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Neighbours Episode 2964 from 1997 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<2963 - 2965>>
Episode title: 2964
Australian airdate: 16/10/97
UK airdate: 31/03/98
Writer: Louise Le Nay
Director: Chris Adshead
Guests: Martin Pike: Fletcher Humphrys
Matt Compton: Jonathan Kovac
Amy Greenwood: Jacinta Stapleton
Jacinta: Caroline Morgan
Mitch: Simon Adler
Nick Pallet: Bob Halsall
Tom Waitley: Peter Ashby
Garry Allen: Gerard Montgomery
Bonnie & Dahl: Trained by Jason Hura
Summary/Images by: Jeremai
- Matt telling Ben he's being transferred to Port Campbell and Sarah saying this is going to be the first successful long- distance relationship in history
- Toadie telling Susan they are going to stop the school from being closed down and Anne suggesting a newsletter
- Susan telling Karl the job is at Wangaratta; if she got it, they would have to leave Erinsborough
Number 32
Ruth is stretching and Lance is stressing about running late to meet Amy to photocopy the school newsletter before school because his alarm didn't go off since the power is still out. Ruth can't understand why he's so uptight.
LANCE: Mum, Amy is the best looking girl in school. She's the coolest and the most popular and I am her boyfriend. Don't you know what that means?
RUTH: No, what?
LANCE: Well I don't know but it's a lot of pressure to be under!
Ruth doesn't help matters by telling Lance he needs a shower because he smells! Lance yells at Anne to get out of the shower.
Number 22
Libby thinks Lolly has put her own shoes on because they are on the wrong feet, but it was Darren! Darren is surprised that Libby and Martin aren't planning to study today and Libby bites his head off. The power comes back on and the blender and music from last night starts up again.
Erinsborough High
Amy is waiting for Lance but Susan tells her off for not getting to class after the bell has gone. Lance arrives and makes his excuses for being late. He wants to finish copying the newsletters but Susan tells him to do it in his own time and threatens him with a detention!
Coffee Shop
Libby suggests rollerblading or ice skating but Martin doesn't want to do anything energetic. Ben comes in and offers to buy them both another coffee. He tells them he's giving Matt and Sarah some space as it's Matt's last night. Martin asks if they're having a farewell party. Darren arrives and thinks a party is a great idea. Ben wants to come up with something to make it memorable.
Erinsborough High
Susan is trying to get her year 11 class to answer a question about a poem. Jacinta obviously hasn't been listening to the question and Susan shows her up. She asks Lance to carry on reading but he can't find the place because he's working on the newsletter. Susan is pleased he's taking the school closure seriously but asks him to work on it at a more appropriate time.
JACTINA: Suck any harder Lance and we'll have to put wheels on you and sell you as a vacuum cleaner!
LANCE: Did everyone hear that? Jacinta actually strung words together and made a sentence. Maybe her brain is finally starting to develop!
The bell rings and Lance apologises to Amy because Jacinta is her friend. Jacinta tells her mate Mitch it's time someone did something to prove what an idiot Lance is.
Number 30
Matt is sorting through a box of stuff that he has had since his school days. Sarah finds a pair of handcuffs and Matt says those are from when he was training for the police. Ben comes home and announces they are having a farewell party for Matt this evening. He spots the handcuffs and slips them into his pocket.
Erinsborough High
Amy is not very impressed with Lance's finished newsletter as it's not very catchy. She suggests some better headlines. Lance says he will go home to finish it and tells Amy that his Mum is out if she wants to join him! Jacinta passes by and insults Lance again.
Number 32
Susan is having a cup of tea with Ruth and telling her about the job. She wants the job but doesn't really want to move. Lance and Amy arrive and Lance is not impressed to find Ruth is at home! Lance has caught the end of the conversation and is even less impressed that Susan is considering leaving. She assures Lance that she will do everything she can to save the school.
Number 30
Matt has finished packing and Sarah is sad. They kiss but are interrupted as Ben, Darren, Libby, Lolly and Martin enter the house, wearing police uniforms. Sarah comments that a police uniform is something she never thought she'd see Darren wearing! Matt and Sarah go to get changed into uniform. Martin hands the handcuffs to Darren who says he's always wanted to put these on a cop.
Erinsborough High
Amy is helping Lance photocopy the newsletter after dark. Amy wonders if they are the only ones around and can make up for Ruth spoiling their fun earlier. A cleaner comes in (Tom Waitley according to the credits) and tells them they have got 20 minutes. Lance and Amy go to put newsletters in Lance's locker. Jacinta and Mitch appear and Jacinta replaces one of the pages that is being copied.
Number 30
Matt and Sarah have changed into uniform (a borrowed jacket in Sarah's case). Ben tells Matt that they got off on the wrong foot, but if he's ever back in Erinsborough the door is always open. He tells Matt and Sarah that they've thought of a way to keep the two of them together... and the others promptly handcuff them to each other. Matt announces he doesn't have the key for the handcuffs!
Matt refuses to go down to the police station cuffed to Sarah to get the spare keys but he won't let Darren cut through them either. Ben says the only option then is to get the spare key. Sarah tells Darren the phone number and he calls the station, much to Matt's dismay.
Number 28
Susan sits down to a candlelit meal and tells Karl he has gone to a lot of trouble.
KARL: No expense spared for the woman I love.
SUSAN: I'm very flattered. What have you done?!
Karl tells Susan that the principal's position has made him realise perhaps he doesn't value her enough. Susan asks if that's what this is all about; he doesn't want her to apply? Karl says a move would be very awkward for him. He thinks Susan will get a principal's position eventually if they stay put, even if Erinsborough High does close. He says there's no point having an argument until she has made up her mind whether or not to apply. Susan says that pretty much answers whether he wants her to apply.
Number 30
Matt's colleague (Garry Allen according to the credits) arrives and is amused; he's even dressed for the party! Before unlocking the handcuffs he takes some polaroids for the others at the station and we are treated to a montage of photos on screen.
Ramsay Street
Matt and Sarah are kissing each other goodbye the following morning. Ben says farewell. Matt gets in the car but gets back out for yet another kiss before finally driving off.
Erinsborough High
Susan is trying to reason with some official, Nick Pallet, about the school closure. She shows him the school magazine that the students have produced. He has a look and we see the bottom half of a picture of "Kinky Kennedy" showing Susan in fishnet stockings, while the top half is left to our imaginations. Mr. Pallet says it looks like she has got some disciplinary issues to sort out and he walks off. Susan hurries after him after telling Lance and Amy to come up with a reason why she shouldn't suspend them!
<<2963 - 2965>>
Ruth Wilkinson, Lance Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 2964
Ruth Wilkinson, Lance Wilkinson

