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Neighbours Episode 0076 from 1985 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0075 - 0077>>
Episode title: 0076
Australian airdate: 01/07/85
UK airdate: 12/02/87
UK Gold: 15/02/93
Writer: Reg Watson
Director: John Gauci
Guests: Terry Inglis: Maxine Klibingaitis
Gordon Miller: Red Symons
Wendy Gibson: Kylie Foster
Mr. Jones: Rob Muddyman
- "Carillon From LArlésienne Suite" by Georges Bizet
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
- Mrs Fielding's husband dies.
- Shane stays at Mrs Fielding's overnight. Max isn't pleased.
- Lucy sees a man with a gun through her binoculars, but Helen doesn't believe her.
- The man is hiding in Des's house. Lucy and Daphne are oblivious. He hides behind the central pillar with his gun.
Luckily the phone rings at that moment and Daphne answers it. Daphne tells Lucy that she's going back to stripping. Daphne remembers where the pictures are and shows Lucy. They decide to take them over to show Helen. The man is still there.
Helen is painting when Lucy comes in with the Japanese postcards. Daphne and Helen have a coffee and chat about her going back to her old job. She says she's getting on a bit better with Terry, but admits that she's very jealous at Terry going out with Shane.
Daphne asks Helen if she thinks she'll ever get married again. She's not sure. Lucy calls Helen to the window - the man is getting back in his car. By the time Helen comes, the man has driven off. Lucy goes to write it all down in her notebook.
Bottom of Ramsay Street
THe man pulls his car up and waits for Terry, smirking. He puts the gun in the glove compartment.
Max's bedsit
Shane calls round to see Max. He tells Max that Mrs Fielding's husband died yesterday. Max is preoccupied - he still hasn't found an apprentice. Shane says he shouldn't have fired Terry and suggests he gets down the job centre quick.
Bottom of Ramsay Street
Gordon sees Terry coming, but luckily Jim passes as that moment and calls out to Terry. He's really mad to have missed his chance.
Maria asks Terry if it's true that she's married. She says she's trying to get a divorce. She is evasive when Maria asks about her husband, but says she's very fond of Shane. Maria says she won't make things difficult for her and Shane - she understands that marriages go wrong.
Maria tells Terry to ask Max for the wages he owes her. She says that underneath it all, Max is really a very kind and sensitive person. Terry looks doubtful(!)
Job Centre
Max has come to enquire after a plumber's apprentice. Apparently they've already sent Max four people, and they tell him he should be more tolerant(!) Max takes offence and storms off.
Bottom of Ramsay Street
Scary man Gordon is still in the car waiting for Teryr. He sees her crossing the street, but Daphne is just getting home, giving Terry cover.
Daphne tells Terry off for not locking the back door this morning. She apologises but thinks Daphne is annoyed for a different reason - Shane. Daphne denies it but Terry says she can see that Daphne is still interested. Daphne insists that what she and Shane had going is over.
Terry asks Daphne if she can borrow her car to go and pick up her wages. Daphne reluctantly agrees.
Danny is moaning about school and how it is inhibiting his thought(!) There's a knock at the door and it's a woman with a suitcase called Wendy. Apparently Maria's sister Anna told her to call in. Maria hasn't received a letter, but offers her a cup of tea anyway.
Danny and Wendy chat - Wendy says she doesn't know how long she's here for. Danny invites her to stay with them! Maria agrees rather awkwardly (and who can blame her - who the heck is Wendy?!)
Lucy is still insisting that she saw a man with a gun. Jim is reading the paper - Gordon Miller has apparently been seen all over Australia. Lucy looks at the photo in the newspaper and says it was definitely the man she saw. Scott looks out of the window and pretends to see the bloke. But it's just Terry and Daphne approaching the car.
Ramsay Street
Terry is in the driving seat and Daphne waves her off. Scary man Gordon follows her in his car.
Shane and Maria are playing chess. Scott comes in looking for Danny, but he's out with Wendy. They chat about Lucy's project and Scott says Lucy is making a lot of things up. He mentions the bank robber story and Shane gets very worried and scary music plays. He says that Lucy could be telling the truth. He rushes off to see Terry.
Shane runs in looking for Terry. He asks Daphne where she is. He rushes off to Max's place to intercept her.
A road
Gordon Miller is following Terry, but she's oblivious to him. She eventually notices him in her mirror though. Shane races after them in Max's plumbing van. Terry pulls up outside Max's bedsit and rushes into Max's flat. Gordon Miller follows, putting the gun in the blt of his trousers.
Max's bedsit
Terry bashes the door down and tells Max that her husband is going to kill him and he's outside. Max goes out, but Gordon is there with his gun and tells Max to get inside.
Shane pulls up and races into the flat.
Inside the bedsit, Max has a look of thunder on his face, but can't do anything. Gordon tells Terry that he's waited a long time to kill her. Luckily Shane comes in at that moment and surprises them, and Gordon drops the gun. Max picks it up.
GORDON: You were in court. You're the diving bloke, in the accident.
SHANE: That's right.
MAX: And I'm his father. You've got a lot to answer for, mate.
Max tells Shane and Terry to go outside.
GORDON: What are you going to do?
MAX: What do you think?
<<0075 - 0077>>
Daphne Lawrence, Lucy Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0076
Daphne Lawrence, Lucy Robinson

Helen Daniels, Lucy Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0076
Helen Daniels, Lucy Robinson

Shane Ramsay, Max Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0076
Shane Ramsay, Max Ramsay

Gordon Miller in Neighbours Episode 0076
Gordon Miller

Terry Inglis, Maria Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0076
Terry Inglis, Maria Ramsay

Max Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0076
Max Ramsay

Wendy Gibson, Danny Ramsay, Maria Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0076
Wendy Gibson, Danny Ramsay, Maria Ramsay

Lucy Robinson, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0076
Lucy Robinson, Jim Robinson

 in Neighbours Episode 0076

Daphne Lawrence, Terry Inglis in Neighbours Episode 0076
Daphne Lawrence, Terry Inglis

Shane Ramsay, Scott Robinson, Maria Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0076
Shane Ramsay, Scott Robinson, Maria Ramsay

Terry Inglis, Max Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0076
Terry Inglis, Max Ramsay

Gordon Miller, Max Ramsay, Terry Inglis in Neighbours Episode 0076
Gordon Miller, Max Ramsay, Terry Inglis

Gordon Miller in Neighbours Episode 0076
Gordon Miller

Terry Inglis in Neighbours Episode 0076
Terry Inglis

Shane Ramsay, Terry Inglis in Neighbours Episode 0076
Shane Ramsay, Terry Inglis

Max Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0076
Max Ramsay

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