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Neighbours Episode 6703 from 2013 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6702 - 6704>>
Episode title: 6703
Australian airdate: 07/08/13
UK airdate: 04/09/13
Writer: Sam Meikle
Director: Chris Adshead
Guests: Hudson Walsh: Remy Hii
Summary/Images by: Liam/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Concerned Mason's not giving Kate enough support over her ovarian failure, Kyle steps in to help
- Robbo uses footage of him and Amber TITTNL to blackmail Mason
- Paul decides Lassiter's will sponsor Hudson
- Imogen is concerned as Terese and Brad argue
No 22
Imogen looks upset as she watches Brad, Terese and Josh argue about Paul's decision for Lassiter's to sponsor Hudson. Josh thinks Hudson doesn't deserve the leg- up, and Terese adds that his past could come back to haunt him - but Brad is fighting Hudson's corner. There's a knock at the door and Imogen lets Susan in; she's come to see Brad about Josh getting time off school for swimming trials, but is surprised to see them all arguing. Imogen retreats upstairs, and Terese goes to work, leaving Brad, Susan and Josh to discuss it.
Harold's Store
Terese confronts Paul about his sponsorship offer to Hudson; she's annoyed he didn't consult her, given Brad's Hudson's coach, and that it was her idea for the hotel to do something charitable in the first place. Paul's unrepentant, but he's concerned when Terese tells him Hudson took performance- enhancing drugs. She says it was a one- off and that there's been no investigation, but adds that this is why Hudson dropped out of his sponsorship with the West Waratah Star - he was afraid the story would break. Paul looks worried.
At the bar, Hudson and Chris celebrate Hudson's new sponsorship deal - Chris is congratulating him, but Hudson says he couldn't have got back on his feet without Chris's help. Paul bursts in and asks Hudson if he's a drug cheat. Hudson blames it on Don Cotter, but says he only did it once and gave it up straight away. Hudson swears he won't make the same mistake again. Paul listens with interest.
No 32 (back garden)
Mason is making a list of things he could sell in order to pay Robbo his blackmail money - including his watch, video games, football jersey, books, and half of Hermione the car. But it only adds up to $1,300. Kate arrives, and he claims he's just doing tax stuff. Kate says she's starting to straighten things out in her head, and is starting to see a specialist about her condition. She knows it hasn't been easy on Mason, but he tells her not to worry about him; as long as Kate's okay, he's fine. She suggests they go out to dinner, but Mason says he has to work on the car. He promises to call Kate afterwards, and she hugs him.
No 26
Kyle is working on a strapline for flyers advertising Georgia's Dads of Erinsborough exhibition, and asks Chris and Sheila for help. They can't; Sheila's going to work, and Chris is spending the afternoon with Hudson. Kate shows up as Chris and Sheila leave.
SHEILA: This is perfect, Kate can help you. You're an English teacher, and he's an illiterate. Match made in heaven.
Kyle delivers some exhibition exposition: the idea is, the youngsters of the community will provide photos of their dads, and the dads will write a blurb to be displayed alongside. Kate immediately comes up with a strapline that isn't original, but better than Kyle's effort.
Eden University (outside)
Kate and Kyle are pasting the flyers, when Kyle makes a tactless remark about the importance of having kids. He realises what he's said, but Kate tells him it's fine - she's really hopeful that one day, she will find a way to have kids, one way or another; and it was Kyle, Georgia and Sheila who made her see that.
KYLE: It's just - Father's Day, you know? It can bring up some stuff. Always makes me think about my dad.
KATE: Yeah, I know, it's weird, isn't it? Like, I always think I wouldn't exist without this person, but then, they don't want to be a part of my life.
KYLE: Yeah, I know that feeling.
KATE: Just means we get to be part of a very exclusive club: the 'No Father on Father's Day' club.
KYLE: No- one else I'd rather be in a club with.
Much laughter as Kate accidentally sellotapes Kyle to the noticeboard.
Harold's Store
Mason pesters Imogen, hoping she'll agree to buy his half of the car - but she wants to know why he needs the money, and wonders if it's because Kate doesn't like them sharing the car. Mason insists it's nothing to do with Kate; he just has a cashflow problem and needs her to buy him out. Imogen says she can't, and that her parents wouldn't lend her the money. Mason suggests they sell the car and split the proceeds, but Imogen's adamant that she wants a car ready for when she can drive. Mason leaves, despondent.
With some prompting from Sheila, Paul (grudgingly) agrees to Kate's request that Lassiter's provide the catering for the Dads of Erinsborough exhibition, and Kate's over the moon. She and Kyle dart off, but come across Imogen on the way out. She asks Kate if she's pressuring Mason to sell the car, wondering again whether it's because Kate was annoyed that they got stuck in the countryside together when they went for a drive.
We can tell from Kate's expression that Mason hasn't told her anything about it, but she pretends to know what Imogen's talking about, and says it was no big deal; she doesn't know why Mason is backing out of their agreement. Imogen concludes aloud that Mason must really have money troubles, and nonplussed Kate agrees. After Imogen's gone, she confides in Kyle that it's the first she's heard of Mason's money troubles.
