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Neighbours Episode 0608 from 1987 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0607 - 0609>>
Episode title: 0608
Australian airdate: 28/10/87
UK airdate: 09/03/87
UK Gold: 01/03/95
Summary/Images by: Sue Parker/Graham
At the Robinsons
Paul comes in in a horrendous multi-coloured 80s sweater and even Helen laughs at how awful it is. "I bet Gail didn't buy that!" Paul asks her if she wants to work for Home James that day and she agrees as Lucy's at Emma's again. They talk about Jim - Helen thinks he'll be home shortly. Paul isn't looking forward to telling him about all the goings on at the workshop and Helen reveals she has bad news for him too - Beverly's old flame is back in town. More bad news on the way - Scott comes into the living room and asks for his old room back, he and Charlene have just broken up. Paul thinks he is joking but then they see he is crying. Helen goes to do some ironing, leaving Paul to interrogate his baby brother.
In Scott and Charlene's room
Madge goes in to find Charlene lying on her bed and lectures that if she let her she'd sleep all day. She sits down and pulls out a gift for Charlene - an even worse jumper than Pauls! Charlene takes one look and bursts into tears (don't blame her!). Madge asks what on earths the matter and Charlene hugs her, crying "everything!".
At Beverly's apartment
Steven is making himself at home. He pushes Beverly again about her giving him the partnership.
At the Robinsons
Scott argues with Paul, telling him it was only one little kiss. Paul replies that loose lips have been known to sink marriages. Scott says this is so old fashioned - it only lasted a second. Paul says it isn't the kiss that's the problem, it's the fact he was thinking of another woman. Scott thinks this is ridiculous - he gave Charlene his hand in marriage, not the power over his free thought. Paul - "That's just it, you have her your hand. That means you are supposed to keep it off other women!" He tells Scott to go back and try again but Scott won't - he's frightened that he'll be tempted again in the future and won't risk hurting Charlene this much ever again because he loves her too much.
In Ramsay Street
Madge walks past Mrs Mangel pruning her roses. They argue and Madge reveals to Mrs Mangel that Scott and Charlene have split up because of Jane. She says "If anyone else had been involved you would have been the first one to call her a hussy" and storms into the Robinsons. Mrs Mangel shouts after her "My Jane a hussy?!" then realises she's shouted this out loud.
At Lassisters complex
Charlene, in her new jumper and wearing shades (whether to hide her red eyes or protect her from the glare of the jumper is not clear) runs into Paul in his new jumper. She asks if he's seen Henry but Paul hasn't. He tells her he's heard about her and Scott and takes her glasses off. She is crying. He says there's nothing wrong with crying - Scott's doing a fair bit of it himself. Charlene asks how he could do it, she thought he loved her. Paul hugs her and says of course he does. She asks if Scott has said he loves Jane. Paul is surprised and says of course not, he loves her. He tells her to cheer up and she asks what she has to be cheerful about. Paul - "That jumper for instance. It's gotta be the second best in Erinsborough." Charlene cries more. "I don't want to be second best!"
At the Mangels
Jane tells Mrs Mangel everyone is over reacting. Mrs Mangel has never been so humiliated. She is embarrassed that she was unprepared for Madge because Jane didn't tell her what had happened - "How you seduced that long haired lout from across the road, the one who can't even finish High School?" She informs Jane that people will call her a hussy and a home wrecker but Jane doesn't take her seriously, asking who's home she has wrecked. She is more concerned when Nell tells her that Scott and Charlene have split up. Mrs Mangel continues to lecture her on how she will justify the situation but when she looks round Jane has gone out.
At the Robinsons
Helen and Madge are discussing the situation. Helen isn't too concerned and says it's just a lover's quarrel. Charlene and Scott have broken up lots of times before. Madge insists this is different, it's the break up of a marriage. Helen worries that they will make things worse by interfering, she thinks they should leave them to slug it out by themselves. Madge says she only came over to hear Scott's side of the story, she isn't going to slug it out with anyone. Scott comes in and says "Hello Mrs Ramsay". She asks what happened to mum? He looks away. Helen worries that she has to go out to work, can she leave Scott and Madge alone together? They insist they get along fine now and Madge is all smiles until the door closes. Then she turns. "Right Scott, what the hell have you done to my daughter!?"
At Lassiters
Charlene is throwing rocks at the Lassiters Girl poster when Jane approaches her. She rips the poster up as Jane says she thinks they should talk. Charlene tells her to stay away from her - "the next time you mess with my husband it'll be you I tear to shreds, got it?" She runs off, leaving Paul to comfort Jane. Jane tells him she wants to go to America if it's not too late.
At the Robinsons
Madge interrogates Scott. The doorbell goes and he thinks he's had a lucky escape, but it's Mrs Mangel come to join in the fight. Both women yell at him, and each other. As things are getting out of hand Jim walks in and asks what is going on.
Off camera Scott explains what has happened. We return to Madge and Nell still arguing about how Jane was as much to blame as Scott. Nell insists she would have noticed. Madge - "You wouldn't notice if there was a double decker bus in your ear until the passengers started getting out!". Nell hits her with her hand bag. Jim throws them both out. He returns to Scott and says he isn't angry, he just thinks it's a pity. Scott asks him about the Court case and he says he got off. He was rapt, until he came home that is.
At Beverly's apartment
Steven is kissing Beverly's neck. She tells him he is playing dirty but is very persuasive. He continues to try talking her into letting him go into partnership with her, in business and out of business. She tells her there's someone else it will affect - Big Jim.
At the Robinsons
Scott is playing his guitar while Jim does his washing. Scott moans that he'll never be Eric Clapton (isn't that a good thing?) and Jim tells him that's the least of his problems. Scott asks what he would do in his position? Jim says that depends - how does he feel about Jane? Scott answers that she's almost the exact opposite of Charlene - shy, not that confident, hate to get grease over her every day. "I dunno, I like them both." (Wrong answer) Jim says the point is, which one does he love? Scott answers Charlene straight away (right answer - and important in about a year's time too...) Jim suggests he throws himself into serious study for the moment instead of brooding.
At Beverly's apartment
Steven is trying to get Beverly to choose wine. She refuses as she's working. He puts them back in the fridge until later - when they might have something to celebrate - and goes for a nice hot bath instead. The door goes - it is Jim. He kisses Bev and says he's sorry he didn't phone, he wanted to surprise her (with a rose too!). He tells her he couldn't believe how much he missed her while he was away. Cue Steven walking in in his dressing gown asking for a nice clean towel. Beverly explains that she and Steven have decided to try and make a life together. Steven, barely able to keep the smirk off his face, tells Jim it wasn't easy for her to decide. Jim says there's no need to apologise - he's obviously just what the doctor ordered.
<<0607 - 0609>>
Paul Robinson, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0608
Paul Robinson, Helen Daniels

Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0608
Scott Robinson

Charlene Robinson, Madge Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0608
Charlene Robinson, Madge Ramsay

Stephen Armstrong, Beverly Marshall in Neighbours Episode 0608
Stephen Armstrong, Beverly Marshall

Scott Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0608
Scott Robinson, Paul Robinson

Madge Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0608
Madge Ramsay

Nell Mangel in Neighbours Episode 0608
Nell Mangel

Paul Robinson, Charlene Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0608
Paul Robinson, Charlene Robinson

Nell Mangel, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 0608
Nell Mangel, Jane Harris

Madge Ramsay, Scott Robinson, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0608
Madge Ramsay, Scott Robinson, Helen Daniels

Jane Harris, Charlene Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0608
Jane Harris, Charlene Robinson

Paul Robinson, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 0608
Paul Robinson, Jane Harris

Nell Mangel, Jim Robinson, Scott Robinson, Madge Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0608
Nell Mangel, Jim Robinson, Scott Robinson, Madge Ramsay

Scott Robinson, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0608
Scott Robinson, Jim Robinson

Stephen Armstrong, Beverly Marshall in Neighbours Episode 0608
Stephen Armstrong, Beverly Marshall

Scott Robinson, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0608
Scott Robinson, Jim Robinson

Jim Robinson, Beverly Marshall in Neighbours Episode 0608
Jim Robinson, Beverly Marshall

Stephen Armstrong in Neighbours Episode 0608
Stephen Armstrong

Beverly Marshall in Neighbours Episode 0608
Beverly Marshall

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