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Neighbours Episode 6820 from 2014 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6819 - 6821>>
Episode title: 6820
Australian airdate: 14/02/14
UK airdate: 28/02/14
Writer: Margaret Wilson
Director: Gary Conway
Guests: Mark Brennan: Scott McGregor
Josie Lamb: Madison Daniel
- "Make You Mine" by Anna Coddington
Summary/Images by: Liam/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Callum pioneers his 'Love Locks' concept at the lake in preparation for Valentine's Day
- Toadie and Sonya struggle to overcome their differences
- Despite support from Amber, Josh learns from Karl he's unlikely to return to competitive swimming
- Kate is fed up of Brennan lingering around
- Karl wants to be there for Georgia and the baby, but she's decided to move back to Birregurra
No 30
Sonya has bought Georgia a little Valentine's present in the form of some chocolates, but isn't sure whether Georgia wants to talk about Valentine's Day, given that it was the day she was planning to marry Kyle! Georgia is still worried about telling Kyle she's moving back to Birregurra, and has decided she can't face doing it on Valentine's Day - so she's hiding out until tomorrow.
GEORGIA: I mean, why does today have to be so torturous? It's like it was invented just to make people unhappy.
Toadie and Callum come in, and find the puppy chewing Toadie's tie. Toadie gets angry about it, and Josie turns up. Cal hands the dog to Sonya and tells her to take it elsewhere.
CALLUM: I don't want to get sneezed on on Valentine's Day.
Josie has bought Callum a heart-shaped picture of their characters from Dragon Prophecies, which he's thrilled with - but as they hug he looks worried that he doesn't have anything to give her. Spotting Georgia's chocolates on the side, he grabs them and presents them to her. Josie is visibly unimpressed.
Kyle comes in to find Sheila blowing up Valentine's balloons; he's as depressed as Georgia about Valentine's Day. Sheila tells Kyle that Paul's going all out for the special day, with a special lunchtime function, a couples' dinner later, and the Love Locks scheme on the lake, as devised by Callum. Kyle, who's been helping to blow up the balloons, bursts one of them, and decides it's going to be a long day.
Paul's Penthouse
Paul has bought Kate some chocolates for Valentine's Day.
KATE: Oh, somebody shoot me.
She apologises, saying it's a lovely gesture - but it's clear she's not enjoying the day either.
Harold's Store
Callum is hard-selling engraved padlocks to Susan and Karl, offering them the chance to participate the ultimate romantic gesture. Susan thinks it's a lovely idea.
KARL: Yeah. Not a big fan of Valentine's Day.
SUSAN: Yeah, 'cause you're too cheap.
KARL: No, I'm making a stand against rampant commercialism.
Karl kisses Susan in an attempt to be romantic, but she's not impressed. He disappears, but Susan agrees to buy a padlock. Lou, who is taking a cut of the profits (of course) starts engraving it for her. But Cal admits his main motivation is to surprise Josie for Valentine's Day by covering the bridge over the lake in padlocks. Imogen comes over and agrees about how sweet it is.
IMOGEN: Yeah, I wish my boyfriend would buy me one of these... If I had a boyfriend, I mean.
CALLUM: See, a girl like you can't get a date on Valentine's Day - what is wrong with the world?
Imogen looks awkward.
No 32
Mason is finishing wrapping a Valentine's present for Imogen, when Josh walks in, and he quickly hides it. Josh is looking for Amber but she's getting changed, so Josh puts a card and rose on the table, and asks Mason to let Amber know he'll be outside when she's ready. Josh leaves, and Mason gets out Imogen's present again, and begins writing a card for her. His pen runs out, and he goes off to find another one.
Outside on the patio, Amber wishes Josh a happy Valentine's Day and gives him a card, which contains a gift certificate she's made for a weekend away 'with the girl of your dreams - as long as that girl is me.'
JOSH: Yeah, well. If your weekend away includes camping, you can forget it. Been there, done that. Didn't work out so well.
But Amber wants to get them a guest house somewhere. Josh doesn't look thrilled, but says it would be a good trial run for the future - when he's a famous Olympian. Amber asks what Josh has bought her - he admits it was just a card, and says he left it on the table for her. But when she goes in, Amber finds Josh's card and rose, and also Imogen's present that Mason has left there. Thinking it's from Josh for her, she rips it open and finds an expensive-looking bracelet inside. When Mason comes back in with the card, he finds the present gone.
