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Neighbours Episode 2766 from 1996 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<2765 - 2767>>
Episode title: 2766
Australian airdate: 16/12/96
UK airdate: 20/06/97
UK Gold: 13/06/03
Writer: Lyn Ogilvy
Director: Robert Meillon
Guests: Vince DeBolfo: Alan King
Post Person: Warwick Begg
Dahl & Bonnie: Trained by Jason Hura
Summary/Images by: Sayaka
- Jo tells Luke that she's decided not to move out after all.
- Luke tells them that he's already let Jo's room out.
- Billy tells Anne that Susan has been teasing him and his and Anne's relationship. They agree that they're friends.
- Darren tells Libby that he'll never have a lot of money because he's working class - Libby should stop wasting her time with him.
Libby is telling Susan how hurt Darren is. She doesn't understand why Darren is making her out to be a snob. Susan thinks that he's feeling insecure.
LIBBY: The problem is, he thinks I'm going to move on to bigger and better things.
SUSAN: Do you think that's true?
LIBBY: Career- wise, yeah. At least I hope so.
SUSAN: He's probably just scared of being left behind.
LIBBY: I won't break up with him because of what he does for a living, that's stupid. I mean, you didn't break up with Dad just because he stopped practising medicine!
Susan advises her to just keep reassuring Darren, and if he doesn't accept it, it's not her problem.
Darren is telling Marlene that he's sure Libby will dump him when she goes to University. Marlene says he can't be sure of that.
Luke pops round to ask if Jo can stay with Marlene for a bit (because he let out her room). Marlene says that unfortunately there's no room at the moment.
Just then, Marlene gets a phone call - Danni is in hospital overseas, she's got malaria.
The mate that Luke has let the room to (Vince) arrives. Sarah answers the door and he tells her what a total babe she is. Sarah isn't impressed and points him towards his room.
VINCE: Give it time, babe! Once you get to know me, you'll love me, I'll promise!
SARAH: Yeah, right.
Luke arrives and tells Sarah he's very worried about Danni who's in hospital in Malaysia with malaria.
Anne comes round with some presents that she needs to wrap away from her family's eyes. Billy offers to help her wrap them.
Libby is still upset about Darren, but she's decided to talk to him tomorrow when he's calmed down a bit.
Billy asks Anne what she's got for her parents. She tells him that she won't be seeing her dad - he's gone off to Hawaii with his new girlfriend.
Ramsay Street, the following morning
Libby is waiting for the postman to bring her VCE results. Billy tells her to stop worrying.
Billy goes over to see Anne who is outside her house with the dog. He invites her to watch a video later. She agrees.
Darren comes across to see Libby and tells her that he marks will be fine and she'll have a brilliant life. She tells him that she wants him to be a part of her whole life but he is not convinced
LIBBY: Why are you so negative? Why ruin everything now over something that will probably never happen!
DARREN: Look, I'm going to be late for work. I'll see you later. Good luck. Not that you'll need it.
Luke and Marlene are worried about Danni. Libby pops in to ask Marlene what's going on with Darren. She awkwardly tells her that Darren has been saving very hard for the holiday in the caravan park, and now she's decided to go off to Noosa. Libby says it's a job, not a holiday! Marlene says Darren feels a bit inadequate.
LIBBY: That is rubbish! I love Darren, and if I've got a friend who can get me a job up in Noosa, then it's not my problem!
MARLENE: Look, if that's the way you talk to Darren, Lib...I'm not surprised he wants to have second thoughts about your relationship.
LIBBY: I'm sorry, I'm just trying to make a point.
MARLENE: And indeed you are.
LIBBY: He's making me out to be some kind of snob. You know, have you ever thought that Darren might have an inferiority complex? Cos I'm not the one with the problem. In fact, I think he should have a long, hard look at himself.
Ramsay Street
Vince is moving his gym equipment into No.30 with Luke. Billy helps him to bring in some boxes. He's carrying a video to watch with Anne, and it slips into the box, which has Vince's video tapes into it.
Vince makes misogynistic comments to Sarah, much to her fury. Billy puts the box down and heads off, grabbing his video out of the box. (Ah, but no doubt he's got the wrong one)
Luke tells Billy that Danni is in hospital in Malaysia. He's going to organise a new passport for himself so that he can go and see her (his has expired). Vince continues to sleaze at Sarah.
Billy has arrives to watch the video with Anne. She puts it in the machine and Billy says he'll pop back home to get some munchies.
Ramsay Street
As Billy is on his way home, he sees the postman giving Libby the envelope with her exam results in. She doesn't want to open it yet though, as she's too nervous.
Outside the Pub
Susan sees Darren sitting, forlornly with a drink. She goes over and tells him that he's being silly, and it's as if he wants things between him and Libby to fail.
