- Didge and Nicola arguing about Riley
- Sam telling Karl that she wants to stop taking her meds
- Chris grabbing Didge and Steve threatening him
- Skinner arresting Steve for Chris' murder
Interview Room
Sam taps her pen agitatedly while Skinner interviews Steve. He brings up the altercation Steve had with Chris at Ringo's 18th, but Steve says that it wasn't with Chris it was with his friend. This is news to Sam, who is also startled to learn that Steve has another prior assault conviction on top of that. Skinner wants Steve to sign an admission of guilt for the murder charge, and Sam urges Steve to seriously think about what he's doing. But Steve says he knows exactly what he's doing and signs on the dotted line.
Police Station
Sam informs Miranda that Steve will be locked up until his bail application is approved. Steve's led out in handcuffs and Miranda falls to pieces, rushing up to hug her husband. Steve calmly tells her that he's sorry, that she needs to understand it's the only way and to stay strong for him. Miranda promises and tries to hold herself together as she watches Steve being taken away.
Number 26
Miranda arrives home and has to break the news of Chris' death and Steve's arrest to Didge and Nicola. The girls are shocked and Didge angrily says that she's the one who killed Chris and that the police should know the truth. But Miranda says that they can't; they've come this far and they have to go through with it. Unconvinced, Didge says that she wants to see her dad.
Law Firm
Dan walks into Sam's office and finds her stressing out about the case. He's stunned to learn that Steve's now on a murder charge. Sam continues to lose her cool about a case file she can't locate and Dan urges her to try and stay detached from getting too emotionally involved and to remember that she's a good lawyer.
Lassiter's Complex
Karl and Susan are chatting about the Parkers. Karl's worried because everyone at the hospital heard about the way Steve threatened Chris right before he died. Susan reasonably points out that Steve was just protecting his daughter. Karl understands that, but he saw a side of Steve he hadn't seen before and it hasn't done him any favours.
Dan takes Karl aside for a nice chat about Sam in one of the most public places in Erinsborough. Seriously, these people have no concept of privacy. Dan's worried that if he's right in thinking that Sam's gone off her meds, then there's a very serious chance that she could relapse. Karl reminds him that there are also success stories, and Sam could be one of them. He brings up the fact that Sam is doing all this to conceive a baby (assuming that Dan knows all about it), and points out that if the two of them can't talk to each other about their problems then they're in no state to bring a child into the world.
Law Firm
Didge is pressuring Sam to try and get Steve to tell the truth about what happened. Flustered, Sam replies that she's obliged to do what her client requests. But when Didge keeps at her, Sam loses it and yells that she's trying to do the best that she can under the circumstances. Hearing the ruckus, Toadie walks in to check on them. Didge leaves and Sam ends up confessing to Toadie about her bipolar disorder. She pretends that she's still on her meds but says that she's not handling the case very well by herself and needs help.
Number 32
Rachel and Ben are belting out a chorus of 'Get Set' by Taxiride (complete with air drums and dramatic gestures), until Rachel notices that Ty is watching them and stops in embarrassment. Ty sends Ben out to get the CD cover art he'd been working on so he can chat to Rachel alone. He tries his best to encourage Rach to sing again, then gets her to have a look at some lyrics he's been working on. Neither of them notice that Lib has arrived home and is watching them.
RACHEL: (reading) She's got ravens in her hair and laughter in her smile... Ty is this about me? (getting worked up) Because I told you when we first met I'm not interested!
Hmm, ego much? Ty says it's not about her, and for all her protests, Rach sounds a little bit put out when she realises it's about Libby. Make up your mind, woman! Ty knows Libby's worried about the age gap, but he thinks it's all bull - he knows he can make her happy. Ben runs back out, saying hi to his mum and alerting Ty and Rach to the fact they have an audience. Ty and Lib share an awkward smile.
Holding Cell
Steve's surprised to see Toadie with Sam and is a little bit cagey when Toadie says that he knows Steve's lying. Toad tells him that they should be able to get him out on bail until his sentencing hearing. Steve asks what charges he's looking at, and Toadie says that if they can bring it down to a manslaughter charge then it may be 5 years with a non-parole of 3. But if they can't, then he's looking at life. Here's hoping you're put in a cell with a heavily tattooed man named Michael Schofield, dude. Sam says that Steve would be much better off telling the truth, and Toadie assures him that they will push the self-defence position for Didge, but Steve remains steadfast. Steve says he knows that this case could hurt their careers, and that he's prepared to represent himself. But Toadie calmly replies that they'll just take things one step at a time - starting with bail.
