for a bit before asking her out that night. Chloe's tempted but tells him she's already swamped with work. When Pierce leaves, Karl stops by to check in on Chloe and see how she's feeling.
KARL: What about your business? Is that still up and running?
CHLOE: It is, and spare me the judgemental lecture.
KARL: No I'm not judging.
CHLOE: Everyone else has been.
KARL: I do worry a little. I wonder if this business is a distraction? What I mean is would you have started it if you hadn't been diagnosed?
CHLOE: It's true I only considered it after finding out about my Huntington's but I think I would have, yeah. I'm good at it! And it makes me feel good.
She also adds that for the record, she's keeping everything above board too.
The Penthouse
Gary's just as bewildered as Amy about Rob's plan to buy a house together. He thinks she needs to be honest with Rob but Amy didn't want to outright reject him. She tried to back out of it but Rob had an answer for everything. Gary tentatively asks if Amy sees herself with Rob for the long haul, but Amy admits she can't think straight at the moment. Gary then says he has an idea that could get the proposal off the table without her having to say no to Rob.
Lassiters Complex/Harold's Café
And the plan is to promote the house to their neighbours so they might be tempted to buy it themselves. Gary tries to talk David and Aaron into it, while Amy chats to Sonya, but neither party can be convinced (least of all Sonya who reminds Amy her and Toadie already have enough debt to last a lifetime).
Terese's Office
Pierce is talking shop with Leo and Chloe about how his 'brand' would work with the packages Lassiters offers. Pierce suggests the graffiti tours could incorporate some bar stops, but he's only doing it so he can line Chloe up for another date under the guise of work. Leo's none the wiser and encourages Chloe to show Pierce around again.
Number 28 Backyard
Susan and Elly are babysitting Hugo while Karl does some 'renovating' inside (aka causing enough damage for walls to crumble). When Karl joins them outside to dump some rubbish, Susan gets angry with him for destroying the house. Karl insists he's capable enough of finishing the renovations but Susan's about ready to finish him if he doesn't give it up. She tells him to look after Hugo while she goes inside to call a professional.
Lassiters Complex
Amy and Gary team up to try and push the Robinson Heights house on Elly, who has escaped to the café to avoid the ruckus at home for a while. Elly can tell something's up, though, and asks Amy what's going on. Amy spills about Rob's house proposal and Elly says she needs to tell him she's not ready to buy a place but it's not reflection on their relationship status. Elly asks Gary for a male's perspective but Gary's really not too keen on advocating Rob and Amy's long-term prospects. Amy sighs and says she knows what she has to do but she's dreading the conversation.
The Penthouse
Paul's invited Rob over for a little drink and a chat to get to know one another better. Paul admits to Rob that he had David do some background checks on him. Rob looks warily at his drink and asks if Paul's laced it with anything. Paul laughs and says he's impressed with Rob so far, which is a relief for the doctor, but he cringes when Paul says he's not done with the interrogation just yet.
Number 24
Chloe emerges in a different outfit just as Elly and Aaron arrive home. Aaron asks if she's dressed for a date or client but Chloe says she's still on-duty entertaining a VIP guest (swapping a look with Elly, who's in the know about Pierce). Aaron gets a text from Toadie and reads it aloud to the girls.
AARON: The application to get Tyler's conviction overturned has been submitted to the court. The hearing's next week.
ELLY: Fingers crossed it goes well.
AARON: Can you imagine if he gets released? We're gonna have to have a huge party to welcome him home!
Chloe looks uneasy with this news but paints on a happy face for Aaron's sake before heading out for her date.
Number 28 Backyard
Susan looks on fondly while Karl holds Hugo and entertains him with the tram toy Jemima gifted him, singing the jingle she made up. Susan realises Karl's really missing his sister when he tells Hugo how lucky he is to have Nell in his life and that siblings are precious.
The Waterhole
Pierce senses that something's troubling Chloe and says he's a good listener for a businessman, but Chloe insists it's her job to look after him tonight. She sees Leo walk in and starts talking about the graffiti tours as a cover. Leo has a quick chat with them and tells Pierce that if he needs anything he's sure Chloe will be able to help. Pierce and Chloe share a smile with one another.
Lassiters Hotel
Karl catches up with Susan and Elly in the lobby and apologises for being late - he was teaching Jemima's tram jingle to Nell so she could sing it to Hugo. Susan tells Karl that she knows he's missing Jemima and suggests that he go to Boston to catch up with her. Karl looks tempted but isn't sure Jemima would want him hanging around. But it turns out Susan's already spoken to Jemima and she's keen to see him, and Elly's got her travel agent friend looking for flights as they speak.
The Penthouse
Amy's quite startled to find Rob having a drink with Paul, Leo and David. She's thrown even further when she finds out they've been discussing the house and Paul's agreed to help Amy out by giving her a bonus. David and Leo chime in with their thoughts, telling Amy the house seems like a great idea. Amy looks kinda overwhelmed but kinda mad too that no one thought to consult her first.
Lassiters Hotel
A car drops Chloe and Pierce off after their date. They banter but Pierce then says that Chloe's been looking a bit sad all night. Chloe admits she's worried about Tyler.
PIERCE: Bad blood?
CHLOE: I don't know. He's due to come back to Erinsborough, I'm just kind of worried about seeing him.
PIERCE: You haven't seen him in a while?
CHLOE: It's been years. We didn't get to spend much time together when we were younger, and I wasn't really there for him recently. I feel like I've always let him down when he's needed me most.
PIERCE: Is that something you do? Take off when things start to feel too tough?
CHLOE: Yeah, actually.
She tells him he's pretty good at reading people but Pierce says it gives him an edge when he's dealing with morally ambiguous tycoons. Chloe says she has to check in with Leo as he's been texting her all night about keeping Pierce happy. Pierce smiles says she's been doing a stellar job.
The Penthouse
Amy drags Paul aside while the boys enjoy a drink on the balcony. She asks her dad what on earth he was thinking giving her the money - she doesn't need a handout.
PAUL: It's not a handout. Like I said, it is a bonus and you've earned it. This way you can afford to do what you want.
AMY: But what if buying this house isn't what I want?
PAUL: Darling it's a really sound investment, you can't go wrong!
AMY: It should have been my decision to make!
PAUL: You know what, Rob is a great guy. I've had a long chat with him. And I am very pleasantly surprised to say that I agree with everything you've said about him so far.
Amy just shakes her head at Paul and walks off. On the balcony, Rob asks David about the background check he did. He's keen to know who David spoke to, but when David jokingly asks if there's someone he's trying to keep hidden, Rob chuckles and says he was just curious.
Lassiters Hotel
Chloe and Pierce travel in the lift to level seven where Pierce is staying, but Pierce holds the door and says the night doesn't have to end there.
PIERCE: You can join me in my suite?
CHLOE: Our dates are illicit enough. No complications needed.
PIERCE: It doesn't have to be complicated.
CHLOE: Pierce behave! Going back to men's rooms is not part of my business model.
PIERCE: Change your business model! Name your price.
Chloe's smile falters. Pierce says he'll be up for a few hours yet so if she changes her mind she can come see him in room 702. He promises to make it worth her while.
<<7948 - 7950>>
Amy Williams, Dr Rob Carson in Neighbours Episode 7949
Amy Williams, Dr Rob Carson

