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Neighbours Episode 0027 from 1985 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0026 - 0028>>
Episode title: 0027
Australian airdate: 23/04/85
UK airdate: 02/12/86
UK Gold: 08/12/92
Writer: David Phillips
Director: Russell Webb
Guests: Sergeant Hawkins: Neil Melville
Constable Bright: Lynn Ruthven
Carol Brown: Merrin Canning (uncredited)
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
- Danny sees Mrs Brown being mugged and rushes to help. But she is so drunk she thinks Danny is the mugger. Danny panics and he and Scott run.
A Park
Danny and Scott are still running until they collapse under a tree out of breath. Scott asks Danny why they are running away(!) Danny says he freaked out when Mrs Brown thought he was the mugger. Scott says that this is going to look bad.
The police have come to see Max and Maria about Danny.
Outside the Robinsons
Jim sees the police car outside Max's house. Helen comes out and asks him what's going on. Jim says it's probably overdue parking fines!
Helen has come to talk to Jim about Lucy - there's something she won't tell Helen. She wants Jim to have a go.
Max comes up with the police.
MAX: Better go inside, Jim. Danny and Scott are in trouble.
The Park
Danny and Scott don't know what to do. Scott suggests going back and just telling the truth. Danny says it's his word against Mrs Brown's - no-one else saw what happened. Danny is very agitated though and says that Mrs Brown hates his guts. Danny said maybe Scott could be his witness. Scott says lying will only make things worse. But eventually he agrees.
Max says that Mrs Brown is a bit of a troublemaker who has it in for Danny. Max defends Danny to the hilt and Helen defends Scott. The police say that they'll just have to speak to the boys.
Just then the both boys come in. They ask them about the incident with Mrs Brown. They say that Danny and Scott will have to come down to the police station and answer questions about robbery with assault.
Police Station
Scott gives his full name as "Scott James Ramsay".
Danny is already in the questioning room and has told them the whole story - including him freaking out and running. The police want to know where Danny got the money he has on him - Danny tells him quite truthfully that he's been saving up for it while working in the supermarket. Max backs him up - Danny has been saving up for at least six months. Mrs Brown is apparently formally accusing Danny of being the mugger.
Max tells the police that it wasn't Danny. But the police says that Danny has some criminal mates.
Danny eventually comes out of the questioning room and Scott goes in.
Scott is telling the police about looking in the window of the speaker store. Then he tells them that he saw Mrs Brown on the ground and Danny tried to help her up. Then Danny freaked and ran. He said he ran because he panicked when Mrs Brown started yelling.
The police say that both boys will be charged and fingerprinted. He says it's the boys' word against Mrs Brown's and it's up to a magistrate.
Jim and Scott arrive home. Helen is shocked to hear they've been charged. She's shocked at Carol Brown's behaviour. Jim tells Scott off for getting into trouble, saying that Danny Ramsay attracts trouble.
HELEN:(to Jim) Sometimes I think I don't know you at all.
Max is being very supportive of Danny. He says he'll have a word with Carol Brown. Danny and Shane head off to bed.
Maria apologises to Max - he's handled the situation really well. Max says that he won't let some drunk drag his family through the mud.
Danny's room
Danny says that maybe Mrs Brown did make an honest mistake. He's really surprised that Max stuck up for him at the cop shop. Shane says that he has told Danny before - Max is on his side.
DANNY: Looks like I've been wrong about Dad. I tell you, Shane - I'll make it up to him.
Number 30
Max has come to see Mrs Brown. He says he'll sue her if she makes false accusations. Carol Brown yells at him and shuts the door in his face.
Danny's room
Shane wants to know about the local criminals the police mentioned. Danny says that he was with a couple of guys from school at the pinball parlour once when the cops came in and hassled them. He was just with them, he didn't do anything wrong. Shane tells him that the magistrate may think badly of Danny anyway.
Max comes in and tells Danny that there's new rules - he'll be taking him to school and Shane will be bringing him home. He says that until the business is sorted out, Danny and Scott are marked men - anything that goes wrong in the neighbourhood will be pinned on them. So he's keeping Danny in for his own protection. Danny thinks about it and says that's fair enough.
Number 30
Carol has called the police to report that Max Ramsay has been threatening to sue her. They also ask her if it's possible that she's made a mistake about the identity of her attacker. She says there is no mistake. When the police have gone, she smiles wickedly to herself.
Max tells the police that he was just having a word with Mrs Brown so they could settle things privately. The policeman tells him to stay away from Mrs Brown or he could make things worse for Danny.
When the police have gone, Max tells Maria that they need a good lawyer. Maria thanks Max for fighting for Danny and being so calm.
Jim comes round and Max tells him that they need a good solicitor - they could use the same one for both boys. Max says they'll have to bring up Mrs Brown's drunkenness in court as a defence.
Shane is just off to a coaching clinic in town. Danny thanks Max for backing him up. But Max tells Danny that he's only doing this so Maria's heart won't be broken.
Scott hasn't slept very well - he's been dreaming about the incident. He lets slip that he didn't see the incident. Jim says that Scott is stupid for lying to the police. Scott insists that Danny didn't do it. Jim says he'll have to tell the police. Scott begs him not to.
SCOTT: What about Danny?
JIM: To hell with Danny.
<<0026 - 0028>>
Danny Ramsay, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0027
Danny Ramsay, Scott Robinson

Sgt. Hawkins, Max Ramsay, Maria Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0027
Sgt. Hawkins, Max Ramsay, Maria Ramsay

Danny Ramsay, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0027
Danny Ramsay, Scott Robinson

Const. Bright, Sgt. Hawkins, Jim Robinson, Max Ramsay, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0027
Const. Bright, Sgt. Hawkins, Jim Robinson, Max Ramsay, Helen Daniels

Const. Bright, Scott Robinson, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0027
Const. Bright, Scott Robinson, Jim Robinson

Danny Ramsay, Max Ramsay, Sgt. Hawkins in Neighbours Episode 0027
Danny Ramsay, Max Ramsay, Sgt. Hawkins

Scott Robinson, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0027
Scott Robinson, Jim Robinson

Scott Robinson, Sgt. Hawkins in Neighbours Episode 0027
Scott Robinson, Sgt. Hawkins

Shane Ramsay, Danny Ramsay, Maria Ramsay, Max Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0027
Shane Ramsay, Danny Ramsay, Maria Ramsay, Max Ramsay

Max Ramsay, Carol Brown in Neighbours Episode 0027
Max Ramsay, Carol Brown

Shane Ramsay, Max Ramsay, Danny Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0027
Shane Ramsay, Max Ramsay, Danny Ramsay

Const. Bright, Sgt. Hawkins, Carol Brown in Neighbours Episode 0027
Const. Bright, Sgt. Hawkins, Carol Brown

Const. Bright, Sgt. Hawkins, Max Ramsay, Maria Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0027
Const. Bright, Sgt. Hawkins, Max Ramsay, Maria Ramsay

Jim Robinson, Max Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0027
Jim Robinson, Max Ramsay

Scott Robinson, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0027
Scott Robinson, Jim Robinson

Scott Robinson, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0027
Scott Robinson, Jim Robinson

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