Out on the patio, Amber says it's the best present anyone's ever bought her, and Josh, thinking she's talking about the card and rose, laps it up and kisses her. Mason comes out, sees Amber's wearing the bracelet, but can't say anything or he'll have to admit he has a girlfriend. So he goes back inside, telling her not to worry about it!
Paul's Penthouse
Kate steps into the lift to go down to the Lassiter's foyer. But we know that comedy antics can't be far away, because what song should be playing in the lift but 'I've Never Been to Cuba'! What's more, we get a rare chance to hear some of the lesser-known lyrics...
LIFT: The Cubans are romantic,
A little frantic,
But they've got a lot of rhythm,
They've got rumbas, they've got bongos,
So I'd like to go to Cuba,
Won't you meet me there some day?
The lift stops on another floor and Brennan walks in. Kate is none too pleased to be in a confined space with him.
BRENNAN: I am staying at the hotel. I'm not stalking you or anything.
KATE: Okay, you don't have to explain yourself to me.
BRENNAN: Do you want me to get out and take the stairs?
KATE: Come on, what are we, twelve years old?
BRENNAN: I just thought it would make you more comfortable, that's all.
KATE: Oh, don't be ridiculous.
LIFT: I've never been to Cuba; I've never been to Cuba.
The awkwardness overcomes Kate; she tells Brennan he's not having 'an effect on her' and as if to prove her point, starts impatiently pushing buttons to get the lift to move faster. But this only seems to have the effect of turning the lights off, and stopping 'I've Never Been to Cuba' - and the lift - in its tracks!
Shortly afterwards, Kate is on the phone, trying to summon help to get them out of the lift, and Brennan looks amused as she gets more and more annoyed - clearly, this is the most fun he's had since Witness Protection™.
BRENNAN: Got any plans for Valentine's-
KATE: Can you stop speaking please? There's only so much oxygen in here and you're using far more than your share.
Harold's Store
Karl has come crawling back to buy a padlock from Callum and Lou - he's grudging about parting with his money, but he knows it will make Susan happy. Karl leaves with his padlock.
LOU: I don't suppose you thought to mention that Susan's already bought one?
CALLUM: Course not, I'm trying to run a business here!
LOU: Good on you, son.
Next, Cal tries to sell one to Kyle, but he just gets shirty, so he quickly gives in. Georgia turns up, and it's clear she doesn't want to talk to Kyle, but he's keen to sit down and discuss the situation maturely. They agree to meet in Charlie's once Georgia has finished babysitting Nell, but Kyle puts his foot in it by saying 'it's a date', then swiftly retracting it when he sees the look on Georgia's face.
In the lift, Kate is tucking into the chocolates that Paul bought her.
BRENNAN: So you gonna share?
KATE: What did I say about not talking?
BRENNAN: I didn't even have time for lunch.
KATE: Just don't take a strawberry cream.
BRENNAN: Alright, orange nougat, because I know you don't like them.
KATE: Well. I'm stuck in a lift, on Valentine's Day, with my ex-boyfriend, eating chocolates that my uncle gave me. If this isn't the definition of rock-bottom I don't know what is.
BRENNAN: Could be worse. I did shower this morning.
KATE: So what happened with Sienna?
BRENNAN: Oh, I'm allowed to talk now, am I?
KATE: Was she drop-dead gorgeous but dumb as a box of hammers? Or was she not sporty enough? She didn't want to go outside in case she broke a nail.
BRENNAN: Sienna is gorgeous, and she's smart too - she's got a PhD. And she just loves taking off into the bush. You know, camping and hiking.
KATE: Great. Next you're gonna tell me she volunteers for sick children.
BRENNAN: Old people actually. Meals on wheels.
But Brennan avoids telling Kate why they broke up, turning the question back on Kate, and why she split with Kyle. She says Kyle will always love Georgia, especially now they're having a baby. But Kate says that losing her two best friends was the worst part of the whole affair.
BRENNAN: I'm a friend. If you need one.
KATE: I'm not that desperate.
BRENNAN: Why are you so hell-bent on pushing me away?
Brennan reminds Kate that she was the one who dumped him for Mason, and suggests they move forward and be friends. But before Kate can answer, the lift pings back into life - and she shouts at the repair men as she rushes past them through the doors.
KATE: Well what were you waiting for, a written invitation?
Brennan smiles.
Harold's Store
Sonya tells Toadie that Lucas and Vanessa have agreed to take Callum's puppy off their hands as a playmate for Patrick and the new baby. Toadie goes to buy a Love Lock ('to help Callum out'), but when Sonya suggests they go and put it on the bridge together, Toadie says he's got work to do, and suggests they do it later in the week. Sonya is disappointed.
