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Neighbours Episode 7566 from 2017 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7565 - 7567>>
Episode title: 7566
Australian and UK airdate: 27/03/17
Writer: Paul Gartside
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Emily Newman: Marita Wilcox
- "Leave A Light On" by Jae Laffer
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
- Jack coming up with a plan to Paige.
- Paige telling her mum she's staying in Erinsborough.
- Amy wanting Paige to convince Jack to leave the church.
- Sonya watching Toadie get together with Dee on skype.
- Toadie realising Dee is a fake, she's actually Andrea.
- Karl telling Toadie that Sonya knows he spent the night with Andrea.
- Sonya having contractions.
- David telling Mark that the baby hasn't made it.
- Toadie breaking down.
Despite his reservations that he's flying too soon, Karl helps Toadie get ready for their flight home. Toadie is very anxious to get home to try and fix the mess he's created. He leaves a voicemail for Sonya (she's not answering his calls) to say he's out of hospital and will be back in time for the memorial service.
Number 30
Sonya lies in bed and listens to a voicemail Toadie left for her. Steph comes in to see how she is and to say that Nell is asking if she is okay. Sonya is really struggling and gets Steph to tell Nell that she can't see her to but say that she loves her. "Of course I will," Steph replies and then asks about clothes for the memorial service and Sonya tells her the black dress/jacket. While she is getting the dress out of the wardrobe, Steph asks about the call Sonya received and she says it was a voicemail from Toadie saying he's on his way home and makes it clear that doesn't want to talk to him..."not yet."
Number 32
Piper isn't sure how to react to the news of Sonya losing the baby and Lauren admits she isn't sure whether to send flowers either. Brad thinks they should, to show that they are thinking of them just like what happened when Josh died.
Paige joins the rest of the family and surprises them with the news that she's changed her mind, she is coming to the Gold Coast after all. They are all very surprised at the news but more so the 180 that she's done.
Number 30
Mark drops by to see Sonya and Steph tells him that she's in bed and isn't getting up. He isn't surprised to hear that Sonya is refusing to take Toadie's calls and puts her miscarriage firmly down to Toadie's actions with Andrea. Steph reminds him that Sonya was already unwell from the amnio and that what happened in London didn't cause it.
Harold's café
Jack doesn't look too happy to hear that Paige is going to Queensland and she justifies it by saying that it's better for everyone if she doesn't live in Erinsborough.
JACK: Look, if you're just trying to make this easier for me, there's no need.
PAIGE: Look, the church is your life Jack. Focus on that.
Number 30
Sonya tries to explain to Mark the feeling of emptiness she how has inside her and admits that she pushed for the surrogacy because she really wanted to have another baby. Mark tries to reassures her what happened wasn't her fault, and when he goes to blame Toadie, Sonya stops him to say it wasn't his fault.
SONYA: I lost her. I'm the one that did the test. I didn't even want the amnio. But I did it. I mean we would've had her no matter what. We would've... we would've gotten through this together.
MARK: Yeah, I know. Hey.
SONYA: Why did I do it?
Karl does his best to persuade Toadie to take some pain meds but he refuses to as he wants to keep his head clear.
The flight deck then announce that their arrival may be delayed due to strong headwinds and Toadie frets that he won't make the memorial service. Karl tries to get him to stop worrying as he can't do anything and instead should hope for the worst-case scenario.
TOADIE: I don't even know what that looks like any more.
Harold's café
Steph admits to Susan that she is worried about what is going to happen when Toadie gets back and in turn, she tells Steph about Toadie "jumping out of his skin" at the airport desperate to get home to make amends.
STEPH: Do you think it's going to be that simple?
"No," is Susan's reply and Steph explains that Sonya is dealing with so much, she is nowhere near processing what Toadie did. Steph asks if Susan will talk to Sonya if anything so she listens to her husband but Susan doesn't think she is the right person.
SUSAN: To tell you the truth, I'm just so disappointed that Toadie could do this.
Steph sadly nods her head in agreement before commenting that they "aren't going to get past this easily."
SUSAN: No. Once the trust's gone, no more guarantees.
Outside the Community Centre
Jack pulls Lauren aside while they (and Amy/Mrs Newman) set up for a fundraiser to talk about Paige's change of mind about heading to the Gold Coast after asking her to stay. Lauren admits she's concerned about her daughter's change of mind and that she appears to be being led by her emotions. "Something must have made her change her mind," Jack says and in the back ground, Amy can't but overhear and eventually interrupts them to say she was the one that spoke to Paige and asked her to consider the effect it would have on Jack's career.
JACK: That is not your place to say anything.
AMY: You can't be a priest and raise a child at the same time Jack, think about the fall out. So, I suggested she talked to you about quitting the church.
The Waterhole
Mark warns Elly off joining him when she enters the bar as he's "bad company," but she ignores that because she couldn't leave him getting hammered in the middle of the day alone. Mark scoffs when she tells him "I know how you feel," so she opens up to him about losing her baby when she first arrived in Erinsborough. Mark apologises, saying he'd no idea but Elly doesn't want it to be about her, she just wants him to know he isn't alone and that things do get better.
MARK: I just feel that I'm stuck in a loop, the same ugly thoughts going over and over.
ELLY: You don't blame yourself for this, do you? Because there is nothing you could have done to change this situation.
MARK: No, it's not guilt I'm feeling, its anger.
Church Vestry