Pierce Greyson, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7949
Pierce Greyson, Chloe Brennan

Chloe Brennan, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7949
Chloe Brennan, Karl Kennedy

Gary Canning, Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7949
Gary Canning, Amy Williams

David Tanaka, Gary Canning, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7949
David Tanaka, Gary Canning, Aaron Brennan

Sonya Rebecchi, Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7949
Sonya Rebecchi, Amy Williams

Leo Tanaka, Chloe Brennan, Pierce Greyson in Neighbours Episode 7949
Leo Tanaka, Chloe Brennan, Pierce Greyson

Elly Conway, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7949
Elly Conway, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Amy Williams, Elly Conway, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 7949
Amy Williams, Elly Conway, Gary Canning

Dr Rob Carson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7949
Dr Rob Carson, Paul Robinson

Elly Conway, Chloe Brennan, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7949
Elly Conway, Chloe Brennan, Aaron Brennan

Karl Kennedy, Hugo Somers in Neighbours Episode 7949
Karl Kennedy, Hugo Somers

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7949
Susan Kennedy

Chloe Brennan, Pierce Greyson, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 7949
Chloe Brennan, Pierce Greyson, Leo Tanaka

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7949
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Amy Williams, David Tanaka, Paul Robinson, Leo Tanaka, Dr Rob Carson in Neighbours Episode 7949
Amy Williams, David Tanaka, Paul Robinson, Leo Tanaka, Dr Rob Carson

Pierce Greyson, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7949
Pierce Greyson, Chloe Brennan

Amy Williams, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7949
Amy Williams, Paul Robinson

Dr Rob Carson, Leo Tanaka, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 7949
Dr Rob Carson, Leo Tanaka, David Tanaka

Pierce Greyson in Neighbours Episode 7949
Pierce Greyson

Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7949
Chloe Brennan

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