Lassiter's (reception)
Paul tells Terese he's spoken to the head of marketing at the West Waratah Star, who was very positive about Hudson, and his behaviour at PR events etc. The Star hasn't heard about Hudson's drugs incident, which has led Paul to conclude that he's still a safe bet for sponsorship. Terese isn't so pleased, however.
TERESE: But what about his history? It could come back and bite us!
PAUL: We can always spin that, can't we? Look, everyone loves a reformed bad boy, especially if it's because of an abusive coach. And if they try to slander him, we just play the gay card, and they wouldn't dare badmouth him.
TERESE: Wow! Just when I thought you couldn't get any more cynical.
But Paul insists the sponsorship will bring benefits all round; not least for Terese's marriage! Terese tells Paul that Brad isn't a factor; it's the hotel's reputation she's worried about. Paul ignores her concerns, saying he's looking forward to working with Brad over the sponsorship.
No 32
Kate confronts Mason about his getting stuck with Imogen in the countryside; she doesn't think anything happened between them, but is worried about why he isn't confiding in her. She tells him she knows about the car, and wants to know why he needs money so badly. She apologises for not having been there for Mason to talk to, and quickly theorises that Robbo is after more money. Mason admits as much, but denies Robbo is holding anything over him. Kate tells Mason not to let Robbo bother him, and to let Kate be there for him. She promises not to let anything else come between them, and kisses him.
Paul and Brad discuss Hudson's sponsorship deal - Brad's grateful for Paul's confidence in Hudson. But during the conversation, Paul lets slip that Terese told him about Hudson's drug- taking past, and that she didn't want Lassiter's to sponsor him. Brad is none too pleased.
No 22
Terese is telling Josh about Paul's decision to sponsor Hudson despite his drug- taking. Brad comes in and starts a row with Terese over the subject, and Imogen expresses despair that they're still arguing about it. They ignore her and continue to row; Josh says Hudson should not be getting a sponsorship deal, while Brad shouts him down and accuses Terese of undermining his coaching career.
IMOGEN: Swimming politics is so interesting.
While Brad and Terese argue it out, Imogen sits on the stairs looking upset and worried.
Harold's Store
Josh listens in as Paul, Brad and Hudson discuss the sponsorship. While Brad is keen to insist the deal can't interfere with Hudson's swimming, Paul's more interested in setting up PR opportunities. While Hudson and Paul leave, Brad apologises for shouting at Josh last night, and says his swimming was on top form today; he and Hudson are pushing one another to improve, just as Brad predicted. Josh says he still doesn't trust Hudson, however, and leaves.
No 26
Kyle is talking to Georgia on the phone (she's still at the medical conference); he tells her the Dads of Erinsborough exhibition's under control. When the call ends, Kate tells him it's not strictly true - they've still got loads of work to do. She points out that the Dads won't be very good at writing their own blurb, as men hate writing about their emotions - so they'll get their kids to write the blurbs instead.
KYLE: Yeah, well, kids do love talking about their dads.
Kind of depends how old they are, Kyle; if it's Bailey's age and upwards (I.e. the kids of Ramsay Street), possibly not so much! Nonetheless, he and Kate are both convinced it's the way to go.
Harold's Store
Susan chats to Imogen, subtly grilling her about the argument Brad and Terese were having the other day. Imogen makes out that it's all fine, but Susan suggests Imogen might be feeling left out at home, with all the swimming talk.
IMOGEN: Are you saying I'm a wallflower?
SUSAN: No - that's the last word I'd use to describe you.
IMOGEN: Exactly. My parents couldn't forget about me if they tried.
Imogen jokes that it's great that her parents are always busy with Josh, as it means they're never on her back. But Susan senses there's some bravado going on there. The waitress delivers Imogen's order: a box of cupcakes; and Susan asks if they're all for her. Imogen says they're for her friends, and makes a quick exit. Susan looks concerned.
Erinsborough High
Susan stops Josh in the corridor, asking after Imogen, who was absent from second period. Josh hasn't seen her. Susan asks if there's a chance Imogen could be upset about her parents arguing yesterday, but Josh jokes that everyone knows about it when Imogen's upset. Susan continues to probe about the atmosphere at home, but Josh says the argument was no big deal. He thinks that the teacher might just have missed Imogen, and goes on his way.
Lassiter's Complex
Susan tracks down Imogen, who's sitting alone on a bench. Asked why she's not at school, she claims she had a late night doing homework, and must have fallen asleep. Susan says she'll have to give her a detention, and Imogen swiftly accepts her punishment, saying she's feeling much better now and will go back to school. Susan offers her a lift back, but Imogen says she'd prefer to walk, to clear her head. Susan sends her on her way, but then sees the empty cupcake box on the floor next to the bench, and looks concerned.
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Imogen claims not to have a problem with food, but is seen tucking into a massive cake
- More excitement over the Dads of Erinsborough fundraiser, as Bailey prepares his entry
- Much texting and smiling between Amber and Josh
<<6702 - 6704>>
Imogen Willis in Neighbours Episode 6703
Imogen Willis