Paige is unsure why Jack has asked to see her given he knows the decision she's made. Jack explains that he knows what Amy said to her, adding that he can't believe she let what was said get to her that she wanted to leave. Paige tries to explain that if she stayed, she feared the whispers/disapproving looks from his parishioners would lead to them not respecting Jack.
JACK: I can handle them.
PAIGE: Yes, but we can't. I want my child to feel valued as a person, not treated like a mistake.
JACK: Our child will be valued, people will forgive.
PAIGE: And what if they don't Jack?
Jack proposes a compromise - for her to stay until the baby is born and to see how things pan out. Paige rejects that, because if she leaves now, his parish will never find out that he broke his vows and he can continue all his good work for the community. He points out that there are already rumours and Paige assures him they will die down once she heads to Queensland.
PAIGE: It's the only solution.
Airplane/ Number 30
Toadie ignores the pain he is in, instead thinking about home and hoping that Sonya is alright. "She will be," Karl reassures him with adding that she's likely to be asleep (they've worked out it will be night in Australia). Toadie doesn't think so and right enough, when we cut to #30, we can see that Sonya isn't sleeping. He now wonders how he can ask Sonya for forgiveness when he can't even forgive himself. "You don't know what the future holds," Karl replies.
TOADIE: Well I can't undo this. I was stupid enough to get sucked in by a fake. To fall for her. Now I've gone and ruined the best thing that's ever happened to me - beautiful, caring, funny, brilliant Sonya. She's one in a million and I've gone and stuffed it.
KARL: Toad, listen to me. You know I've been where you're at, I know the feelings of regret and shame but you know there's always hope. There's a huge divide between you and Sonya right now. It's like you're standing on either side of the canyon.
TOADIE: One that I dug with my own hands.
KARL: Yip but you know it can heal. I'm not saying it will happen quickly or easily, there won't be some miraculous moment when suddenly everything better again but there will be countless times of love and friendship and forgiveness. Over time, you and Sonya will heal. Toad, I genuinely feel you and Sonya will find their way back to each other.
Number 30 (next day)
Steph tries to show Sonya the flowers (and card) which Lucas and Vanessa have sent but she's not interested in either although at least she has made it out of bed. Susan calls round and asks Sonya if she is willing to delay the memorial service to allow Toadie (and Karl) to attend since their flight is running late and currently won't make it. Steph thinks it's a good idea to try and get Sonya to agree but she remains silent. Susan tries to convey that Toadie wants to be with her at the service.
SONYA: I don't care. It's not about Jarrod, it's about me and Mark and our baby. He gave up his right to be there, so it will go ahead on time.
Outside the Community Centre
Amy pulls Jack aside during the fundraiser to apologise for sticking her nose in and driving Paige away. "In fact, I wanted you guys to move forward together with your child," she tries to explain but couldn't see that happening without him leaving the church. "Thank you," Jack says before turning his attention to the gathered and thanking them for coming to the fundraiser in aid of the refugee centre.
Paige arrives in time to hear Jack mention the about the loss of Mark/Sonya's child even though she was conceived under "pretty unconventional circumstances", the baby deserved to be "accepted and celebrated no matter what."
JACK: Now, there have also been some rumours about another unborn child in our community, so I owe it to you all to clear the air. I am going to be a dad.
Cue shock amongst the gathered standing listening and Mrs Newman taking great offence and walking away... taking with her the cakes she baked!
JACK: I broke my vows, I let you all down but I've recommitted to the church. I've asked for forgiveness from God and my Bishop and now I'm asking for your forgiveness too.
That request is met by silence from the gathered, so Jack continues by saying he wants to continue working in the parish.
JACK: But I won't deny or abandon my child. I can't. And with so much sadness and loss all around us, we need to celebrate and accept life and love no matter how it comes into this world and wherever we see it.
Once Jack finishes, the mutterings start between the gathered and Amy silently goes up to Jack and hugs him.
Lassiters Complex
Paige sits contemplating what to do while looking at the for sale notice outside Harold's.
Church Vestry
Amy tells Jack that what he did "took guts," and he just wishes he'd been honest from the start because "Paige and the baby are nothing to be ashamed of no matter where they end up living."
Their chat is interrupted when Paige enters the vestry and she tells Jack that is speech meant a lot.
PAIGE: And if you have enough courage to own what you did and stand up for me and the baby like that then I should give you a chance to be in your child's life.
JACK: (very happy) Are you serious?!
PAIGE: Yeah. Yeah, I am going to have the baby here. Even if people don't understand, I'm sure we can make it work.
JACK: We will make this work. I guarantee it, there will be no regrets.
Jack is over the moon at what Paige has said to him and while he ducks outside to take a call, Amy apologises for what she said to Paige and promises to keep looking out for her adding that "if anyone wants to give you or that baby a hard time, well they have to get past me first." Paige accepts the apology and is hopeful she's got nothing to worry about but she's spoken too soon from the look on Jack's face as he returns to the vestry. He tells them that the caller was Bishop Green who has heard about the speech and has suspended Jack from his duties until further notice.
- Teary Mark/Sonya.
- Toadie wanting to be there for Sonya.
- Everyone gathering for Baby Caitlin's memorial service.
- Toadie/Mark arguing with each other.
- Sonya admitting her feelings to Susan.
<<7565 - 7567>>
Toadie Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7566
Toadie Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy

