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Neighbours Episode 7269 from 2015 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7268 - 7270>>
Episode title: 7269
Australian airdate: 03/12/15
UK airdate: 17/12/15
Writer: Margaret Wilson
Director: Chris Adshead
Guests: Stephanie Scully: Carla Bonner (Aus credits only)
Aaron Brennan: Matt Wilson (Aus credits only - did not appear)
Lou Carpenter - Tom Oliver
Sue Parker: Kate Gorman
Tim Collins: Ben Anderson
Belinda Bell: Nikki Shiels
Stanley Neve: Alex Pinder
Summary/Images by: Sarah/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Lou gets a Buddha statue and a card with a threatening message
- Paul tells Daniel he needs a lot more sales to get him out of the mess he's in
- Daniel says he's good at selling, and he likes the feeling. Imogen doesn't like who he is.
- Paul decides to sell No 26 and Sheila gets approved for a loan to buy it
No 30
Steph has given Nell a cricket set, and Nell and Sonya go outside to set it up. Steph assures Toadie there's every chance he'll be able to walk after the operation. Toadie explains that the op is risky: it's the best chance of walking, but it could make his disability permanent.
Ramsay Street
Outside, Belinda is arguing with Sheila. She says that No 26 is on sale, whereas Sheila says it has been sold to her. Steph asks Belinda to explain it her. She asks to explain it in private, saying it's none of Sheila's business. Sheila is cross, and goes to call Paul.
No 32
Lou tells Lauren about the package. She says she's not surprised they found him, since he's been out and about socialising with Doug. He tells her to relax.
LAUREN: While someone from a foreign drug cartel leaves a threatening package on our doorstep?
He promises to sort it out.
Penthouse apartment
Paul congratulates Tim on his new seat on the council. (He's replaced Sue. I'm not sure how this works. Does the corrupt ex-mayor appoint his cronies?)
TIM: I'm not just keeping her seat warm here. I'm actually doing her job.
That's a bit worrying...
Daniel arrives, fielding a call from Sheila. Is Paul sympathetic to her plight? No. He and Tim decide a bidding war is just what they need. Daniel suggests the other customer could take a town house, so that they get two customers. Paul likes that idea and goes off to meet Belinda, telling Daniel to call Imogen.
No 30
Belinda tells Steph that buying her old family home will be ideal for them.
STEPH: There is no "us". We don't need a house to live in - we're not together.
Belinda says it could be a fresh start. She insists that being with the Rebecchis is not good for Steph. Steph says that it's not up to Belinda what she does, and that she has to apologise to Toadie. Belinda looks mutinous.
No 28
Lou closes the blinds.
LOU: We are talking a major drug cartel with tentacles reaching across the world.
He tells Karl, Susan and Sheila that he has an idea how to get rid of them: he wants to fake his own death. He doesn't want any of his family there. Sheila wants to do the eulogy, saying she's dreamt of speaking at his funeral.
No 30
Paul arrives and asks Toadie for details about the prospective buyer of 26. Toadie advises him to leave, but too late. Belinda comes in and thumps him in the face.
Toadie comments that Belinda should hope that Paul doesn't go to the police. She says that she doubts it after what Paul has done. Toadie tells her she can't thump someone and take the moral high ground.
TOADIE: The whole reason he put Steph through the mental torture is cos you went to him the first place.
BELINDA: Everything I have done has been out of my concern for Steph.
TOADIE: (scoffs) OK? You know what? There's the door.
BELINDA: Yeah. And you let Paul Robinson walk right on through it after what he did. This is what I am talking about. Being here. It is no good for you. Obviously HE doesn't have any concern for your welfare.
TOADIE: Woah! You don't see it do you? You don't see the whole part you played in the thing with Paul.
STEPH: No, no, both of you stop!
Toadie tells her again to leave, and Belinda says it's Steph's decision. However, Steph says it's Toadie's house. Belinda picks up her bag and storms out.
Penthouse Apartment
Imogen says that they haven't seen much of each other recently and Daniel promises that it's all going to change, because they've pretty much saved Paul from bankruptcy, provided they make one big payment: they've sold 80% of the Freestyle housing.
IMOGEN: So crime does pay(!)
DANIEL: Look, I know the way Paul bought up the land was a little bit...
IMOGEN: Corrupt. This job is turning you into Paul's mini-me, and I don't like it.
Daniel says that all developments cut corners. Sue Parker arrives, looking for Paul. She has heard about the reduced facilities at Freestyle, and she wants to be upgraded.
SUE: Just tell Paul that I am not happy and he will fix it. Got it?
No 32
Lou says the music has to be classical. Karl suggests Pachabel's Canon, or Beethoven's funeral march.
