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Neighbours Episode 6061 from 2010 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6060 - 6062>>
Episode title: 6061
Australian airdate: 06/12/10
UK airdate: 24/01/11
Writer: Stuart Page
Director: Ralph Strasser
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
This week on Neighbours
Chris questioning Summer.
Karl asking if someone's been drinking.
Donna and Karl in cahoots.
Paul wanting to know from Declan if Kate is still with Mark.
Lyn hiring a new lawyer to appeal Steph's case.
Sonya telling a caller not to contact her again.
Previously on Neighbours
Sonya agreeing to move into #30.
Rebecca leaving and Michael missing trying to catch her before she left.
Ramsay Street
Michael spots Paul coming to collect his newspaper whilst he is getting his and goes over to talk to him. He plays dumb and asks subtle questions about where Rebecca has gone to (Oakey with Indy) and if she'll be back tonight (no, she's off for a couple of weeks) but Paul eventually gets fed up with the questions and points out its none of his business and retreats into his house.
Number 22
Andrew is keen to show off the photos from the ceremony to Paul but Tash went a bit OOT with the camera and most of the pics are of him rather than the participants! He has a subtle dig at his step- brother when Declan comes downstairs about him not being at the ceremony then remarks (within Declan's earshot) that he can't find any photo of Rebecca smiling.
Ramsay Street
Tash calls to let Andrew know that a removal van has pulled up outside #30 but when she realises it's just Sonya, her attention changes to inviting Andrew to lunch, her dad's shout.
Sonya is about to start moving her stuff in when Toadie rushes out to stop her, they've got a ceremony to do first - and he gets her to cut a ribbon tied between two wheelie bins, to officially declare her stay in #30 officially began before they begin moving her stuff in.
Harold's Store
Declan leaves his mum a voicemail (dodgy reception there apparently) because he's missing Indy. Michael spots him as he enters and after a bit of general chat between them, asks if Rebecca is okay. Declan wonders if she's talked to him but Michael doesn't let slip, instead remarking that yesterday looked quite stressful for both mother and son. However it's Declan who slightly slips up when he innocently remarks that he wonders why Rebecca stays with Paul. "That's what I'm wondering," replies Michael.
MICHAEL: She's a good woman your mum.
Number 22
After his chat with Michael, Declan lets himself into Paul and Rebecca's room (making sure it was empty) and begins to hunt around to see if there are any clues. He's just about to give up when he sits down on their 'bed' and discovers that its two separate beds, not what he was expecting!
Number 30
Toadie and Sonya begin unpacking the many boxes she's brought with her including 11 for the kitchen... which of course means they just about have two of everything so they go through each one and decide which one is best to keep.
Number 22
Declan is packing up the rest of his mum's belongings when Paul enters the bedroom and wants to know what is going on. "No wonder you couldn't find any photo's of her smiling Paul, she never wanted to be here," he tells his step- father. Paul reminds him that they re- committed to each other only yesterday and Declan points out he knows about their separate beds. "What do you do at night?" he asks before telling Paul that he's taking his mum's stuff to Queensland where he'll join her and Indy and Paul will never see her again.
He takes the suitcase downstairs but Paul blocks his path to him going back upstairs. "You'll push me just like your mum did?" he taunts Declan with and his reply is that he wishes his mum had finished the job properly! Paul then points out that the police have only stopped the investigation into his push because they think that he doesn't remember... but that can change.
DECLAN: You wouldn't.
PAUL: I'm not gong to lose her Declan. If I can't have her...
DECLAN: I thought you said you loved her?
PAUL: I do.
He then orders Declan to take the suitcases upstairs.
And today's trip down memory land is to 1997 with Billy Kennedy, Anne Wilkinson and a young looking Toadie at the beach.
Number 22
Declan takes the suitcase back upstairs and when he opens it, spots a homemade birthday card for Rebecca (with Indy's hand prints on the front) and sighs out loudly.
Number 30
The cull of double kitchen things is over and Sonya and Toadie take the boxes of duplicates away to give to the Salvo's.
Ramsay Street
As they head out for lunch, Michael now tries to subtly ask Andrew things about Rebecca but he doesn't shed any more light on what he already knows.
Breaking away from Tash and Andrew, Michael heads over to where Toadie and Sonya are loading up the van with the Salvo stuff. He's pleased to see Sonya moving in because it means Tash and himself aren't the newbies any more. They reject his invitation to lunch but agree to go round for drinks at some future date and just as Toadie thinks they are about to set off, he realises Sonya (and her duplicate box) are missing and then hears the front door close.