Sonya Rebecchi, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 7566
Sonya Rebecchi, Steph Scully

Lauren Turner, Piper Willis, Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 7566
Lauren Turner, Piper Willis, Brad Willis

Paige Smith, Piper Willis in Neighbours Episode 7566
Paige Smith, Piper Willis

Steph Scully, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7566
Steph Scully, Mark Brennan

Paige Smith, Jack Callahan in Neighbours Episode 7566
Paige Smith, Jack Callahan

Mark Brennan, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7566
Mark Brennan, Sonya Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7566
Toadie Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy

Steph Scully, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7566
Steph Scully, Susan Kennedy

Jack Callahan, Amy Williams, Lauren Turner in Neighbours Episode 7566
Jack Callahan, Amy Williams, Lauren Turner

Elly Conway, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7566
Elly Conway, Mark Brennan

Paige Smith, Jack Callahan in Neighbours Episode 7566
Paige Smith, Jack Callahan

Toadie Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7566
Toadie Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy

Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7566
Sonya Rebecchi

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7566
Susan Kennedy

Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7566
Sonya Rebecchi

Jack Callahan, Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7566
Jack Callahan, Amy Williams

Jack Callahan in Neighbours Episode 7566
Jack Callahan

Emily Newman in Neighbours Episode 7566
Emily Newman

Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 7566
Paige Smith

Paige Smith, Jack Callahan, Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7566
Paige Smith, Jack Callahan, Amy Williams

Jack Callahan, Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7566
Jack Callahan, Amy Williams

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