Law Firm
Toadie heads out for a meeting, crossing paths with Karl along the way. Karl asks Sam for a chat and says that he wants her to make an appointment at the hospital so they can set a course of action for her to come off her meds. Oh, and to bring Dan along too. Uptight, Sam figures out that the two men have been chatting to one another and angrily berates Karl for betraying her confidence. Karl replies that Sam gave him the impression that Dan already knew about her plan to have a baby. Sam is still angry, but Karl just reiterates for her to make an appointment. Opening the door, they find Dan on the other side holding some coffees and looking concerned, so they pretend that they were talking about the Parker case.
Number 28
Miranda wants Susan to distract her from her woes with some mindless chatter about cooking or gossip. Karl gets a phone call from the police and reluctantly informs the women that they want to interview him about Steve's altercation with Chris before he died. This is all news to Miranda (not quite the gossip you were after, I'm sure), who demands to know what Karl is going to say. Karl perfects the art of quietly staring at his shoes.
Number 28
For some reason they have moved from the kitchen bench to the middle of the lounge room to continue their conversation. Miranda reminds Karl that he once asked her to give Susan a chance to prove her innocence when she hit Didge - why can't he do the same for Steve? Karl puts his foot in it, saying that it was different with Susan because she was ill and had no intention of harming Didge. Fired up, Miranda asks if Karl really thinks that Steve would intentionally hurt anyone, and Susan goes into damage control trying to soothe the situation. Karl assures Miranda that he knows Steve isn't usually a violent man, but he did hear him make the threat. Miranda states that he was just doing his fatherly duty to protect his daughter.
Number 32
Libby has sat Ty down for The Chat™ and lets him know that it's not going to work out between them - she's not in love with him. Ty says that she doesn't have to be right now, it's something that could happen later on, but Libby doesn't think it will. Ty wonders if it's because she's in love with Dan, but Lib sidesteps the question and says that Ty should be with someone younger. He and Rachel looked perfect together before.
TY: Look, you can rip my heart in two but don't try matchmaking me.
LIBBY: (breaking into giggles) I'm sorry! I'm sorry, that sounds like a line from a really bad country song!
Ty buries his head in his hands but can't help laughing as well.
Number 28
Skinner is interviewing Karl and Susan is also present. For every unintentionally bad statement Karl gives, Susan tries to put a positive spin on it. Trying to remain loyal to his mate, Karl says that Steve was only trying to protect Didge and that he only caught the end of the threat and it wasn't really clear. Sighing, Skinner gruffly asks Karl if he heard Mr Parker threaten Mr Knight or not. Karl pauses and ruefully answers 'yes'.
Number 26
Staring out the window at #28, Miranda says that she feels like going over and telling them they've got it all wrong. But when Didge agrees and starts to head over, Miranda stops her. Didge complains that the lies are just getting worse and worse. She'd rather the truth to come out than her dad to go to jail for something he didn't do. With a steely gaze, Miranda demands that Didge stay put and points out that they don't even know what Karl said yet.
Number 30
Over dinner, Dan tells Sam that he found the baby clothes in her drawer at work and asks if she's stopped taking her meds. Sam sadly says that all that she wants is a baby and to prove that she can manage without her pills. Dan's angry that he wasn't consulted about anything and is worried that Sam will go back to how she was. But Sam is worried that her biological clock is ticking and promises that things will be different this time.
DAN: Sam if things went back to the way they were before I don't think we'd survive.
SAM: And if I don't get pregnant I don't think we will either.
DAN: Is that a good basis for a marriage?
SAM: I want to be a mum.
Dan wonders if she'll truly be able to sacrifice her dream of having a baby if things start to go wrong and she has to go back on her meds. Sam says she'll be able to.
Holding Cell/Number 26
Angst-fuelled musical montage time. The song starts up and Steve restlessly changes where he's sitting in the room.
Miranda and Didge eat dinner in silence, and Miranda can't help throwing a glance to the seat Steve would usually occupy.
Steve stares out the cell door while the well-timed lyrics say: When I think of all the stupid things I've done...
Didge leaves her dinner untouched and walks into the lounge room crying. Miranda follows her in and wraps her in a cuddle.
Steve sits on the bed and stares into space, trying not to cry himself.