Terese Willis, Josh Willis, Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 6703
Terese Willis, Josh Willis, Brad Willis

Paul Robinson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 6703
Paul Robinson, Terese Willis

Hudson Walsh, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6703
Hudson Walsh, Chris Pappas

Paul Robinson, Hudson Walsh in Neighbours Episode 6703
Paul Robinson, Hudson Walsh

Kate Ramsay, Mason Turner in Neighbours Episode 6703
Kate Ramsay, Mason Turner

Chris Pappas, Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 6703
Chris Pappas, Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning

Kate Ramsay, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 6703
Kate Ramsay, Kyle Canning

Imogen Willis, Mason Turner in Neighbours Episode 6703
Imogen Willis, Mason Turner

Kate Ramsay, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6703
Kate Ramsay, Paul Robinson

Imogen Willis, Kyle Canning, Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6703
Imogen Willis, Kyle Canning, Kate Ramsay

Paul Robinson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 6703
Paul Robinson, Terese Willis

Kate Ramsay, Mason Turner in Neighbours Episode 6703
Kate Ramsay, Mason Turner

Paul Robinson, Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 6703
Paul Robinson, Brad Willis

Brad Willis, Josh Willis, Imogen Willis, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 6703
Brad Willis, Josh Willis, Imogen Willis, Terese Willis

Imogen Willis in Neighbours Episode 6703
Imogen Willis

Hudson Walsh, Paul Robinson, Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 6703
Hudson Walsh, Paul Robinson, Brad Willis

Josh Willis, Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 6703
Josh Willis, Brad Willis

Kate Ramsay, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 6703
Kate Ramsay, Kyle Canning

Imogen Willis, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6703
Imogen Willis, Susan Kennedy

Susan Kennedy, Josh Willis in Neighbours Episode 6703
Susan Kennedy, Josh Willis

Imogen Willis in Neighbours Episode 6703
Imogen Willis

 in Neighbours Episode 6703

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6703
Susan Kennedy

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