SUSAN: Libby loves you. I thought you loved her. It's not everything, but if you respect each other as well, that's a damn good start.
DARREN: Yeah, well, she doesn't respect me. She wasn't honest with me.
SUSAN: No, no she wasn't. But I think she's learned her lesson.
Darren is silent.
SUSAN: Darren, you've got two choices. You can either make a future by looking for the good things, or you can sink any chance you've got by looking for the bad. It's up to you.
Libby is opening her results. She unfolds them and looks at them in some shock.
Billy comes back with popcorn for his and Anne's video evening.
ANNE: You can take your popcorn and this and watch it on your own.
BILLY: What's the matter?
ANNE: I suppose you thought I was up for it what with Mum and Lance being out of the house. Was this supposed to get me in the mood?
BILLY:(confused) I don't know what you're talking about.
ANNE: Sure, and I thought you were different, I thought you were really nice.
BILLY: Different to what, what have I done wrong?
ANNE:(holding up the video) You bring this filth into my house and you have to ask? You're worse that I thought.
She shoves the video into his hands.
BILLY: But I haven't done anything?
ANNE: Sure. Serves me right for trusting you in the first place. I honestly thought we might have had something going for us, but then you try to show me this disgusting movie.
BILLY:(looking at the video) Hang on, this isn't the one I hired.
ANNE: Don't try and play dumb, I'm not that kind of girl, so you can take...
BILLY: No, I'm not lying to you I swear! I wouldn't do that to you.
ANNE: Just get out of my house and don't ever come near me again.
Ramsay Street
Libby runs over to Susan who has just driven up.
LIBBY: I did it! I romped it in!
Susan gets out of the car and hugs her.
SUSAN: Congratulations! Not that I ever doubted you.
LIBBY: Mum, I'm in the top ten percent! I can get in to any course I want!
Susan looks at her marks and tells her she's really proud of her. Libby's off to see a couple of her schoolfriends.
SUSAN: You're not going to tell Darren?
LIBBY: I don't think he really wants to hear about my bright future right now.
SUSAN: I still think you should tell him. Wasn't keeping things from him what caused all this trouble between you?
LIBBY: Yes. Mum, he's just going to spoil things.
SUSAN: Your decision. I just think he'll make more of a fuss if he's last to know.
LIBBY: Why is it even an issue? You know, a second ago I was ecstatic, yet now, why do I get the feeling if I go and share this with Darren, he's going to make me feel bad.
SUSAN: Maybe he won't.
LIBBY: What if he does.
SUSAN: Listen! You have to stay happy with yourself. Libby, look at these marks! This is amazing! Anyone who makes you feel bad about this doesn't deserve a second thought. And it's about time Darren realised that.
Billy is sitting eating cereal, dejectedly, when Susan comes in.
BILLY: Everything's going wrong.
SUSAN: Like what?
BILLY: Like Anne thinks I'm a pervert, she hates me.
Susan laughs and he explains about the video. Billy thinks the guy at the video shop must have put the wrong video in the box, he can't think of any other explanation. But suddenly another possibility occurs to him and he dashes off.
Libby tells Darren (who is working) that she got good results. She invites him to celebrate with her, but he says he's too busy. Libby is disappointed and tells him that he doesn't seem very pleased.
DARREN: Maybe I just need some time to think about where we're at, OK?
LIBBY: OK. Do we have to be miserable in the process? Can we just call a truce over Christmas?
DARREN: You just want someone to kiss under the mistletoe, don't you? Alright, a truce. For now.
Luke is very worried about Danni. His passport is almost organised and he's got a flight for tomorrow afternoon. Sarah tries to calm him down, saying there's nothing he can do until he gets there.
LUKE: So, how do you like Vince? Do you think he'll fit in OK?
SARAH: Well, his home gym certainly doesn't(!) Doesn't even fit in his bedroom.
Luke admits that he wasn't very close to Vince at Uni, but he was always a good laugh. Sarah says he's a sexist pig with tickets on himself.
Just then, Vince comes out with no shirt on and Sarah heads off to her room. There's a knock at the door and it's Billy. He tetchily drops the dirty video on the floor at Vince's feet. Vince is unfazed and invites Billy to borrow some of his other videos(!) Billy takes his video back. Vince says that if Anne doesn't like his dirty videos, Billy should find another girlfriend(!)
Billy and Libby are watching the video with popcorn. Billy is moaning that Anne is never going to speak to him again. Libby is moaning about Darren as well.
BILLY: I thought maybe Anne could have been my girlfriend, I can forget that idea.
LIBBY: Did she like you before all this video stuff?
BILLY: Maybe. When she was telling me to get out of her house she was saying something about how she really liked me.
LIBBY: Well, then you've still got a chance.
BILLY: No, the only chance I had has gone up in smoke. It's all over Red Rover before it even began.
<<2765 - 2767>>
Susan Kennedy, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2766
Susan Kennedy, Libby Kennedy