LOU: Tina Turner, Simply the Best
KARL: Good idea. Go with a real classic.
Susan confesses that she's told Lauren, and she tells Karl that Lauren is going to call Mark.
Penthouse Apartment
Daniel tells Paul what Sue said, and he is surprised when Paul agrees to her demand.
DANIEL: Why are you bending over backwards for Sue Parker? Since when is this the way we do business?
Paul says that Sue pulled a few strings to get the project started. Daniel is horrified, especially since he told Imogen it was above board. Paul points out he wanted this job, and warns him not to say anything to Imogen.
People are gathering for Lou's "memorial". Lauren tells Mark that maybe her dad is crazy but they did get the threatening note. Then Lauren spots the man (Stanley) who asked her about Lou last week.
Penthouse Apartment
Daniel tells Imogen how Paul bribed Sue Parker. He asks her to keep it between them. Imogen points out that Paul's activities are probably already being monitored.
IMOGEN: You need to get out NOW before you're implicated.
DANIEL: But I'm the one who caused all of this trouble. I'm the on who dug this financial hole for him.
IMOGEN: If you don't get out now, you could stand to lose everything. My respect, for a start.
Daniel says he's looking out for his family, but Imogen's not impressed in the circumstances.
Karl plays a song on guitar for Lou. Sheila comes to deliver the "eulogy".
SHEILA: Has the world been left a better place by Lou's time on earth. If we were being honest, we would have to say... No. Not really.
Lou is hidden by a curtain just behind Sheila and he frowns. As she continues in this vein, he nudges her hard in the back. Then he pushes her and the curtain falls down.
STANLEY: I knew it! I knew you weren't dead!
Mark goes up to him and wants to talk to him at the station, but he says that Lou slept with his wife.
No 30
Toadie thanks Steph for all her support. Steph says that's how she felt about Belinda when she was at the hospital. She says that she's screwed up a lot, and asks Toadie if he can also give Belinda the benefit of the doubt.
TOADIE: No. I'm sorry. I don't trust her. She started a relationship with a patient. She knew that she shouldn't but she went there anyway. In fact, the only reason why I haven't reported her is out of respect for you.
Mark asks Stanley where the drugs came in. He explains that it was just baking powder. Lou points out that he could have spent years in jail.
STANLEY: If you muck around with someone else's wife, you pay the price.
SHEILA: Oh, he's got a point.
He says that they'd been married for 32 years, but now she's coming to live with Lou. Lou's face falls.
Penthouse Apartment
Sue is very angry and Paul tries to calm her by saying they've swapped her to another house. She's not impressed, saying he's dobbed her in.
SUE: They want me to come in for questioning on corruption charges.
Paul denies saying anything. He looks over at Daniel, who also denies it. Tim is sitting there, listening in. Paul gets a call, saying the police have arrived. Tim gets up to go, and Paul tells him he needs his lawyer.
TIM: I can't have anything to do with this.
PAUL: You're already involved.
TIM: I haven't heard or seen anything, and you'll have a hard time proving otherwise.
He slinks out, followed by Sue. Paul scoffs and looks angrily at Daniel.
Waterhole - outside
Daniel is trying to find a lawyer for Paul. Obviously tricky, as there aren't many in Erinsborough. Imogen approaches and he lays into her for contacting the police. She says Paul brought it on himself.
DANIEL: You betrayed my trust and yet you seem OK with it.
IMOGEN: I did this FOR you.
She points out that Paul is a law unto himself and he'll drag Daniel down with him.
IMOGEN: Enough. This is not who you are, Daniel. Turning a blind eye to corruption and you're only doing it because you feel too guilty to stand up for yourself.
Daniel says he can't be with someone who can't trust him to make the right decisions.
No 30
Toadie has packed and has everything he needs - including abject terror and pessimism. Belinda comes in without knocking, as you do. She accuses Toadie of reporting her because he holds a grudge.
TOADIE: Says the woman who would rather punch first and ask questions later.
BELINDA: I'm not someone whose bad side you want to be on.
SONYA: OK, can you leave now. We don't want this, not today.
BELINDA: You've made yourself an enemy you don't want to have.
Toadie looks worried.
Unmissable Drama
- Toadie says he could wake up and be told he's paralysed for ever.
- Belinda tells Sonya that Toadie wants Steph out of her life and back in his
- Sonya tells Steph that Belinda freaked her out
- Mark and Paige argue
- Paul is taken to the Police station by two officers
- Paul is furious with Daniel
<<7268 - 7270>>
Steph Scully, Nell Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7269
Steph Scully, Nell Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 7269
Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully

Sheila Canning, Belinda Bell, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 7269
Sheila Canning, Belinda Bell, Steph Scully

Lou Carpenter, Lauren Turner in Neighbours Episode 7269
Lou Carpenter, Lauren Turner

Tim Collins, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7269
Tim Collins, Paul Robinson

Daniel Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7269
Daniel Robinson

Steph Scully, Belinda Bell in Neighbours Episode 7269
Steph Scully, Belinda Bell

Susan Kennedy, Sheila Canning, Karl Kennedy, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 7269
Susan Kennedy, Sheila Canning, Karl Kennedy, Lou Carpenter

Paul Robinson, Belinda Bell in Neighbours Episode 7269
Paul Robinson, Belinda Bell

Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully, Belinda Bell in Neighbours Episode 7269
Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully, Belinda Bell

Daniel Robinson, Imogen Willis in Neighbours Episode 7269
Daniel Robinson, Imogen Willis

Sue Parker, Daniel Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7269
Sue Parker, Daniel Robinson

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7269
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Sheila Canning, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 7269
Sheila Canning, Lou Carpenter

Paul Robinson, Daniel Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7269
Paul Robinson, Daniel Robinson

Karl Kennedy, Sheila Canning, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7269
Karl Kennedy, Sheila Canning, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Lauren Turner, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7269
Lauren Turner, Mark Brennan

Daniel Robinson, Imogen Willis in Neighbours Episode 7269
Daniel Robinson, Imogen Willis

Karl Kennedy, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 7269
Karl Kennedy, Lou Carpenter

Lou Carpenter, Sheila Canning, Mark Brennan, Stanley Neve in Neighbours Episode 7269
Lou Carpenter, Sheila Canning, Mark Brennan, Stanley Neve

Mark Brennan, Stanley Neve in Neighbours Episode 7269
Mark Brennan, Stanley Neve

Steph Scully, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7269
Steph Scully, Toadie Rebecchi

Stanley Neve, Sheila Canning, Lou Carpenter, Lauren Turner in Neighbours Episode 7269
Stanley Neve, Sheila Canning, Lou Carpenter, Lauren Turner

Sue Parker, Tim Collins, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7269
Sue Parker, Tim Collins, Paul Robinson

Daniel Robinson, Imogen Willis in Neighbours Episode 7269
Daniel Robinson, Imogen Willis

Belinda Bell, Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7269
Belinda Bell, Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7269
Toadie Rebecchi

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