Hannah wonders what she'll be doing when she's 30.
Annalise's dad asks her to go on the road with him.
Phil is making gravy in the kitchen and tastes it by licking the spoon (yuk!) Hannah and Jen admire his handiwork and Phil says he's looking forward to a nice quiet dinner. Hannah reminds Phil to put food waste into the compost bucket, or she might have to report him.
Miranda rushes in and shows Hannah some entry forms for a competition to meet Dale. They run off to Hannah's room to fill them in, screaming.
Sam asks Annalise if she's planning to take off with her Dad, but she hasn't decided yet - she might still go to the States. Sam gets all huffy and seems to think that he's low on her list of priorities. But Annalise says she'll make a decision soon and Sam will be the first to know.
Karl and Susan are washing up. Karl is moaning about Helena not finishing off his reports and says she's probably having a fag between each paragraph(!) Just then there's a knock at the door and it's Helena with the reports. She doesn't come in as she's having a cigarette. Susan thinks Karl should give Helena more help in quitting smoking.
Mal and Danni come in and Mal offers to finish the washing up. Karl and Susan are suspicious, and their suspicions are confirmed when Mal asks if Danni can stay over. To all of their surprise, Karl calmly says she can. But then their faces fall when Karl drags out an futon that Danni can use to sleep on the living room floor!
Stonie, Danni and Cody arrive at Uni on motorbikes. Cody tells Stonie that he shouldn't cut any more classes - but they can see each other at lunchtime.
Danni's back is sore from sleeping on the futon(!) Hanah comes up and tells Danni and Mal all about Dale's latest song about Saving The Whales. They humour her.
Annalise is making pancakes when Sam comes back from his run. She tells him she's come to a decision - she's decided she wants to go overseas, but not at the moment.
ANNALIESE: At the moment, I love you too much to leave you again.
Sam is very pleased and kisses her. They agree to travel together at a later date.
Danni has come in to consult the doctor about her bad back, but Karl is filling in, so she makes a sharp exit!
The Pub
Cody and Jen are having lunch. Stonie arrives late as he was doing detentions. Stonie wants to see Cody this afternoon, but she has to study. Phil comes in and tells Jen he's just bought No.32 as an investment! He's all set to be a landlord.
Coffee Shop
Karl is telling Susan that Danni came in to the surgery this morning. She tells him not to hassle Danni. Karl is worried that Danni is pregnant(!) but Susan tells him not to jump to conclusions.
Danni has still got a sore back. Mal tells her to go to the doctor, but Danni is worried that Karl will think she got the bad back from attempting weird sexual positions(!) Mal suggests a physiotherapist.
Hannah passes looking very upset.
Annalise and Sam are snogging on the sofa (I could have done without the extreme closeup). Stonie comes in and tells them he's cooking dinner for Cody and Jen tonight and they'll have to go out!
Hannah runs in and goes straight into the laundry and puts something in the sink. Jen comes in and asks her if she's OK, but she runs off.
Danni has been to the physiotherapist and is feeling a lot better. Karl comes in and tells Malcolm that he wants to speak to Danni alone. He grills her about what was the matter with her and tells her that she can come to see him in the future at any time. Danni squirms a bit.
Stonie tells Cody and Jen that he's cooking dinner for them, and then they can have peace and quiet to study by.
Miranda tells Hannah that it's "nothing to worry about". Phil rushes in and says Jen called him, saying Hannah was upset. Miranda tells him that they heard an interview with Dale saying his perfect girl was blonde(!) It's clearly a lie though.
The Pub
Annalise and Sam are hanging out having a drink. They're not too happy about being kicked out of their own house. Annalise tells Sam that maybe they should get a place of their own - after all, they are already living together. Sam thinks it's quite a commitment, but it doesn't worry him.
ANNALIESE: I've already made my decision. I love you. I want to be with you, always.
Sam is chuffed.
Cody and Jen are studying. Stonie puts some "Sounds of the Rainforest" music on and then proceeds to turn on just about every noisy kitchen appliance, culminating in the power tripping out. Cody shouts that she's lost her whole essay!