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Neighbours Episode 1109 from 1989 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<1108 - 1110>>
Episode title: 1109
Australian airdate: 07/12/89
UK airdate: 15/02/91
UK Gold: 30/01/97
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Graham
Lochy falls out of a tree.
Ramsay Street
Kerry runs over to Lochy. She has hurt her arm, but is more concerned about getting at the magpie(!) Kerry says that they should take Lochy to Casualty. Lochy is pleased at the thought of having her arm put in plaster.
Todd is very self-conscious about his braces while Nick and Jim tease him.
Lochy has got her left arm in plaster and Toby is signing it.
Kerry is upset that Lochy is injured. She doesn't think she's cut out to look after any more kids, but Joe reassures her.
Harold is ranting at Bronwyn that she has to get rid of the possum. Bronwyn says that she's taking him to the vet today and if all goes well she can release him today. However, she needs somewhere to keep him today, so Madge suggests Bronwyn takes him to the Coffee Shop. Harold isn't at all keen, but Bronwyn promises to keep him in the alley outside.
Nick is still teasing Todd. Todd wants Jim to write him a note to get out of his presentation today, but Jim won't because Todd has put so much work into it. When Jim has gone, Todd tells Nick that he's not doing the presentation - he'll find a way out.
Hilary comes to the door and sits down with Helen in the living room. She tells Helen that there's a discrepancy in her tax return and now the tax department are investigating her. Helen suggests they meet at lunch time. Hilary says she's rather go to jail than pay tax on savings that she's already been taxed on.
Lochy has got the day off school and is very bored. She is playing up the pain in her arm a bit to get Kerry to wait on her(!)
Joe comes in and is depressed that he hasn't got any business in. He's worried that there's no money around at this time of year. He's fed up of just scraping by from day to day.
The Coffee Shop
Hilary and Mr Muir are having dinner. Mr Muir tells her that Matthew is a born leader, he just needs guidance into the correct causes(!) Mr Muir is clearly enamoured by Hilary!
There is a crash in the kitchen and Harold distracts everyone so they won't see the possum. However, the possum escapes and runs through the COffee Shop! The customers are appalled and one storms out. Then Hilary says her peace and insists that Harold should scrub the place from top to bottom.
Helen comes in to meet Hilary at that moment, but she's so upset about the possum that she storms out.
Nick asks Todd how he got on at school and he says it was OK. Nick has an idea for the speech night - they could record his speech in advance and then Todd could just mouth it!
Helen's car
Hilary is ranting about her accountant. Helen says that Hilary should just pay the fine to the tax office and be done with it.
Just then a van goes off the road because of a mistake that Helen made. They stop and get out to check that the guy is alright. The guy calls Helen a stupid old bag.
Helen is very shaken by what happened - she tells Jim that she forgot to Give Way at a sign. Jim says that accidents do happen, but Helen says that maybe she's too old to be trusted on the road.
Harold is sulking about the possum and Bronwyn is also upset. Harold says that the Coffee Shop's reputation has been dealt a heavy blow. Bronwyn that she'll stop working at the Coffee Shop and Harold agrees!
Todd is practising his speech. Jim comes in and tells them that he's just disturbed two guys trying to break into his car.
Helen is sitting in the kitchen, depressed. She tells Jim that she's a foolish woman trying to do too much. She starts to cry and tells Jim that she's not ready to be old.
Kerry is doing painful-looking yoga on the kitchen floor while Joe heads off to work. When Joe goes outside, he finds his ute has been stolen.
JOE: Why me? What have I done to deserve this?
Jim comes up and tells Joe that he disturbed two car thieves last night. Joe isn't at all impressed that didn't alert the police or the other neighbours - now he's lost his vehicle and all his tools.
<<1108 - 1110>>
Joe Mangel, Kerry Bishop, Lochy McLachlan in Neighbours Episode 1109
Joe Mangel, Kerry Bishop, Lochy McLachlan

Lochy McLachlan in Neighbours Episode 1109
Lochy McLachlan

Todd Landers, Nick Page in Neighbours Episode 1109
Todd Landers, Nick Page

Lochy McLachlan, Toby Mangel, Bouncer, Joe Mangel in Neighbours Episode 1109
Lochy McLachlan, Toby Mangel, Bouncer, Joe Mangel

Bronwyn Davies, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1109
Bronwyn Davies, Harold Bishop

Jim Robinson, Todd Landers in Neighbours Episode 1109
Jim Robinson, Todd Landers

Hilary Robinson, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 1109
Hilary Robinson, Helen Daniels

Lochy McLachlan in Neighbours Episode 1109
Lochy McLachlan

Joe Mangel, Kerry Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1109
Joe Mangel, Kerry Bishop

Kenneth Muir in Neighbours Episode 1109
Kenneth Muir

Bronwyn Davies in Neighbours Episode 1109
Bronwyn Davies

Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1109
Harold Bishop

Todd Landers, Nick Page in Neighbours Episode 1109
Todd Landers, Nick Page

Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 1109
Helen Daniels

Helen Daniels, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1109
Helen Daniels, Jim Robinson

Madge Bishop, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1109
Madge Bishop, Harold Bishop

Todd Landers, Nick Page in Neighbours Episode 1109
Todd Landers, Nick Page

Joe Mangel, Kerry Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1109
Joe Mangel, Kerry Bishop

Joe Mangel in Neighbours Episode 1109
Joe Mangel

Jim Robinson, Joe Mangel in Neighbours Episode 1109
Jim Robinson, Joe Mangel

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