Number 30
Sonya rushes into the kitchen and tries to hide her box but Toadie catches her and she's forced to tell him that she can't do it. And after the commercial break, we hear why - she's scared things don't work out between them and she's got to start all over again.
TOADIE: I'm not planning on going anywhere, are you?
SONYA: No... but things change, we both know that.
Toadie then comes up with a solution - both duplicate items are to go and they will go out and buy new things together.
TOADIE: I do know if you're ever going to need your own stuff again but this way if we do break up we're both stuffed.
SONYA: You're completely crazy you know that.
TOADIE: I've been called worse.
Sonya now gets with the programme and begins putting everything into the Salvo box.
SONYA: I love us.
TOADIE: Me too.
Harold's Store
Tash compliments Andrew on looking good in a suit and that he should wear one more often as they go through the photos. They bail to head back to #32 and the newly arrived Declan asks if he's heard from Rebecca (he hasn't) before sitting down and asking Michael what exactly she said to him. Michael doesn't want to tell him anything but when Declan pushes him, then say's that he's pleased she's gone to Oakey for a couple of weeks to give herself a bit of a breather. "From Paul?" Declan asks but Michael is non- committal, instead replying that sometimes "you need to get away" and as if in slow motion, you can see the penny dropping in Declan's brain!
Number 22
"I thought we've been through this?" Paul asks when he enters his bedroom to find Declan re- packing a suitcase for his mum! "I've changed my mind" he replies then tells him that he's got to do the best by mum and Indy and that the next time they hear from any of them it will be through a lawyer.
DECLAN: You won't see any of us again.
PAUL: Don't be a fool Declan; I've got you over a barrel.
DECLAN: No you don't.
PAUL: Oh I see, so you want to see your mum go to jail, is that it?
DECLAN: 'Course not, but neither do you. You see I think I've actually figured you out.
PAUL: Well good for you!
DECLAN: You love mum don't you? It's a pretty twisted sick kind of love, but still, you actually love her, so I think you won't do it. Anyway, I think you know you've already lost her.
PAUL: You're making a big mistake you know that.
DECLAN: Single beds Paul... even you can't stay in a marriage like that.
Declan leaves the room with his mum's stuff and Paul gets out his iPhone and calls the police!
Commercial break later and Paul comes down the stairs playing his trump card - he's calling the station to ask to speak to Det. Brennan. He's not available but whoever Paul's talked to has set up a meeting for them later on.
DECLAN: Paul, you wouldn't?
PAUL: I just have.
DECLAN: Detective Brennan will be here at 3pm. So, your move.
Declan picks up the bags and walks out the house and judging by the look on Paul's face he wasn't expecting him to do that!
Tomorrow on Neighbours
Mark not wanting to talk about his with Kate.
Donna excited and happy for Kate.
Declan v Paul over Rebecca.
Paul offering an incentive to Det. Brennan!
<<6060 - 6062>>
Michael Williams in Neighbours Episode 6061
Michael Williams

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6061
Paul Robinson

Paul Robinson, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6061
Paul Robinson, Andrew Robinson

 in Neighbours Episode 6061

Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6061
Natasha Williams

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 6061
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell

Declan Napier, Michael Williams in Neighbours Episode 6061
Declan Napier, Michael Williams

Declan Napier in Neighbours Episode 6061
Declan Napier

Sonya Mitchell, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6061
Sonya Mitchell, Toadie Rebecchi

Paul Robinson, Declan Napier in Neighbours Episode 6061
Paul Robinson, Declan Napier

Declan Napier in Neighbours Episode 6061
Declan Napier

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 6061
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell

Natasha Williams, Andrew Robinson, Michael Williams in Neighbours Episode 6061
Natasha Williams, Andrew Robinson, Michael Williams

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 6061
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 6061
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell

Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams, Michael Williams in Neighbours Episode 6061
Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams, Michael Williams

Declan Napier, Michael Williams in Neighbours Episode 6061
Declan Napier, Michael Williams

Declan Napier, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6061
Declan Napier, Paul Robinson

Paul Robinson, Declan Napier in Neighbours Episode 6061
Paul Robinson, Declan Napier

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6061
Paul Robinson

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