Darren Stark, Marlene Kratz in Neighbours Episode 2766
Darren Stark, Marlene Kratz

Vince DeBolfo, Sarah Beaumont in Neighbours Episode 2766
Vince DeBolfo, Sarah Beaumont

Billy Kennedy, Anne Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 2766
Billy Kennedy, Anne Wilkinson

Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2766
Libby Kennedy

Anne Wilkinson, Bonnie, Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2766
Anne Wilkinson, Bonnie, Billy Kennedy

Darren Stark, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2766
Darren Stark, Libby Kennedy

Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2766
Libby Kennedy

Libby Kennedy, Marlene Kratz in Neighbours Episode 2766
Libby Kennedy, Marlene Kratz

Vince DeBolfo, Billy Kennedy, Luke Handley in Neighbours Episode 2766
Vince DeBolfo, Billy Kennedy, Luke Handley

Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2766
Billy Kennedy

 in Neighbours Episode 2766

Libby Kennedy, Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2766
Libby Kennedy, Billy Kennedy

Susan Kennedy, Darren Stark in Neighbours Episode 2766
Susan Kennedy, Darren Stark

 in Neighbours Episode 2766

Anne Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 2766
Anne Wilkinson

Anne Wilkinson, Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2766
Anne Wilkinson, Billy Kennedy

Anne Wilkinson, Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2766
Anne Wilkinson, Billy Kennedy

Anne Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 2766
Anne Wilkinson

Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2766
Libby Kennedy

Libby Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2766
Libby Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Billy Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2766
Billy Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Libby Kennedy, Darren Stark in Neighbours Episode 2766
Libby Kennedy, Darren Stark

Stonie Rebecchi, Sarah Beaumont in Neighbours Episode 2766
Stonie Rebecchi, Sarah Beaumont

Vince DeBolfo, Luke Handley, Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2766
Vince DeBolfo, Luke Handley, Billy Kennedy

Billy Kennedy, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2766
Billy Kennedy, Libby Kennedy

Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2766
Billy Kennedy

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