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Neighbours Episode 0610 from 1987 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0609 - 0611>>
Episode title: 0610
Australian airdate: 30/10/87
UK airdate: 13/03/89
UK Gold: 03/03/95
Summary/Images by: Sue Parker/Graham
At the Mangels
Nell is staring wistfully at a photo of Jane - "An innocent child". Mike is also disappointed that she's gone, she didn't even say goodbye to him. He tells Mrs Mangel that if something happened between Scott and Jane it would have been Scott's fault (some mate you are Mike Young!).
At the Ramsays
Henry tells Madge she'd better cement her engagement ring on her finger this time. Harold says Madge has promised him that this time she won't give him anymore swimming lessons. They get all mushy and Henry says he's off to hit the sack. Harold and Madge waste no time in having a snog.
At the Robinsons
Back on his guitar, Scott is daydreaming of his wedding day - little flashback for the viewers. Jim comes out and gets him to stop playing. The two chat about how rotten life is without Charlene and Beverly. Jim says it isn't too late for Scott - Charlene has her pride, it's up to Scott to make the first move. Scott tells him he's tried but Charlene didn't want to know him. Jim points out that as far as Charlene's concerned her husband and best friend betrayed her and that must be hard to handle. Scott knows, but says it didn't mean he stopped loving Charlene even if he was confused about Jane. He loves her more than anything in the world.
At the Clarkes
Jamie is back in the house. He's staying with Des for a few days. Daphne has also agreed that Sally can move in, much to Eileen's concern. "A single girl, in a house full of men?" Des points out that she's a single girl in a house full of men. Harold comes in singing merrily. He tells them Madge has consented to wear his ring again. Des is delighted but Eileen is devastated.
At the Mangels
Mike is reading a letter which Jane left in his room for him. He reads it to Mrs Mangel when she pushes him that it shouldn't contain things Jane's own grandmother shouldn't know about. The letter says Jane will never forget him, no matter how far away she is. Mrs Mangel says the wretched Robinson boy has ruined not only his own marriage but also any chance of friendship between Mike and Jane. Mike agrees. Eileen calls at the door to take Nell to church. She supposes she's heard the news? Harold has proposed to Madge. Nell scoffs that it won't last - "None of those Ramsay women have any idea how to keep their men folk happy" (!)
At the Ramsays
Madge tells Henry Charlene is no better, just sitting in her room and crying. Henry thinks they both need to get together and explain. He says he didn't give Sally much of a chance to explain to him either. He's going to see her again and sort things out.
In the park
Des is pushing Jamie in his pram and explaining nature to him. Greg is running past and sees them. He appears to recognise Des and runs off the other way.
In the coffee shop
Mike complains at having to work when the coffee shop is empty. They discuss somewhere for Sally to live and Mike says there's a room free at Mrs Mangel's now Jane has gone. Greg comes in for coffee and toast. He asks Mike if he's heard of a family called Clarke (Didn't we just do all this with Sally?) Mike tells him that's where he used to live. Scott comes in and asks Mike if he wants to see a movie that afternoon. Mike cuts him short and says he ruined any chance he had of getting back with Jane. Scott can't understand why people are so upset about one little kiss and Mike shouts that he's hurt people - Charlene, Jane, Mrs Mangel. Someone should show him how it feels. They go outside and fight! Exciting!
Greg and Paul split the fight up quickly. Paul tells them they're both acting like kids. He sends Scott to his car and says he needs a big brother to talk to, he's losing friends hand over fist. Greg keeps Paul behind and says he's going to have to leave the job, something's (or someone?) come up and he needs to leave Erinsborough. Paul tells him he'll have to talk to Jim tomorrow.
On Ramsay Street
Harold asks Mrs Mangel if she's heard the good news about him and Madge. She says all she can do is commiserate and hope he comes to his senses before long. Madge - "Sour old biddy, how dare she?!". Harold says it's going to be very difficult for him when he has to move back in there.
At the Robinsons
Jim is shocked at the news Scott and Mike were fighting. Scott says everything's getting out of control, practically everyone in Ramsay Street is fighting because of him and he's sick to death of it. He walks out. Paul comments that relationships in the family aren't going too well and asks how things are between Jim and Beverly. Jim tells him things are over there too. Paul has more good news - Greg wants to leave too.
At the coffee shop
Mike is serving Des with doughnuts (he seems to be obsessed with them lately). He is going to see Daphne. Des goes out to see Sally in the kitchen and Mike bends down behind the counter to restock shelves. Henry walks in and thinks he is Sally. He apologises for not giving her a chance to explain the other night and invites her on another date. Mike stands up and clears his throat. Henry dies of embarrassment.
In the kitchen
Sally asks Des if he really thinks his mum will let her stay at his place. She says she's really looking forward to getting to know him and hugs him, just as Henry walks in. He is disgusted and demands to know what's going on. Des says they're going to have to tell him the truth and Sally explains that she's in Erinsborough looking for her father. He isn't convinced. What does that have to do with Des? Des explains that Sally's his half sister. They have the same father. He tells Henry that they need to keep it from Mrs Clarke, and asks if Henry will help them. He eagerly agrees.
<<0609 - 0611>>
Nell Mangel, Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 0610
Nell Mangel, Mike Young

Madge Ramsay, Henry Ramsay, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 0610
Madge Ramsay, Henry Ramsay, Harold Bishop

Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0610
Scott Robinson

Scott Robinson, Charlene Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0610
Scott Robinson, Charlene Robinson

Jim Robinson, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0610
Jim Robinson, Scott Robinson

Eileen Clarke, Jamie Clarke, Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0610
Eileen Clarke, Jamie Clarke, Des Clarke

Nell Mangel, Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 0610
Nell Mangel, Mike Young

Madge Ramsay, Henry Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0610
Madge Ramsay, Henry Ramsay

Jamie Clarke, Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0610
Jamie Clarke, Des Clarke

Greg Cooper in Neighbours Episode 0610
Greg Cooper

Sally Wells, Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 0610
Sally Wells, Mike Young

Mike Young, Sally Wells, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0610
Mike Young, Sally Wells, Scott Robinson

Scott Robinson, Paul Robinson, Greg Cooper, Sally Wells, Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 0610
Scott Robinson, Paul Robinson, Greg Cooper, Sally Wells, Mike Young

Paul Robinson, Greg Cooper in Neighbours Episode 0610
Paul Robinson, Greg Cooper

Nell Mangel, Madge Ramsay, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 0610
Nell Mangel, Madge Ramsay, Harold Bishop

Scott Robinson, Jim Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0610
Scott Robinson, Jim Robinson, Paul Robinson

Mike Young, Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0610
Mike Young, Des Clarke

Des Clarke, Sally Wells, Henry Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0610
Des Clarke, Sally Wells, Henry Ramsay

Des Clarke, Henry Ramsay, Sally Wells in Neighbours Episode 0610
Des Clarke, Henry Ramsay, Sally Wells

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