Josie comes in, and Cal hides the Love Locks stall under a tea-towel. Josie's been trying to call him but he makes out he's been busy doing something with Sonya. Feeling neglected that he seemingly doesn't want to spend time with her on Valentine's Day, Josie strops off. Sonya looks concerned.
Sheila brings Lou a drink, who laments that it's sad to be drinking alone given what day it is. Sheila agrees that Valentine's Day can be lonely.
LOU: It'd be nice to share it with someone special.
SHEILA: Mm. My standards aren't even that high. I'd be happy with someone not so special, and just for a few minutes.
She pats him on the arm affectionately, then they both look uncomfortable, and she rushes back to work!
At another table, Kyle explains to Georgia how he's been reading up on baby-classes and playgroups etc. But Georgia decides she can't put off telling Kyle any longer, and explains she's decided to move back to Birregurra. She says he can drive down any time he likes and vice versa, but Kyle looks gutted.
KYLE: You're taking my kid away from me, is that what you're telling me?
Harold's Store
Callum's trade in Love Locks seems to be booming, but Sonya comes over and warns him that Josie didn't look happy earlier to be told he'd rather spend time with his mum on Valentine's Day. Cal says he was just trying to throw her off the scent so he could sell a few more locks, but Sonya tells him he needs to be more communicative with Josie. Brennan comes in.
CALLUM: Going, going, gone. Now I know you said you didn't have anyone special, but I don't believe you, okay? Just look at you. So I'll throw you a deal - one lock, two, engraved, not, whatever you want - anything for my favourite detective.
Brennan insists he doesn't need one, but says he might have a reason to pick one up this time next year. Cal says he'll hold him to that. Brennan makes a call on his mobile, to the agent looking after No 24.
BRENNAN: Yeah, I'm interested in leasing it.
Lassiter's Lake
Imogen comes to meet Mason by the lake - he's bought her a Love Lock. He explains he bought her another present too, but that there was 'a mix-up'. Imogen says the lock is perfect, and she attaches it to the bridge. Mason hands her the key and she throws it in the lake. But they're just about to kiss when Karl runs over and interrupts them.
Susan turns up just afterwards, and they realise that each has bought the other a Love Lock. They link the two padlocks together, and Susan thanks Karl for indulging her.
KARL: Susan, for you, I would happily be scammed by Callum Rebecchi any day of the week.
They kiss, attach the locks to the bridge, and throw the keys in the water. Sonya watches from afar, and looks sad that she and Toadie haven't done the same.
Community Centre
Sonya is at one of her addiction meetings.
SONYA: Hello, I'm Sonya, and I'm an addict.
GROUP: Hello, Sonya.
SONYA: I'm an addict, yes, and I've been making a lot of bad decisions lately.
Paul's Penthouse
We cut to Kate looking miserable on the sofa.
SONYA (voiceover): And I can see how much damage I'm doing to my relationship. But I'm really determined to fix it.
Community Centre
SONYA: I really want to turn things around, and that's why I'm here. Because I - I need the strength.
Harold's Store
We cut to Susan and Karl feeding each other cake.
SONYA (voiceover): To fight for my marriage.
Community Centre
SONYA: And I know this isn't gonna be easy. But I love my husband more than anything, and we are gonna work this out. We have to work it out.
No 30
We see Toadie stroking the puppy.
Lassiter's Lake
Callum leads Josie blindfold towards the bridge. He explains that his not having time for her earlier was just an excuse, 'to make something very special happen today.' He takes off her blindfold and she's thrilled to see the bridge covered in Love Locks, and to learn he organised it all.
CALLUM: There's room for one more.
He hands her a lock, engraved with their initials in a love heart. Josie loves it, and fastens it to the bridge, before flinging the key in the water and dragging Cal into a passionate kiss. Georgia watches sadly from a distance - as does Kyle. Then they see each other, and both look even sadder.
Monday on Neighbours
- On Sheila's advice, Kyle begs Georgia not to leave Erinsborough, but Georgia seems resolute
- Danni seems shaken when a Mr Montague arrives to pick up a car; Brennan asks why she's scared
- Mason and Imogen continue their secret romance, and decide they need to prove his innocence
- Mason enlists Brennan's help, and they find something at the abseiling accident site
<<6819 - 6821>>
Georgia Brooks, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6820
Georgia Brooks, Sonya Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi, Callum Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6820
Toadie Rebecchi, Callum Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi

Callum Rebecchi, Josie Lamb in Neighbours Episode 6820
Callum Rebecchi, Josie Lamb

 in Neighbours Episode 6820

Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 6820
Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning

Paul Robinson, Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6820
Paul Robinson, Kate Ramsay

Susan Kennedy, Lou Carpenter, Callum Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6820
Susan Kennedy, Lou Carpenter, Callum Rebecchi

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Callum Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6820
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Callum Rebecchi

Imogen Willis in Neighbours Episode 6820
Imogen Willis

Josh Willis, Mason Turner in Neighbours Episode 6820
Josh Willis, Mason Turner

Josh Willis, Amber Turner in Neighbours Episode 6820
Josh Willis, Amber Turner

Amber Turner, Mason Turner in Neighbours Episode 6820
Amber Turner, Mason Turner

Kate Ramsay, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 6820
Kate Ramsay, Mark Brennan

Kate Ramsay, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 6820
Kate Ramsay, Mark Brennan

Kyle Canning, Georgia Brooks in Neighbours Episode 6820
Kyle Canning, Georgia Brooks

Kate Ramsay, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 6820
Kate Ramsay, Mark Brennan

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6820
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi

Callum Rebecchi, Josie Lamb in Neighbours Episode 6820
Callum Rebecchi, Josie Lamb

Sheila Canning, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 6820
Sheila Canning, Lou Carpenter

Georgia Brooks, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 6820
Georgia Brooks, Kyle Canning

Callum Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6820
Callum Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi

Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 6820
Mark Brennan

Mason Turner, Imogen Willis in Neighbours Episode 6820
Mason Turner, Imogen Willis

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6820
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6820
Sonya Rebecchi

Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6820
Kate Ramsay

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6820
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6820
Sonya Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6820
Toadie Rebecchi

Josie Lamb, Callum Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6820
Josie Lamb, Callum Rebecchi

Josie Lamb, Callum Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6820
Josie Lamb, Callum Rebecchi

Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 6820
Kyle Canning

Georgia Brooks in Neighbours Episode 6820
Georgia Brooks

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