Libby Kennedy, Louise Carpenter (Lolly), Martin Pike, Darren Stark in Neighbours Episode 2964
Libby Kennedy, Louise Carpenter (Lolly), Martin Pike, Darren Stark

Libby Kennedy, Louise Carpenter (Lolly) in Neighbours Episode 2964
Libby Kennedy, Louise Carpenter (Lolly)

Martin Pike in Neighbours Episode 2964
Martin Pike

Ben Atkins in Neighbours Episode 2964
Ben Atkins

Martin Pike, Darren Stark, Libby Kennedy, Ben Atkins in Neighbours Episode 2964
Martin Pike, Darren Stark, Libby Kennedy, Ben Atkins

Jacinta Myers in Neighbours Episode 2964
Jacinta Myers

Susan Kennedy, Lance Wilkinson, Amy Greenwood in Neighbours Episode 2964
Susan Kennedy, Lance Wilkinson, Amy Greenwood

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2964
Susan Kennedy

Matt Compton, Sarah Beaumont in Neighbours Episode 2964
Matt Compton, Sarah Beaumont

Sarah Beaumont in Neighbours Episode 2964
Sarah Beaumont

Ruth Wilkinson, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2964
Ruth Wilkinson, Susan Kennedy

Darren Stark in Neighbours Episode 2964
Darren Stark

Darren Stark, Libby Kennedy, Louise Carpenter (Lolly), Martin Pike in Neighbours Episode 2964
Darren Stark, Libby Kennedy, Louise Carpenter (Lolly), Martin Pike

Lance Wilkinson, Amy Greenwood in Neighbours Episode 2964
Lance Wilkinson, Amy Greenwood

Tom Waitley in Neighbours Episode 2964
Tom Waitley

Mitch in Neighbours Episode 2964

Jacinta Myers in Neighbours Episode 2964
Jacinta Myers

Ben Atkins, Sarah Beaumont, Darren Stark, Matt Compton in Neighbours Episode 2964
Ben Atkins, Sarah Beaumont, Darren Stark, Matt Compton

Martin Pike, Libby Kennedy, Ben Atkins, Sarah Beaumont, Matt Compton, Darren Stark in Neighbours Episode 2964
Martin Pike, Libby Kennedy, Ben Atkins, Sarah Beaumont, Matt Compton, Darren Stark

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2964
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Garry Allen, Ben Atkins in Neighbours Episode 2964
Garry Allen, Ben Atkins

Martin Pike, Sarah Beaumont, Ben Atkins, Darren Stark, Matt Compton, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2964
Martin Pike, Sarah Beaumont, Ben Atkins, Darren Stark, Matt Compton, Libby Kennedy

Matt Compton, Sarah Beaumont, Ben Atkins in Neighbours Episode 2964
Matt Compton, Sarah Beaumont, Ben Atkins

 in Neighbours Episode 2964

Nick Pallet in Neighbours Episode 2964
Nick Pallet

Amy Greenwood, Lance Wilkinson, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2964
Amy Greenwood, Lance Wilkinson, Susan Kennedy

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